Tatsu's Guardian Angel
"What the heck..?" Grumbled Bakugou, as he walked over to a nearby arcade building that was brightly lit despite how late at night it was. "Why the heck am I here..!?"
He stopped where the rest of his classmates were all gathered... some of them were still wearing their pajamas.. and they weren't the only ones there..
All Might and Accelerator were there as well..
"Yo! Bakugou! You're late!" said Kirishima.
"Traffic.." grumbled Bakugou. "What the friggin hell is going on?"
"Miyo-chan! She's been taken!" said Caulifla.
"Ribbit!? Kidnapped!?" said Tsu.
"That's right." said Deku." I watched it happen! I don't think the kidnapper has ill intent, but the fact is she might be in trouble!!"
"Damn.. at this time of night!" said Tenya, dressed in boxers and a sleep shirt. "Midoriya! Do you have any more information!? And.. might I ask.. why are WE handling this.. I mean she IS our friend but.."
"But we don't even have our provisional licenses yet.." Todoroki muttered. "This is a job for the licensed heroes.. "
"That is a complicated issue in itself!" said All Might. "I told Midoriya to gather you all here, for the sole reason that we cannot afford to have anybody else work on this without affecting a delicate negotiation currently taking place even at this very moment tonight!"
"A.. All Might.." Deku murmured.
"Don't tell me you're gonna reveal it all.." Todoroki muttered.
"Miyoko... is... a foreign exchange student.. as you all know.. but she's also a highly important one.. her mother is what you might call a representative from a highly influential power that is currently negotiating a highly profitable alliance with our country." said All Might. "However according to intelligence, the League of Villains is not happy with this alliance.. "
"Are you saying the League of Villains attacked her?" Kirishima asked hastily.
"No.. we believe the woman who took Miyoko ain't associated with those posers.." spat Accelerator. "She's a misguided individual who believed herself to be protecting her.. and might be running from the league herself.. keh.. so bothersome.."
"However.. every major hero is currently patrolling and maintaining the negotiations that are ongoing at the government building." said All Might. "In other words.. the league is probably keeping a close eye on the situation.. which means.."
"Alerting some major heroes can also alert the League that a political figure's daughter is ripe and vulnerable for the picking.." said Deku. "We need to do this ourselves!"
"Alright!" said Mina, pumping her fists. "I think I understand! We should split up.. cover ground faster that way! I think I can search the Southern part of the city! What do you say Momo!?"
"I can help with that.." said Momo. "Everybody should search in groups, is that okay?"
"YES! But make sure we all have each other's cell numbers!" roared Tenya. "What does the kidnapper look like!?"
"A woman with blonde hair, dressed like a knight.. like Freya.." said Deku.
"Does she possess a blade?" Freya asked abruptly.
"I.. didn't see one.."
"Oh no.. Miyoko... Miyoko.. what do I do..?" Tatsu muttered, trembling. "I'm so useless to help again.. "
"Organize groups as you see fit." Accelerator spat. "You find the woman, don't approach.. contact me or Muscle Man here.. of all the times for Drakson to be out.. just know.. if she's who we suspect, she's highly dangerous in a fight, even if she doesn't mean harm.. everybody organize your search parties and get moving!"
"OI!!" Caulifla roared out. "Who doesn't mind a bunch of Gs and constant badmouthing!?"
"I'm not too easily offended." Said Tokoyami.
"You're coming with me bird guy!" roared Caulifla, grabbing Tokoyami suddenly and shooting off into the sky in a burst of ki aura.
"HEY! WE NEED TO DISCUSS WHERE WE'RE SEARCHING!!" Tokoyami called out as the pair became a speck in the night sky.
"I'll search with Iida-san!" said Ochaco determinedly. "And Deku-kun! You come too!"
"Got it!" said Deku.
Tatsu stared as everyone began forming up groups, his body shivering as he clutched his pajamas fearfully. Miyoko.. was out there.. alone.. probably scared.. and he had been only feet away from her.. sleeping..
And here they were now, planning to save her.. and once more.. his mind drew a blank.. he was afraid.. for both Miyoko and of the fact that whatever person kidnapped her might have an easy time at killing him..
And what was he going to do when Miyoko needed help!? And he wasn't strong enough to help her!?
"Oi.. Tatsu.."
Should he even be part of this search party? Wouldn't he just weigh everyone down?
"HEY PINK HAIR!! Get your ass here!!"
