🤠Hickory and I🙂
This is for AshliDinkelman. Sorry I've been dead. This took FOREVER. This takes place during World Tour. In this oneshot, Branch has a sister and goes along on the journey with Poopy and Branch. It is also the sister's POV. Story starts in Lonesome Flats jail.
Word count: 1685 not including this stuff ⬆️ and the stuff at the bottom.
"Keep an eye on them, Growly Pete!" Mayor Delta Dawn said. Ugh! What now! We're stuck in here! "Sssssssugar," Queen Poppy said. I knew that medley might have been a bad idea. But we did so good! I just slumped in the corner.
"Okay, Branch, you can say 'I told you so', I know you want to," Poppy said. Huh? What happened? I blanked out. My brother looked at the queen with a concerned face. I think he might have unintentionally upset her.
He then said, "Y-You did great out there, Poppy." Poppy smiled at him. He's so sweet. I know very well of his secret love, but he doesn't know that I know. Honestly, I notice Poppy is affectionate towards him as well. Who knows, maybe I could have a sister-in-law one day.
I sigh. I haven't found anyone like that yet, though. All the trolls are, I guess, not my type. All of a sudden, I see Biggie interrupt their little moment. Oh well. I sorta zone out. Will we make it out of here? We might have to go back home if we do.
I snap out my own little world when I feel some dirt fly on my face. My brother had gotten the shovel he keeps in his hair and started to dig our way out of here. Biggie had joined in. I said, "Branch, watch it! I got dirt on me." He replied, "Sorry, Rosie," without looking up.
I just shrugged and looked for something to help dig. I couldn't find anything, so I just used my hands. Poppy sat down, leaning against the door and sighed. "Plan B it is," she said.
I feel bad for her. All she wants is for all the trolls to live in harmony again. I just continued to dig. We had gotten deep fast. Suddenly, we hear the queen shout, "Branch! Branch! You can stop rescuing us!" We lifted our heads up. I saw this country troll that seemed to have broken down the door. Not gonna lie, he's kinda handsome...
Before we knew it, we saw Poppy get on the troll's back. Branch and I looked at each other, then looked at Growly Pete. He was fast asleep. Wow, great security!
Branch said, "Poppy! You don't even know who this is!" Poppy introduced herself and asked his name. "Name's Hickory," the country troll said. "Hi, Hickory," I said shyly. "You're really rescuing us?" I asked. He said in response, "Sure thing." He winked at me. I felt myself blushing.
So we all started escaping with this stranger.
~Skip to when they fall down cliff cuz I'm tired as hek rn (12:42 am)~
"AHHHHHH!" We all screamed as we fell down the cliff. I splashed around, trying not to drown, and soon enough, I made it to the shore. Hickory soon came up too. He coughed, gasping for air. Once he had gathered himself, I said to him, "Thank you so much for saving us!" He replied, "No problem."
He then asked me, "What's your name?" I answered, "Rosie. Rosie Timberlake." We shook hands. "Nice to meet you, Rosie," he said.
Now, where's my brother and Poppy? I spotted them at the shore, lying down and coughing. I pointed at them and Hickory started galloping over to them. They looked like they were having a little moment. Oh WeLl LeT's RuIn It.
"Whoo-ee!" Hickory exclaimed. "I think we lost them." Poppy said, "Thank you! I don't know how we could ever repay you." Then her face lit up and she said, "Oh! Yes I do..... Gumdrops!" I snickered at the queen. Of course gumdrops! We all loved them.
Branch was still wiping the water Hickory had shook on him off his face. I whispered to him, "Karma!" I giggled. He just rolled his eyes.
Hickory asked, "Gum- what?" I guess he thought it would be rude not to take them, because he then said, "Oh, well. Thank you." He popped one in his mouth, and his eyes had a spark in them, "Ooh, that's got a zing to it, don't it?"
He reaches out to grab another one, but my brother yanked them away. Why, Branch? He looks innocent. Branch said, "It's not candy time; it's question time." I then heard a ding! on my wrist.
Branch said, "Huh?" And looked at his wrist. Poppy said, "Hug Time!" She pulled us all into a hug, but my brother was squirming, trying to get out of our embrace. He eventually wiggled free, and said to Hickory, "Why are you helping us? What's in it for you?"
I said, "Hey, hey, hey! He's innocent!" Poppy joined me and told him, "Branch!" We gave him a look that said, be nice. The queen turned to Hickory and apologized. "I'm sorry about my-" she paused to give a sharp look at Branch "- associate."
