"Iris...Sarah...she is seizing or something..." Yelled Naomi and all my thoughts of my existence and presence in here just eradicated and my attention, well it completely diverted to the poor Sarah who was struggling for her life.
"Derek.... Sarah..." I yelled at the retreating figure. He turned and ran to us while I ran to the room. She was shivering like she got some epilepsy attack or what. Her eyes were rolled up and mouth open. We held her tightly. I presumed her neurons were disturbed in between the communication, but I never went to medical school so we called the one who did. 911! Okay sorry for being filmy, this is probably not the time for it.
We held her tightly and after like 15 seconds she calmed down and slept back again. Ambulance came again in like 20 minutes. Doctors were checking her, while by now... everybody almost gathered in her room with Mrs.Woods crying again, couldn't blame her anyway as Sarah's seizure attack affected the wound and now there was just blood on her bandage.
"Did you guys talk to her after she came here...about the trauma?" Said one of the doctor who was checking her.
"Yes we did...she was telling us that she saw some.....one...who is.....not here....nowhere....." Derek said difficultly trying his best to not fall in fits of tears. I held his arms but he swiftly jerked it away. I felt betrayed, for no good reason, but it was what it was. Couldn't help it!
"So was that conversation stressful.?" He asked again. Derek cleared his throat reminiscing the happenings and I guess he felt kinda embarrassed to admit that yes it was stressful as nobody was willing to believe her.
"Yeah....yeah kinda was stressful...but later she calmed down....Ire..tell them.." he said hesitantly and then asked me to proceed which I was fearing because obviously they couldn't see me.
"I'm sorry who?" Doctor asked in confusion as much obviously he couldn't find anyone at my place where Derek was waving to proceed at.
"Iris...my girlfriend" he said undoubtly and I smiled a million dollar one...inside out.
"Um...yeah doc...I helped her calm down and she slept in my watch...it seemed ohkay...but would you mind telling what actually happened coz you see her mother over there, she really needs to stop crying." I said as i was getting impatient to know was she fine or not. I guess everybody was.
"Oh yeah well....you suddenly appeared like ghost or what..( and I just chuckled in response weirdly meanwhile everyone were like IS HE MAD OR SOMETHING) my bad...anyways we are trying to make possible cause of her reaction but can't say anything now....will have to take her to the hospital and do a CT scan." He said putting his torch like light back and asking the compounders to take her on the stretcher to hospital.
"Oh and by the way...I think I have seen you before...somewhere..." Said the doctor looking at me confused and I feared the fact that what if he remembers that I was the Jane Doe of his hospital. I just smiled and shrugged at him.
Derek decided to go with her along with Jeremy again. I decided to not go although I was probably the second person, after Mrs.Woods, who was impatient about her welfare. After all, I was supposed to be the one instead of her.
"Derek...." I said desperately when he was leaving the house. He turned around with a curled up brow.
"Hm?" He asked.
"Um...nothing..." And I just hugged him. I didn't know what desperate hormones kicked in me and I managed to hang him from going to hospital for his sister's treatment and have my romantic assurance. I just wanted him to not go....how more pathetic could I be. But to my surprise, he held my head close and inhaled for a second and what I felt like kissed my hair too. It was enough for me to let go. I was assured now. Self-obsessed!
Naomi and Alex convinced Mrs.Woods to have food and drink something as she was too vulnerable. I found the cue and with excuses went inside her room to find that damn box. I needed to talk to Cathy.
While they were all out in the dining area eating the porridge Naomi instantly made for them. I closed the door silently and rummaged her cupboard to find the box, thankfully it was put upfront only. I immediately took the box and stole the ring from it and put it inside the pocket of my dungaree jeans.
I went outside and pretended like roaming in the corridor when Alex called me and asked to have the porridge. I was hungry and moreover, I had to feed the baby.
It wasn't that bad...but horrible. Hate porridge, never gonna have it again. No one liked it, not even Naomi. It just depressed all of us more. Anyways, it's not that important.
I went upstairs to Derek's room as I told them that I needed to rest a little I was dog tired, which I actually was but rest wasn't the option here.
I immediately locked the door of his room and put out the ring. I closed my eyes and just like the exorcist summon the demons, I started recalling Cathy and her baby in my mind trying not to loose my focus anywhere. It was getting intense in my mind only, I felt like a mini storm was coming in my room but in reality none of it happened. I opened my eyes and found her lieing on that side of bed where I spent my night. I put the ring back in my pocket.
"This is where I slept since I was fifteen. And Derek....he pretended to sleep this side( putting a hand on his side pillow) but always used to snuggle up on me and come on my side" she said all these words and I felt so betrayed and heart-stabbed...I can't explain. I turned my face away to not see her.
"You love him?" She asked which caught my attention suddenly.
"Why would ya think I don't" I asked in annoyance. Lucifer was right. She wasn't supposed to be bothered with it.
"Because you are not normal...since past three years I have been trying and trying to catch ahold of him, to appear in front of him, I have seen him mourn and mourn everyday...have never seen him as happy as much he seemed yesterday with you...and you.....you can see me...you are not normal....so iris tell me....do you love him or are you just using him for your own benefit" she said sitting up and I swear I lost all my canon, my confidence.
Derek was happy with me, and I was hiding things from him. And not just normal things but whole truth of my existence and reality....I was hiding it all from him.
"You....you are right. I'm not normal....but Cathy. I love him, I may not know him as much as you do but I love him as much as you did, and in upcoming years...even more than that. So please, I beg you please leave us alone..." I begged her literally folding my hands when she cut me through.