Tatsu froze... he looked up slowly to see Kirishima and Bakugou.
"You took too long deciding.. so you're coming with us!" said Kirishima.
"With... Bakugou..?" Tatsu squeaked, staring at Katsuki Bakugou with fear just beginning to dawn further on his face. "With... K.. Katsuki.. Bakugou..?"
"Yep.." said Kirishima.
"...." Tatsu stared for a moment.. then...
"NOOOOOOOOO!!" Tatsu squealed as Kirishima dragged him behind the group.. Tatsu clawing at the ground desperately. "ANYBODY BUT HIM!! PLEAAAAASE! CAULIFLA!! FREYA HELP!!!"
"They're already off with their own groups! That's what you get from taking too long to choose!" Kirishima exclaimed as he continued to drag Tatsu behind them. "Hey! Take it easy Tatsu.. Bakugou ain't too bad once you get to know him! Give him a chance!"
"A.. A chance?" Tatsu stammered, standing up and looking at Bakugou.
Bakugou glared at Tatsu.. his eyes becoming so intense.. that Tatsu began to feel his insides beginning to melt into magma.
"EEEEEEEEE!!" Tatsu quickly hid behind Kirishima, who sighed.
"Okay.. admittedly, he takes a little getting used to.." said Kirishima. "But it won't be THAT bad.. promise!"
"BOOOOOOMMMMM!!!" suddenly, an explosion went off in the distance, and the group went silent.
"What was that!?" Kirishima exclaimed.
Bakugou looked silently in the direction of towering flames swirling out in the distance. "C'mon.. let's go.."
"Wh.. what about Miyo-?!" Kirishima began to say.
"For all we know this could have something to do with her.." said Bakugou. "Just follow me and check it out already.."
"Smart but abrasive as always.." said Kirishima with a sigh. "Come on Tatsu, let's do this!"
"Uh.. uh okay.." Tatsu squeaked, following Kirishima reluctantly as Bakugou dashed in the direction of the explosion.
And what they found when they got there... was beyond anything any of them had ever seen..
Multiple buildings lay in ruins.. as if torn apart by a hundred earthquakes.. it was an absolute disaster area... flames rippled all over the ruined structures.. parts of the street were molten.. and black static seemed to crackle in the air..
Tons of heroes were on the scene, yelling to each other.. as well as police vehicles, and ambulances.. as officials and heroes alike worked to cart hundreds of injured people over to the emergency vehicles..
Men.. women.. children alike, were all being pulled from the crumbling and burning wreckage.. stained with blood.. some barely conscious.. others crying out in terrible pain..
"Wh.. what is this!?" Tatsu stammered. "Wh.. what could've done such a thing..?"
"YOU!!!" roared a voice.
It was a hero, he wore a wooden mask and gauntlets and boots on his blue costume, giving off the appearance of a ninja. A famous high ranking hero known as Kamui Woods.
"GET OUT OF HERE NOW KIDS! YOU DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!! TRUST ME!" Kamui Woods roared frantically. "GO!! RU-"
There was a heavy dark shadow over Kamui Woods, his eyes widening with a mixture of fear and shock.. as whatever had suddenly appeared behind him.. opened it's glowing red masked eyes.. clutching his shoulder with it's vicious bone-like claws.
"Th.. that's.. a.." Tatsu said, his eyes wide with fear too.
"Damn.. " Kamui Woods had just enough time to say, right before he fell to the ground.. his blood splattering over the rubble.. and the demonic masked entity stood up silently.. steam hissing from between her masked jaws..
"GET THE CITIZENS TO SAFETY!!" screamed one of the heroes. "EVERYONE ELSE MOVE!!"
"Wh.. what is that thing!?" Kirishima squealed, looking blue in the face with sheer fear. "It's.. so..."
As the heroes all dove to attack the hollow, the Vasto Lorde opened her jaws, and let out a tremendous primal roar..
A massive shockwave blasted out from the sound of her roar alone.. her eyes blazing.. black lightning coursing from her body.
The shockwave swept away all the heroes in one fell swoop.. sending them all flying as rubble and buildings were ravaged into the earth..
Over 55 top heroes.. beaten by a single roar.. and the only ones still standing were the people not in range..
"D.. Damn it all.." Kirishima whimpered. "W.. we have to run guys.. GUYS COME ON!!"
