An All Mighty Entrance
"WHAT!?" Mikoto stood up from her desk, stacks of paperwork falling down and fluttering all over the place. "How is she right now!?"
"Easy easy.. she's fine.. her injuries were child's play to the medic Ninjas in the village." said Gray with a sigh as she stood in the Fairy Tail Official Guild Hall office. "I mean.. though that was huge.. the fact that they were disguising themselves as squatters of some sort who were no big deal.. just so they could acquire test subjects from a guild.. "
"Who are these people?" Mikoto asked as Gray handed her three files.
"Criminals known in Qrow's world.. in Remnant.. they were the three we encountered who were trying to take down Beacon from within. the ones allying themselves with that White Fang group." said Gray. "From what we could gather.. they fled afterwords.. but they might have allied themselves with that scientist from Luffy's world whose lurking around somewhere."
Mikoto narrowed her eyes as she opened Cinder's file, looking at her picture. "Heh.. since stealing the Fall Maiden's power she's been spreading her wings I guess.. She hurt my daughter.. and mocked our guild's name.. when she's found I'll deal with her personally.."
"In the meantime.. Miyoko and Caulifla are both recovering in the Hidden Leaf hospital.." said Gray. "Wanna call off the job and send in the pros?"
"No.. thanks to Sans, Cinder failed to get what she wanted, and after she saw even a smidge of his power, I doubt she'd want to stay long.. she's too smart for that.. overall, all that's left is simply investigating what they were doing there." said Mikoto. "Miyoko will feel pretty cheated if I were to pull her out of her first job with her new class after all.. the rest of the work is easy enough.."
"You sure? I'm pretty sure Naruto can conduct his own investigation with no problem." said Gray.
"Qrow has good eyes, Naruto knows that, he'll welcome the extra help either way." said Mikoto. "By the way.. how's the saiyan.. Caulifla..? How is she taking all of this?"
"Hmmm.. she's in good health.. but emotionally.. well.. I think we need to leave that up to Qrow.." muttered Gray.
In the hidden leaf village.. Caulifla sat next to Miyoko's hospital bed .. Miyoko was still unconscious, her chest wrapped in bandages.. apparently Cinder's flames had gushed straight into her body through her back.. and nearly tore her apart from the inside.. though it was sure to avoid destroying vital body parts..
Caulifla gritted her teeth and tore a bandage off her cheek in disgust. "Damn weak.. couldn't even protect her... I couldn't.. damn it all.."
Caulifla lifted the blazer of her now brand new uniform, staring at the bandages underneath. She would heal fast of course.. and thanks to that saiyan biology, she would grow stronger as a result of Saiyans growing stronger every time they recovered from near death.
But Miyoko would require a few days before she was capable of standing on her own two feet again.
"How is she?" Freya asked as she walked into the room.
"I'm... I.." Caulifla gritted her teeth. "She's.. recovering.. but..
"Hey.." a soft voice spoke..
It was the sixth class member.. the girl with blue hair and bangs covering one eye. Rem was her name. She had arrived later than the other class members due to her time consuming job in her own world..
And her job became apparent from her clothing as she didn't have time to change into her uniform this time.. a maid's outfit..
"Oh.. hey Rem.." said Freya.
"Sorry I was late.. the Dimension Port experienced delays even as I hurried over." said Rem with a bow. "My sister wanted to see me off too.. is.. I got Miyoko flowers.."
Rem put a vase of flowers on the bedside table..
"I.. was so useless.." Caulifla muttered, shaking her head. "Here I always used to yell about how strong I am.. how much I love fighting.. but I can't even save my friends.. what a sham.."
Rem and Freya looked at one another, neither of them were sure what to say to cheer Caulifla up. The traditional "it's not your fault" etc. just wouldn't do in this case.. it would only make Caulifla glummer.
"Ugh..." Miyoko opened her eyes dimly. "Wh.. where the heck.. am I?"
"Miyoko!!" Caulifla stammered.
"hey there.. spikey hair.. how's tricks..? What happened.. we were gonna fist bump.. and then.. eh? Are.. you crying..?"
Caulifla wiped some tears from her eyes. "I.. I'm sorry.. I'm a failure as a friend.. "
There was a pause, as Miyoko looked at Caulifla with worry... then...
"KKAAAAABOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" The wall of the room exploded as somebody massive blasted straight through the wall.
"EEEAAAAAGGGGGGHHH!!" Miyoko screamed, falling out of the bed as Caulifla, Rem and Freya all stared with open jaws
(those of you who can already guess who it is by the song alone...say it with me.. THERE IS NO NEED TO BE AFRAID... YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?! BECAUSE... *say the phrase in the comments*)
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Heroic laughter echoed throughout the entire room.
"I DON'T KNOW!!" stammered Freya.
"THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR CHILDREN!!!" said the voice as the figure stepped out of the smoke. "You wanna know why..? Because.... I AM HERE!!!"
