💔 Heartbreak 💔
Get ur tissues, kids.
Poppy had been gone for a while. I mean, yes, she was doing a lot of work today, but she completed her last task almost an hour ago. Branch was getting impatient and worried.
"Ugh, where is she?" Branch asked himself. He was waiting in her pod. The only thing was that she had been doing this for about a week now, each day the time extending. Branch kept growing concerned.
Suddenly, Poppy burst through the door, out of breath. She had a bit of lip gloss smeared, like she had put it on in a rush, and hair in her face. She looked like she had rushed to get there.
Branch turned around quickly. "Oh my gosh, there you are! Where were you all afternoon?" Poppy blushed not wanting to say.
Poppy said, "I.. was just.. busy." Branch raised his eyebrow. "Busy doing what?" Poppy stayed silent. Branch didn't like that.
Then he noticed her smeared lip gloss. He got real suspicious. "Why is your gloss all messed up?" His tone got a bit more strict.
Poppy stammered. "I- um.. I..." If she said why, she'd have to explain everything, and she did not want to do that. Branch narrowed his eyes.
"What were you doing?" He asked again. Poppy didn't meet his eyes. Branch said, "Tell me! Huh?"
Poppy still didn't answer. Branch didn't want to have to actually say it, but he did. "Were you cheating on me?" He asked in a whisper but firmly.
"So is that a 'yes'?" Branch asked. Poppy didn't know what to say. Branch stood up straight. "I guess it is. I can't believe you, Poppy."
Poppy said, "Wait, Branch-!" But he was already out the door. "Branch..." He finally turned around. "What, you two timing cheater?" Poppy had enough.
"Fine!" She yelled, her voice cracking with tears. "I'm not going to have another toxic relationship again!" So he left. Poppy stood there, heartbroken.
Branch went back to his bunker. He went down, upset. Poppy couldn't be cheating on him. No way, she's too sweet. Could she? Branch had to think it over.
He stayed there for a while, calming down. Once he did, he wanted to find someone to talk to, like Prince D. He got out of his bunker, taking the path through the forest.
Before he could get far, he heard a sniffling nearby. He glanced in the direction the sound was coming from and saw Poppy, against a tree, crying, and hugging her knees.
And there was another troll next to her.
Branch got upset and started walking over there, then he saw him get up and say, "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I also hope he doesn't break up with you. You two are made for each other. But if you need another relaxation session, you know I'm always at my pod." Then he left.
Relaxation session? Huh? What was going on. Then it hit Branch: he must have been a therapist or something, and Poppy was probably with him earlier.
He felt stupid for overreacting. He needed to apologize immediately. He knew the best way to approach her while calming her a bit.
He made his was towards the tree slowly, and sat down next to her. Poppy looked up, then away from him.
Branch started in a soothing sort of whisper, "Poppy, I really didn't know. I was being an overprotective boyfriend and overreacted."
Poppy glanced at him. She sighed. Branch looked at her. Then he gently put his hand on hers. She couldn't help but relax a bit under his touch. It was just the way she loved him. Branch felt it and knew she couldn't stay tough for long.
"D-do you want to talk?" Branch asked. Poppy was still a bit reluctant. Branch put his arm around her and hugged her, and that did the trick. She nodded.
"First I want to know d-do you.. still love me?" Poppy asked. She was terrified of a breakup. It broke Branch's heart. He wrapped his arms around her and gently hugged her meaningfully.
"Of course I do... Why would you say that? I will always love you and will never stop loving you," Branch said against her.
Poppy snuggled her head into Branch's chest, sighing with relief. "I was so worried you'd break up with me..." She loved him too much to lose him now.
Branch kissed her nose. "Don't you ever think that I would get rid of you. You're my world." He could see the slight smile she gave.
Then Branch remembered something. He didn't want to upset her, but he really wanted to know. "Earlier you said... You said you didn't want another... toxic relationship... You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but what was that about?"
Poppy gave a small gasp and looked down. She tries to talk but she choked on her words. Instead of stopping she grabbed Branch's hand.
Then she spoke. "W-when I was still a princess, th-there were boys who I liked and who wanted to date me... One was very harmful to me.. he didn't like me crying over it and broke up with me. I didn't really love him anyway.. because.." she paused to nudge Branch lightly, "I love you." She smiled and blushed a bit.
Then she continued. "I really didn't do love or crushes anymore because I didn't think I would find the right one, one that wouldn't harm me in any way. But.. when we became friends... I knew I loved you." Her smile grew and blushed a bit more. Branch was still all ears.
"I felt that you would be a good match. And I was right. You make me feel safe, I'm a lot more comfortable around you, and you're gentle. So I still try to forget about the past and enjoy my time with you."
Branch didn't know what to say. All he could do was wrap his arms around her, enjoying the embrace she returned. Poppy held him tighter, feeling the warmth and the butterflies he gave her.
"Well... I'll always be here for you," Branch said. Poppy giggled lightly. "I know you will." They stayed in each other's arms for a while, loving each moment.
The end because I forgot the rest of what I was gonna write and I gots stuffz to do. 💙
Oh btw inspired by a Jatie Vlogs video
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