Bakugou gritted his teeth and flexed his fingers.. explosive popping noises coming from his palms. "Grrr... in.. just the roar alone.. "
"COME ON BAKUGOU! Don't be stubborn! We LITERALLY don't stand a GHOST of a chance against THAT!!" Kirishima roared.
"We can't leave.." Tatsu said.
Kirishima stared at Tatsu, his jaw dropping. Bakugou he could see being stubborn on this.. but.. TATSU!?
"You're choosing NOW not to be scared!?"
"I AM SCARED!!" Tatsu screamed. He looked back at the other two, and Kirishima was stunned to see a waterfall of tears coming down his cheeks.. his body shaking fervently.. as if he just wanted to drop dead. "I'm completely frightened.. all the way down to my core!"
Bakugou stared at Tatsu silently, his expression unreadable.
"But.. that mask.." Tatsu whispered.. "The etchings on it.. I recognize that mask.. I've seen her use it ONCE.. against Metaton back in New Guild City.. I know who that Hollow is.."
"Hollow?" said Kirishima. "What are you..?"
"That monster... IS MIYOKO!" Tatsu said, turning to face his best friend's Vasto Lorde form.. still trembling. "AND I can't leave her in pain like this!"
There was a stunned silence.
"THAT.. thing.. IS MIYOKO!?" Kirishima roared. "WHAAAT!?"
"She doesn't know what she's doing.. something.. something happened, causing that inner hollow of hers to go out of control.. it happened to her mom.. or I heard." said Tatsu, clenching his fists. "Right now.. she's completely out of her mind.. in pain.. and I have to help her.. because.. BECAUSE I'M A MEMBER OF FAIRY TAIL.. JUST LIKE HER!! I CAN'T LEAVE HER LIKE THIS!!!"
"Kid.. I don't even know what you're going on ab-.." Kirishima began to say, but Bakugou spoke up.
"Shut it Kirishima."
"EH!?" Kirishima said. "COME ON!! This is suicide! We have to-."
"HEY.. USELESS PINK HAIR!" Bakugou roared. "Ya wanna be a hero!? Ya wanna save your friend!?"
Tatsu stared at Bakugou with surprise for a moment, then nodded. "Y.. yeah.. I do.."
Bakugou grinned. "HA!! Well screw that, you're so useless.. no way you could do anything of the sort.. "
"B.. Bakugou.." Tatsu stuttered.
"Which is why a REAL hero's gonna do it for you!!" Bakugou roared. "YOU GET IN CLOSE.. YOU GET IN AND YOU DON'T RUN AWAY!! I'll make sure the only thing your stupid girlfriend's looking at.. IS ME!!!"
Bakugou exploded into the air.. flying directly at Vasto Lorde Miyoko
"HOWITZER... IMPAAAAAAAAACTTTT!!" Bakugou screamed, throwing a ginormous explosion the size of an entire two story house right into Miyoko..
"BOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" for a moment.. the huge fireball swirled, but then, it was blasted apart.. as the Vasto lorde casually swiped it aside with a little shift in movement from her hand.. as if it were just a slight annoying breeze..
Miyoko looked up.. her pale white-skull mask with it's black markings. shimmering in the light of the flames that sparked upon the destruction she had caused... silent and uncaring.. as she stared up at Bakugou.. the creator of the slightly annoying breeze that had caught her attention.
Bakugou landed right in front of Miyoko, and hurled out his hands.. firing multiple ginormous explosions into the Vasto Lorde.
The entire block shook with immense power.. the street cracking.. heat blazing.. as Bakugou unloaded all of his might like a machine gun loaded with grenade launchers.. the remaining standing houses blown to pieces.
"BULLSHIT!!" Bakugou roared, turning his head back to look at Tatsu. "LISTEN TO ME.. YOU COWARD!!! You're USELESS.. SPINELESS... and yet.. YA SOMEHOW.. ARE HERE!! That's what annoys me about you.. about DEKU!!! So the ONE time I decide to help out your worthless ass.. you better.. HAVE NOT... PUT THAT TO FUCKING WASTE!! UNDERSTAND!!! EITHER HELP OUT.. OR LIE DOWN AND DIE!!!"
Tatsu stepped back.. winded by Bakugou's words, his mouth opening slightly.
"FOOOM!!" The explosion was suddenly blown apart, as a hollow's clawed hands grabbed Bakugou's throat, stopping him mid attack.. lifting him into the air.
"BAKUGOUUUUU!!!" roared Kirishima frantically.