A massive muscular man emerged. He wore a skin tight spandex blue and red super hero suit with a massive cape and all the flashy designs. His face seemed to be stuck in a perpetual grin of of stupendous glee and righteousness.. with shadows on his cheekbones and chin to expand his sheer manliness. And his blonde hair was styled with two tails growing out like rabbit ears almost..
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the man put his fists on his hips, posing like a true hero.. his laugh seeming to echo for miles. " I heard!! It is true!! FAIRY TAIL IS HERE!! Mikoto Misaka.. has ALWAYS been good to me.. but.. when I heard her daughter was injured.. well...I HAD TO PAY A VISIT TO LIFT YOUR SPIRITS!!! Do not worry... I AM HERE!! PLUS ULTRAAA!!!"
"Eh.." Miyoko stammered dizzily as she climbed back onto the bed, blinking. "S.. sorry... who are you?"
"Eh...?" said the man, tilting his head. "OH!! RIGHT! How silly of me.. of course.. I'm not used to NOT being famous!.. of course.. my world is new to the Multiversal Accords after all.. in fact.. nobody on my world is officially supposed to know about that until AFTER the official announcement!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"
"So... m.. Manly.." stammered Rem, fainting.
"YOU PIECE OF SHIT ALL MIGHT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HARRASSING MY PATIENTS!!?" Sakura Uchiha, the head doctor, screamed furiously like a powerful bull as she exploded into the room, brandishing her fist. "THIS GIRL HAS JUST GONE THROUGH A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE.... GET OUT... CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!"
Sakura hurled her fist at All Might.
"Oh.. uh.. Sakura wa-.." stammered All Might right before he was sent smashing straight through the ceiling and into the sky with a twinkle..
"Ha... HAAAAHHHH..?" stammered Caulifla, staring at Sakura in fear as she hid behind Freya.
"Sorry about that.." said Sakura. "He's from a new Universe that was discovered last week. Prankster scouted it out of course, and it was a good candidate for the accords.. After they made contact with that world's government, they appointed this guy.. .er.. All Might.. as representative.. he has a good heart really.. a pure selfless one.. something you rarely find in anybody even in these peaceful times... Naruto really took a liking to him.. and one other person did too.."
"YOUUUUUTH!!!" roared a voice as a green blur in a wheelchair shot past the hospital room at super speed. "WHERE ARE YOU ALL MIGHT!!? WE ARE STILL IN THE SPRINGTIME OF OUR YOUTH!! WE MUST TRAIN MORRRREEE!!!"
"Yeah him.." said Sakura. "Hold on.. I'll get you another undamaged room."
After 12 minutes, The friends found themselves in an undamaged hospital room, as if nothing weird had just happened.
Caulifla looked at Miyoko silently, then turned her face away dejectedly.
Miyoko frowned. "hey.. listen to me.. as strong as we are.. there's always somebody stronger than us.. there's no use beating yourself up for it.. all we can do is continue to drive ourselves to get better. "
"I.. I'm sorry.. I need a moment." Caulifla muttered, walking out the door.
"Caulifla.." Miyoko murmured as she watched her friend leave.
"Yo.." Suddenly, Qrow came strolling in with Tatsu and Shikamaru. "Hey.. was that Caulifla just now? She needs to be in here for this.. I was gonna do a briefing considering you woke up finally.."
"Er.. I'll tell her later, she's feeling a bit.. down.." said Miyoko.
"Oh.. right.. can't say I haven't been in the same spot before.. for your first battle together to end up like that.. it's not a nice feeling.." muttered Qrow. "Anyways.. according to Caulifla, you managed to hack some of their computers.. am I right?"
"Right!" Miyoko stammered. "I almost forgot! You have to hear this!"
After a few minutes of a hurried explanation, Qrow sat down, rubbing his the bridge of his nose as he sat down in a nearby armchair.
"So.. let me get this straight.. They were working for Frieza.. and Frieza is looking for something.. something called the Ordained Children."
"Yeah.." said Miyoko.
"And.. these Ordained Children.. they are humans who are also part Numensapien.." said Qrow.
There was a silence as these words sank in..
Even Sans looked disturbed.
"So.. are there people like that? Part Numensapien?" stammered Rem.
"Well.. it's not unheard of." said Qrow with a sigh. "There are records of it in the Book of Light, that book released by Prankster and Mikoto.. but they are slim at best.. Dragon Borns are far more common than Part Numensapiens.. and those that do exist probably don't even know they are.. cause apparently it's INCREDIBLY difficult to access the powers hiding inside.. Numensapien abilities stuffed inside a human vessel.. it's like putting a large nuke in a paper bag... it takes amazing fortitude and training to access Numensapien powers.. "
Qrow nodded at Miyoko. "Though.. sometimes.. those with strong bodies, like ones with the blood of dragons, can occasionally access the powers by accident.."
"You're talking about Lunatsune aren't you?" said Sans. "I heard about that.. the Omegaverse Tournament.
"Luna.. what?" said Rem.