Poppy and I walked on either side of Hickory as he explained how "trolls is trolls". I gave a look at my brother as he mocked him. I turned to Hickory and helped Poppy get her message across. "This is the beginning of a partnership between trolls that will save all trolls!" He looked at me and said, "Ya darn skippy." I blushed.
Wow, I don't think I've acted like this in front of anybody before. What could this be? I think I.... I think I might be falling for him...
What is wrong with me? He's a stranger! And he's country! I couldn't be with him; I live in Pop Village. Ahh, Rosie, stop!
Before I knew it, I was being dragged into a raft. Wait, where'd it come from? Well, no matter, we were on it, supposedly heading to another troll's home.
Night fell soon, and Hickory, Biggie and I were just getting ready to eat. Well, Biggie only had his eyes for food and was oblivious to anything else.
Meanwhile, Hickory and I were chatting, and he seems like a really nice guy! After a while, he seemed to have started.... Flirting with me? No, it has to be imagination. Right???
Soon, he said, "Y'know, Rosie, you seem like a nice trolls to be with." I stood there for a second. He means just to hang out with, RIGHT?!
I said, "I- uh- I... Thank you...?" Great. Stammering. Totally not nervous at all. Kinda reminds me of when my brother tried to confess to the queen...
Hickory seemed to notice my nervousness. He winked and leaned in.... And kissed my cheek. 0_0 I.... What?!
He looked at me and said, "Don't doubt me." Well then. He confirmed it. He loves me too. The rest of the ride, we just sat next to each other, lost in our own world.
Skip to in the bubble w/Poppy and Branch cuz I'm just laZ
Ahh! We're in a bubble! Ack! We all start pushing and pressing on the sides, trying to pop it. Then I hear my brother say, "Uh, guys..." We turn our heads to look in the direction he was .
I put a hand to my mouth. The rock trolls were heading towards the funky ship. They were going to attack them!
Poppy said, "No! We have to get back down there, we can still save them!" She struggled to pop the bubble we were stuck in. Branch glanced at her with a look in his eye. After a minute, he said, "Poppy, enough!" Guys, Perfect For Me just came on ;-; 😭 "I've listened to you and done it your way, and now it's your turn to listen. We need to get back home."
I looked between Poppy and my brother like I'm watching a game of tennis. Okay it stopped. The queen said, "I can't go back until one proven myself as a good queen."
The two started to argue, and when I tried to butt in, they just ignored me and talked over me. I couldn't do anything. I hated to see these two fight. They had a really beautiful and sweet friendship, don't ruin it!
Eventually, the bubble popped when we landed, but my brother was looking at his best friend with a bit of anger in his eyes. On the other hand, Poppy looked as if she was on the verge of tears. She gave a look to Branch, seeming to say Please, forgive me.
I couldn't stand it anymore, so I went to find Hickory. Where is he?
After a long while of walking, I finally found him. "Hickory!" I shouted, relieved. He sighed, "Rosie!" We collided in each other's arms. "OhmytrollnessPoppyandBrancharefightingandIdontthinkIcouldresilveitsoIcametofindyouthankgoodnessIdid," I said all in one breath. He somehow managed to understand me, and said, "We should go find them."
I nodded and we set off to find the quarreling couple. No not that couple sadly.
We finally spotted Poppy at the rivershore. Ahdhsha True Colors is on... I do good harmony tho XD She seemed to hear us and reach Ed with caution. She turned around and saw us. "Hickory! Rosie!" We hugged her and Hickory asked looking around, "Where's Branch?" I had a feeling I knew what happened...
As Poppy spoke, you could hear her try to hold back tears. She said, "We had a fight, and he's gone. He's heading back to Pop Village."
I zoned out, hoping something like that happens to my relationship. I snapped out of it when I heard Hickory yelling, "Go, just go!" I started to freak out along with my queen.
Then, we saw... Another troll? Emerge from behind Hickory? He was pretending to be a Country troll?
Oh my gosh... He's a Yodeler!!! "Hickory..." I whispered. Next thing I know, we're captured by Queen Barb and heading to Volcano Rock City.
~ YeT aNoThEr SkIp CuZ wHy NoT tO aFtEr JuSt SiNg ~
I walked over to Hickory, a bit nervous. Before I could say anything, he said, "Yes, it's still happening." Then he walked away. That answer was all I needed. All trolls living in harmony, and some (not just the queen and my brother) having a happily-ever-after.
Ahh finally! Done! And please, no more requests. Imma work on other oneshots of my ideas now. Also, I see you guys are enjoying my other book :)
Have a good day! ~Rain 💙
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