"D.. Don't... just.. stand there.." Bakugou choked.. still glaring directly at Tatsu..as the life was slowly squeezed out of him. "Ya... big scaredy cat.."
Tatsu gritted his teeth.. and in that moment.. the image of Frieza's taunting face vanished from his head... instead.. Miyoko's smiling one replaced it... a smiling face.. he might never see again.. if he didn't do something...
"AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Tatsu screamed.. and his scream came out.. sounding like a dragon's roar.. the ground trembled.. and all the flames in the area that blazed over the destruction and carnage.. flowed towards Tatsu.. swirling into his mouth at immense speed.
"He's.. eating the fire!?" said Kirishima.
Vasto Lorde Miyoko hissed and loosened her grip on Bakugou's throat as she stared at Tatsu with curiosity.
Tatsu gulped down the last of the flames.. letting out a huge sigh. "DRAGON.. SKIIIINNNNN!!!"
"KAAAAFFOOOOOOMM!!" Flames exploded out around Tatsu.. as a tremendous red scaled dragon blasted out from where Tatsu had been only seconds before.
"RRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAARR!" Tatsu's dragon form bore it's fangs viciously.. as flames gushed out from it's jaws.. trailing behind it as it charged.
Vasto Lorde Miyoko threw Bakugou aside.. baring her masked fangs.. as Tatsu slammed into her in a huge flaming scaly collision
Even in Tatsu's Dragon Skin Form.. The Vasto Lorde was far stronger.. Miyoko stopping Tatsu's charge easily, her clawed feet only ripping the ground up slightly as she was shifted just a few feet.
But Tatsu wasn't trying to win that way.
Somebody.. somebody had to have heard about the destruction here.. Somebody would come... his father.. Mikoto Misaka.. somebody strong enough to help Miyoko.. and all Tatsu needed to do.. was hold her here until help arrived.
"RRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHH!!" the Vasto Lorde made to push the giant dragon off her.. doing so easily, but as she did, Tatsu suddenly bit his massive jaws into Miyoko's tail.. clutching her tightly with both his foretalons.. as massive magical flames burned around them both.
"SCREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Miyoko hurled out a powerful blast of black lightning, which immediately blew the dragon off her with immense ease.. and Tatsu was sent hurtling back into his human form... smashing into the earth with a tremendous shockwave.
Tatsu stood up from a smoking crater, clutching a broken arm.. blood and bruises all over. "I.. I AIN'T FINISHED YET... I'm... I'M ALL FIRED UP!!!"
As Tatsu stood.. a voice spoke from within his head... it didn't sound like his own voice.
"Yes.. stand up.. show your beautiful flames.. show how they flow and burn... ufufu.. they shine... BEAUTIFULLY!!"
Tatsu let out a scream as his Magma gauntlets activated.. and churning powerful flames blazed into the air, and he charged forward.
Bakugou grinned, as he charged alongside Tatsu, his hands blazing with massive explosive power. "HEH.. DIEEEEEEEE!!"
"Oh shit.. guess I'm in this too huh!" roared Kirishima as hard skin colored craggy armor emerged on his forearms.. "LET'S DO THIS THEN!"
The three fighters charged at Miyoko.. all three of them knowing they didn't stand a chance.. but their desires to save their friend overwhelming their desire for self preservation.
And as they did, Vasto Lorde Miyoko opened her jaws.. and a powerful giant black cero crackling with lightning began to charge there... the black cero grew until it was the size of a three story building..
There was no way any of them would survive that..
But at that moment.. none of them really cared.. This wasn't about life and death.. it was about saving an innocent life.
As they ran forward to their doom, Frieza, in his normal form, his white skin glowing orange in the light of the flames below, hovered above, chuckling. "Well.. this isn't something I expected.. but if that dangerous brat of Dragneel's is gone.. perhaps that is a good thing.. Ohohohoho.."
Miyoko fired the giant Cero... and as it neared, Tatsu closed his eyes.. bracing himself for death.. "Sorry Miyoko.. but.. I won't stop trying.. even if this means goodbye.
"Oh my Praetor.. this isn't goodbye... you have shone GLORIOUSLY... but now it is my turn to shine oh so gloriously!.. Umu~.."
Tatsu suddenly stopped in his tracks.. as a burning light ignited in his chest.. it was hot.. and painful!!
"OW!! OWOWOWOWOWOW!! WHAT!?" Tatsu choked. "H.. HEY!!!"