"Leave you alone...? Haven't I already left....that's why you are here in first place aren't you..... Leave us alone...do you understand how it feels to see your family, the love of your life everyday... Everytime and not touch them or talk to them or just...just appear real in front of them. I'm vanished from their life but they haven't....I'm dead but I'm not. My son....my son didn't even get a life to live, he died....he didn't get to understand his father and his family with much senses....how can I possibly leave you fucking alone....this is my family Iris..this is where I belong...you leave us alone...YOU should be the one going....not me"
I was shunned with my lips stuck to each other as they do when they are dry. It takes efforts to part them away.
I was blown with her words. She was right. She did belong here. I had nothing to say. I couldn't just ask her to go again because that would be plain stupid. She couldn't leave for a reason...oh wait! She couldn't leave? Why? I needed more information and facts to proceed this argument further. I just nodded at her and left the room.
Downstairs I heard Alex on the phone with Naomi and Mrs.Woods around him. I heard him talking.
"Yeah Derek...........what!!!........bleeding in her brain....?.......oh lord........no no clam down.....calm down Derek.......a surgery?.........now?.......... alright fine.....don't you worry.....we all are coming there.....don't worry......." And he hung up the phone. Mrs.Woods cries increased louder when Alex just hugged her again and asked her to calm down.
"Iris....are you fine...we have to leave to the hospital...Sarah needs a surgery. Should I drop you to Brooklyn or are you ohkay here...or in hospital....I mean whatever suits you.." he asked looking at me as I was taking the stairs down. I thought for a moment and said
"Actually, I'll be here only...you guys go" Im sure they must have thought gold-digger of me who doesn't want to leave the big mansion. Who cares!
They just nodded and went off. I was alone in the house hoping for Angela and Lucifer to come down. I closed my eyes again and recalled both of them desperately.
"Woman! We have got alot of other stuffs to do...." Whined Lucifer pulling the zipper of his pants up while landing here.
"Oh come on....I have got a whole bigger crisis here Lucy...and where's Angela...too busy to meet me.." I whined too now. Bad company effects!
"When have you become pouty like him...? I was doing nails" Angela said blowing air on her nails while coming here. I rushed to her and hugged her.
"Iris....my nails...." She said while hugging me back though.
"You have powers Angela...you can do them again...now listen to me you two...explain me why exactly Cathy and her son are here.." I asked them while they sat down on different couches. I sat on the table in the front.
"If that broke...you will get glasses in your ass...sit like a normal...swine.." barked Lucifer and I felt like pulling all of his sexy hair right through my nails.
I just frowned and sat in front of them on the ground...the couch in front of them was way too far. Angela just chuckled.
"So the tubelight has finally worked huh. I hinted you hours ago that she shouldn't be here...now you think why.." he said folding his hands on his chest.
"Oh come on...if I had solved that...wouldn't have bothered you guys...now come on....don't play riddles with me, Sarah is dieing.. "
"Oh shut up drama girl.... She ain't dieing...just needs a bleeder and the surgery is over. Now about Cathy...well see as we already told you, we can't tell you everything you need. You have to work up yourself. What I can do to help again is, Look out for what ended her up here at first place.!
You have to work it yourself Iris." He said seriously and I was more confused now.
"See I know this is annoying but Iris....things happen for a reason honey, we sent you here for your own good but as always....a person never does something or anything for their own self only...be it good or bad....the consequences always involves the people involved with him/her. You are here to mend your own mistakes but, its not about you only. People who are anyhow related to you...will come around.
Now think about it and do the right thing." Angela explained Lucifer to me and I listened to her.
My back was hurting so I thought of getting up, the moment I stood and looked up for them, they were gone.
"Iris.." I turned around only to find Derek standing there in distraught state. He was broken.
"Derek....what...what are you....doing here...?" I asked in amazement as he was supposed to be in the hospital.
"I.....I.....I couldn't...I couldn't...." He said but he was stammering. I ran closer to him and that's when I realised he was crying and now choking as well. I ran to him and rubbed his back. He held my hand and tried to breath.
"I can't....I can't...can't breathe.....breathe....can't....irr....." He tried to speak. I let him sit down and held him.
"Derek....sshhhh....relax.....relax..... everything is fine...you are fine....relax and breathe... normally....take in........put out......" I tried to calm him down. He followed me difficultly and tried to breathe normally.
Thankfully it worked and he calmed down. I kept rubbing his back while he held my arms so tightly that I was hoping for a light bruise on it by now. I'm fragile ohkay.... whatever!
"I'm sorry.....I couldn't be there....it reminded....the death....the risk.....the aura..... everything...... everything just reminded me.....reminded me of Cathy....and.....and.....Nathan...." He spoke in between his silent sobs. I just heard him and put his head on my shoulders.
"It's all gonna be fine baby.....you gonna be fine.... Sarah's gonna be fine...we all are going to be fine....and happy......very soon....trust me...." I said with whispering voice.
Had someone like the current me been there with me a month ago...I would have never thought of committing suicide.
"Don't leave me Iris....ever.....please...." He said holding me tighter and that was the moment when I wanted to just hide him somewhere in me, like I was hiding my baby, and get assured that he wasn't leaving or going anywhere away from me....just like my baby.
What do you think Iris would do now?
Don't forget to vote comment and share the story people.
Lots and lots of love to you all!
Signing off
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