Frieza stared, gritting his teeth. "N... No.. not her.. she's... so.. ANNOYING!!"
A blazing flame tore out from Tatsu's chest, and crashed in front of the cero.. and a figure took shape in the flames..
A red sword.. long as the wielder's body.. red as roses.. with a artful slender design, slashed into the black massive of electricity and spiritual pressure.. and while it wasn't powerful enough to destroy the attack.. it managed to shift the Cero ever so slightly, just enough so that it sailed past the group and into the sky... blasting the clouds apart..
From the flames emerged a woman.. her face and even hair was immensely similar to that of Saber's.. except, her smile brimmed with an artful arrogance and playfulness that wouldn't be found anywhere on the face of Arturia Pendragon.
She wore a red gown, with a transparent white dress that showed her legs underneath, with golden armored boots. She spun her sword skillfully in one hand.. and rose petals seemed to flutter from the mere act of swinging her bade.
"AH!! Yes! After that despicable so called Emperor Frieza sealed me away, it was starting to get cramped in there my Praetor.. but... WORRY NOT!" the girl thrust her hands into the air, as if in a performance. "Umu~ A Real Emperor.. worthy of the beauty of a thousand stars.. now comes to rectify that tailed menace!"
Tatsu, Bakugou and Kirishima just continued to stare..
"She.. purty.." Kirishima finally managed to say.
Bakugou and Tatsu both looked at Kirishima, their eyes turning into deadfish eyes in an instant. "Eh..?"
"WELL SHE IS!" roared Kirishima.
"Glorious! You boy! You have a wonderful eye for beauty don't you? Umu!" said the girl, winking. "Yes! My beauty.. my very form is art! Umu.. Praise me! love me! Just as I love you all! My beautiful citizens.. and my wonderful Praetor, whose flame lights up in courage! Yes! A true grandson of Igneel!"
The girl faced Vasto Lorde Miyoko who was eyeing her silently, curiously, hissing.
"My.. Miyoko my dear.. you've grown strong.. but you've lost your way too! Umu! I prefer you when you are whole and sane my dear! Allow me to help save you!"
The girl held up a hand, holding a beautiful red rose into the air. "Tatsu.. this will only last for a few moments.. that hollow's energy is too strong for this move to contain it for long.. You're going to have to lend me a hand after I weaken her... okay?"
"B.. But whatever you do.. will it be enough for me to do anything at all!?" Tatsu stammered. "Miyoko... has.. so much power it's crazy.."
"Umu~ that's right.. it wouldn't do if you just hit her any old place would it?" said the girl with a wink. "That's why.. you need to think.. what is the source of all that crazy power right now?"
"Th.. The mask!" Tatsu said. "We need to shatter that mask!! But she's too fast.."
"That's why.." said the girl as she threw the rose.. and it scattered into red petals. "I AM HERE! Witness the golden theater... The great performance is now! My Last Encore!!... AESTUS.. DOMUS.. AUREA!!!!"
"SHEEEEEENNN!!!" All around the group.. the street disappeared..as suddenly they all found themselves in a MASSIVE theater.. comprised of gold.. with thousands of seats, comprised of gold too... red and white stone.. with beautiful intricate structures and statues.. as if all the greatest artists and metal, and stone workers in the world decided to build one tremendously beautiful building right in the middle of the city.
And the girl's sword.. blazed with heat.. flames of immense passion exploded along the edge.. as rose petals soured around it.. But that wasn't the only effect of the theater..
Vasto Lorde Miyoko, while initially still, observant and quiet.. grunted.. hissing viciously as she began to sweat, her tail waving slower.
"This place.. it's weakening her!" said Kirishima..
"RRRRRAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!" The Vasto Lorde let out another roar, another shockwave blasting out from her.
"Not nearly weak enough to beat her though!" said Kirishima.
"We don't have to beat her.. just get her still enough to smash that mask on her face." said Tatsu quickly. "Hollows have inherently fragile masks, more fragile than the rest of their body. High level hollows instinctively shroud their masks in spiritual pressure, making them just as durable as the rest of their bodies sometimes... but still.. if we can only just CRACK the mask.. Miyoko might be able to break away from her inner hollow."
Tatsu gritted his teeth. "See me Miyoko!! I'm about to use it.. the power you gave on my last birthday.. TO FINISH IT!!"
"ZZZZZZZTTTTT!" Tatsu's flames erupted around him.. as suddenly.. white and blue lightning crackled out around him as well..
"E.. electricity? Wha-!?" said Kirishima. "Is.. he like Todoroki!?"
Tatsu's magma gauntlets burst with power.. as the wrist areas suddenly sparked as electrical energy blazed around them like a crackling blue mane.
"MAGNA PUNCH.. OF THE FIRE THUNDER DRAGON!!!" Tatsu screamed, hurling a punch forward.
Immediately, a giant blast of flames and lightning erupted from Tatsu's punch.. blasting right at Miyoko.
The Vasto Lorde suddenly seemed to flash and shimmer away..
"Sonido!?" Tatsu exclaimed as the monster appeared right behind Bakugou.
"SCREEEEEEEE!" The hollow slashed a black lightning cloaked claw at Bakugou.
"SHIT!?" Bakugou had just enough time to say, right before the girl appeared in front of him.. and hurled her flaming blade upwards, parrying the powerful strike.
"Now now.. you haven't seen how beautifully I dance yet!" said the girl confidently as she hurled a blazing flame slash at the hollow.
Miyoko easily batted aside the girl's attack, but she wasn't exuding the same immense power she had before. The Theater.. whatever it was.. it was working...
But Miyoko suddenly started roaring again.. and as she did.. the earth trembled.. and the theater's structure began to crumble, unable to contain the sheer immense power she had.
"GO TO HEEEEELLLLLL!" Bakugou roared, exploding into the air and hurling a ginormous explosion down from above with his palm.
"FOR ALL THE MARBLES!!" Kirishima exclaimed, hardening his arms, and launching a punch right into the roaring Miyoko's jaw.
The punch didn't injure her.. but it did send her flying straight into Bakugou's explosion.. the light of which, stunned her for just a second.
"BLITZ HAMMER.. OF THE FIRE THUNDER DRAGON!!!" Tatsu screamed, hurling forth a massive flaming electric punch, right as Miyoko staggered from the light of Bakugou's attack.
The punch connected with Miyoko's mask.. and a burning, crackling shockwave ripped the air apart, sending everyone sprawling.. as the great theater disappeared, and the world around them resumed.
"D.. Did it work?" said the girl.
The smoke cleared.. showing Miyoko had the tiniest of cracks on the edge of her mask.. For a moment there was silence...
Then.. the Vasto Lorde's entire body shattered like glass.. like some sort of layer around Miyoko.. as Miyoko fell out of the shattering hollow's body.. her hair shortening back to it's normal length.. the hollow hole in her chest closing.. her shredded clothes fluttering as she fell face down..
Frieza watched from far above.. his face twitching in fury as he stared at Tatsu.. Slowly he held up a finger.. a death beam burning on it's tip.. taking aim at Tatsu's back.. prepared to kill him instantly.
But then Frieza lowered it.. exercising as much self control as he could.
"This does not go against the current plan.." Frieza murmured. "In fact.. I expected Miyoko to be subdued at some point.. but the fact that HE has managed to grow stronger in spite of... urrgghh.. But if I kill that pink haired whelp now.. it will only be too obvious to Fairy Tail that I am currently in this world.. hmph.. I'd rather not fight with Mikoto Misaka just yet.."
Frieza sighed. "Tsk.. the last thing I need is another Natsu Dragneel though.. that boy will have to be dealt with.. swiftly..And that woman version of Nero.. she one person I thoroughly detest.. in the meantime.. it is time to move to the next phase.."
Frieza smirked. "Soon Miyoko.. you will be seeking me out.. you will see the fruits of working for me.. now... let's see... "
Frieza turned to look at all the news cameras he had been levitating in the air, pointing at the scene. "What will the public think of you.. Miyoko-san.. when they see who you really are? A monster.."
Frieza laughed as he disappeared in a blur..
"Urggh.." back down on the ground, Miyoko groaned as she opened her eyes to find herself lying with her head on Tatsu's lap, with the strange woman, Bakugou, and Kirishima there looking down at her.
"G.. guys?" Miyoko murmured." Tatsu.. and.. Arturia's dressed differently."
"Oh! Umu! You're mistaking me for somebody else I'm afraid!" said the woman. "I am the swordswoman of roses! The greatest of all Emperors.. You may call me.. her imperial majesty.. the great N-."
"Nevermind that.." Miyoko muttered.
"UMU!!!!? MY ARTISTIC INTRODUCTION!? CUT SHORT!" the girl exclaimed, her face going pale as she clutched her heart.
"You.. saved me Tatsu?" Miyoko said, looking up and smiling at Tatsu tearfully. "Y.. you.. I'm so proud of you."
"U.. uh.. it was.. nothing." Tatsu stammered, looking away and blushing.
"Uh.. guys?" said Kirishima. "I've got a bad feeling about this.."
Hordes of people.. from ordinary citizens, to other heroes, were all pouring into the street, all of them staring at Miyoko with a mixture of hatred, revulsion, anger, and fear.
"I saw her on tv!" said one old woman, pointing at Miyoko. "She nearly killed so many people.. "
"I.. I.." Miyoko stammered.
"The monster!! The monster is going to eat us!" said some children, attempting to hide behind their mother.
"Aye.. but those boys and that girl stopped her!" said another citizen. "Quick! Kill her before she does something else horrible! She's obviously some kind of villain! Right!?"
The crowd quickly turned into an angry mob.. closing in on the group, demanding Miyoko's head.. demanding they get rid of her.
"AAAGHH!! GET OFF!" Kirishima yelled as he was swarmed by groping arms, all of them attempting to get past him and strangle MIyoko.
"DAMN IT! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!! GET OFF OF US!!" Bakugou yelled as people started stampeding over him.
"Th.. this is a little much!" the girl said as she was shoved around.. "If I try and get through this.. I might injure somebody.."
"MIYO-CHAN!!" Tatsu screamed as he was torn away from Miyoko, people grabbing her away from him.
"T.. Tatsu.. I.. did I.. really hurt so many-.." Miyoko said right before somebody bashed a boulder over her head.. and she fell to the ground, bleeding profusely.
"MIYOKO NO!!" Tatsu screamed again as he began to ignite with flames.
"ENOUGH!!" a familiar voice roared.. as a tremendous light blasted out.. and everyone fell back.. blinded..
Miyoko looked up.. blinking blood out of her eyelids as Saber stood holding her steady, Excalibur drawn.. and glowing brilliantly.
"What kind of SHAMEFUL behavior is this!? Letting fear and doubt cloud you?" said Saber. "Leave her be.. she has power yes.. but she does not purposely direct it at you!!"
"And that makes it all okay? Woman.."
There was a silence as everyone looked up at somebody sitting atop one of the large piles of wreckage, still smoking with bits of flame.
Tomura Shigaraki sat atop the rubble, with Kurogiri next to him.
"T.. Tomura.. from the League of Villains?" said Kirishima.
"Honestly.." said Tomura, as he scratched himself with slight irritability. "You say that she doesn't purposely attack others.. but really.. how does that make ANY of it okay..? She still hurt people.. didn't she..? There are people in intensive care right now.. there might even be a few deaths.. should she have continued rampaging.. who knows how much death would follow?"
"Keep your forked tongue between your teeth worm!" Saber growled. "You know nothing!"
"Do I? Ms. Knight?" said Tomura with a chuckle. "Look around you.. this is what happens when this girl can't keep a lid on her power.. she's like a walking nuclear bomb.. waiting to blow.. should we just forgive and forget.. just because she can't determine when she'll kill us all..?"
"H.. he has a point.." said one citizen.
"Even if she didn't mean it.. the fact is.. she did it.. and chances is.. she'll do it again." said another citizen.
"Yes." said Tomura. "You see? A bomb that's just waiting to go off.. over.. and over.. and over.. and there's no guarantee we can diffuse it.. here I am.. a villain.. telling you that girl is a danger to society.. if even a villain calls for action.. it must be pretty bad right?"
As all the citizens began to mutter fearfully amongst themselves, Tatsu quivered with rage. He could see what was happening.. so this was how the Multiversal Alliance was being sabotaged. Using Miyoko as a scapegoat.. to propel fear.
"And... we saw how bloodthirsty she was.." Tomura continued. "She actually bit several heroes.. ripped apart their flesh.. some of them are in intensive care right now.. all because.. of her."
Tomura pointed right at Miyoko, whose expression was of absolute horrified despair.
"I.. did.. all that?" Miyoko sputtered. "I.."
"Miyoko! Don't listen to-." Tatsu began to say.
"M.. Maybe.. I.. really am a threat to everyone.." Miyoko whispered, her eyes wide and horrified.
"M.. Miyoko.." Tatsu said, his voice filled with loss. "No don't think that."
"Yet she can't help BUT think it.. because it's the sad truth." said Tomura. "Your friend.. is a monster and a menace.. what happened here is a massacre.. and she'll be forever known for it.. who knows..? Maybe even All Might can't stop her.. ohh.. a terrifying thought don't you think?"
All the citizens began to close in again.. a few cops pulled out their guns.
"He's right.. we need to take care of this now."
"Step aside kids.. she's a threat to the entire world."
"My son is intensive care thanks to her! Get her!"
The others stood around Miyoko and Saber in a protective ring as the angry mob surrounded them.. drawing closer..
"Umu.. umu.." the red saber readied her sword. "This is.. not something I'm used to.. these are hateful gazes.. this is not like my beloved Rome.."
"Bakugou.. I'm not sure about fighting bystanders.." said Kirishima, sweat pouring down his face.
"SCREW IT! I'LL KILL EM ALL!" Bakugou roared, his eyes on fire as explosions popped over his palms like firecrackers.
"Figures it doesn't bother you.." Kirishima squealed nervously.
Like a miracle from the heavens.. the symbol of peace himself exploded down into street.. standing with the group protecting Miyoko, laughing.
"A.. ALL MIGHT!?" yelled everyone in the crowds.
"HAHAHAHAHAH!" All Might did his usual jolly jovial laugh. "Acting out in anger everyone!? Shame on you!! That.. is not how a HERO thinks of things is it!?"
All Might folded his arms, laughing once more.
"This.. man.. is... weird.." Saber muttered.
"Uuuuuumuuuu!!" The red saber's eyes sparkled. "He's.. so... ROME!!!"
"Rome?" Saber muttered.
"Quirks are varied.. and as vast and strange as the sea.. some dangerous.. some powerful.. some relatively harmless. Each time a new type of Quirk shows up, it is always a beautiful thing!" said All Might. "Yes... these types of Quirks sometimes cause disasters.. casualties.. but the last thing anybody should be... any HERO should do.. is to destroy a person for an inability to fully control their potential!!"
All Might held out a hand and patted Miyoko on the head. "PLUS ULTRA!! Go beyond.. our limits!! I believe in Miyoko's ability to go beyond her own limits.. to control the vast power that flows through her!! That is why UA Academy exists.."
All Might pointed at the crowd.. the very symbol of peace and good in the entire world expressing everything into that one gesture. "To demand this girl's head.. is to step on EVERYTHING this society and UA Academy Stand for... no.. not just to step on it.. to trample it and shatter it!! Consider that!! DO NOT DESTROY A GIRL'S DREAMS.. not over something that is not controllable, and in no way her fault!!"
The crowd paused, now looking all reluctant to go attack Miyoko.. All Might's immense charisma swaying them back.
"And when the dust settles? All Might..?" said Tomura. "When she loses control again.. and the dead pile up? Will you claim responsibility for her lack of education..? Or will you realize what truly must be done?"
Tomura laughed as Kurogiri spread his space warping substance around the two of them like a shadow.. immediately warping out of the area . "Some Plus Ultra that is.. All Might.."
"Come.. let's leave this place.." All Might said quietly. "More heroes are already on the way.."
Miyoko didn't hear All Might however.. she was too busy staring silently at the blood stains that were littering the charred and smoking streets..
"The hell is this?" Tomura muttered as he walked back into the bar headquarters of the League of Villains..
Frieza stood there with an injured Frost who was being tended to by a few alien doctors dressed in battle armor from Frieza's army.
"I have business to attend to.. I won't stay long.. Frost will continue to lead command.. All for One has agreed to the terms.. " said Frieza. "I take it your mission was successful?"
"Yes.. even with All Might's speech, the seeds of fear have already been planted.. " said Tomura. "Everyone will come to hate her.. including herself I believe... but what is the point of it all? Other than fun?"
"Miyoko is a special Ordained that I want for myself.." said Frieza. "In time.. her hatred of her own being.. the fear of her own darkness, will override her judgement. While her hollow form can be suppressed thanks to the techniques of the Visored in Soul Society.. this moment will continue to haunt her.. and it will once she unlocks the potential of a Moonfire Diablo.. a dark power... a Diablo's power.. a power she fears will hurt her friends.."
"Which means..?" said Tomura.
"She will want a way to control it.. to suppress it.." said Frieza with a smile. "And what better way to control a person.. than teaching control? Ohohohohoho!! Just you wait! She will soon be drawn to me like a moth to a flame.."
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