"Miyoko's Numensapien form.. I witnessed it myself." said Freya.
"Well.. honestly, ever since then, I haven't been able to access the power again.." said Miyoko with a shrug. "And to top it off, it had a weird side effect.. it turned my eyes pink, my irises used to be brown like my mom's.."
"In any case.. they do exist.. and the word "ordained" refers to their potential to influence their entire world." said Qrow. "And like Miyoko's pink eyes.. the powers.. do manifest themselves in small ways.. some of the few recorded Ordained kids have gone on to become worshipped by their societies, due to side-effects, like the ability to stave away illness, or a massive supply of mana.. or their natural affinity for genius level abilities.. only a few on record ever recognize Ordained Kids for what they REALLY are.. the Sage of Six Paths from this world for one.. his associates tried to create imitation Ordained humans by sealing Razzz fragments.. aka, the Tailed Beasts.. inside others.. but it was a failure due to the Tailed Beasts not really feeling inclined to cooperate with their hosts, and the fact that while a fully mature 10000 tailed Razzz is Numensapien level.. that little 10 tails that was hiding in the fruit Kaguya ate was nothing more than an infant Razzz.. so the power taken from that, especially separated into 9 fragments.. was puny at best.. "
Qrow sighed and took another swig from his flask. "alright.. so.. Frieza's lookin' for other ordained kids.. like Miyoko.. that would actually take tons of resources.. not to mention time.. the odds of finding an ordained kid are about as slim as winning the lottery.. not unless you have special sources of info.. "
"And our job?" asked Freya. "I notice that we haven't been called back.. otherwise Miyoko would've been transported to the hospital in New Guild City.. "
"Right.. it's now officially an investigation job." said Qrow. "Cinder's still in this world.. and the people she's working for are possibly in New Guild City at the moment according to my sources.. if it comes to a fight.. don't do it without me there.. trust me.. we can't afford any more risks.. Cinder's merciless.. crafty.. and she won't hesitate to kidnap Miyoko for Frieza.. and if she's with Raven..."
Qrow paused.
"You.. mentioned that woman.. that she was your sister.." said Freya. "the one I crossed blades with.. "
"Twin sister.. it's a long story.. but Raven's always had a tendency for caring more about surviving than.. well.. other things.." said Qrow. "if she's working with Frieza.. well.. there's a reason.. just not a good one probably.. "
"So what's the plan exactly?" Tatsu stammered.
"Are.. you hiding under my bed?" Miyoko muttered.
"NO!" Tatsu stammered as his head poked out. "I'm PARTIALLY hidden!! There's a difference!!"
"The plan.. is once Miyoko recovers." said Shikamaru now speaking up. "Is for you guys to join up with some of our shinobi in an investigation of the lab. Lord 7th wants to do all he can to assist with figuring out what exactly Cinder was doing here.. just what was she testing? "
"That part remains a mystery.. and we're gonna try and figure it out as quickly as possible.." said Qrow.
Sans looked silently at Qrow..
"Patience.." Qrow said quietly, more to Sans than the others. "We'll get her.. but not by rushing.."
"Eh.. your call teach.." said Sans.
Miyoko blinked with slight confusion. Of course she hadn't been conscious to see Sans confront Cinder.
Meanwhile, Caulifla was sitting on the roof outside, glaring at the setting sun defiantly, as if challenging it.
She shut her eyes as she remembered Cinder's face, and tried to eliminate the fear she felt when she faced her.
"I ain't afraid of you.. ya stupid.. fire lady." stammered Caulifla. "I.. I.. I'm not scared at all.. next time ya hurt her, I'll beat the living crap out of you!"
"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Trying some exercises to calm your nerves!?"
"UAAAAAGGH!" Caulifla almost fell off the roof as All Might was suddenly sitting right next her.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" Caulifla stammered. "How long were you sitting there!?"
"I was HERE the ENTIRE TIME!!" said All Might. "Now.. why don't I lend you my ear..? You're afraid of this Cinder woman?"
"NO!!" Caulifla stammered. "I ain't afraid of that dumb.. stupid.."
All Might raised an eyebrow at Caulifla, and for a moment, his signature smile disappeared.
Caulifla looked down, then looked away, pink patches appearing on her cheeks. "er.. I mean.. maybe a little."
"You ought to be.. from what I heard.. she nearly did a number on you AND your friend." said All Might.
"Th.. That... " Caulifla stammered. "L.. look.. she was going to take my friend.. and... I couldn't do a SINGLE thing about it.. and she wouldn't have cared.. one bit.. "
"Yes... and..?" said All Might. "As one who isn't used to being powerless, finding yourself at the mercy of somebody who CAN make you feel helpless is like a massive stab in your heart.. and as a result you develop fear of that person.."
Caulifla stared at All Might. "You're.. right.. actually."
"Let's just say I've been in your position.. a position where though I was used to being absolutely powerful, I found myself suddenly in a state where I was vulnerable.. " said All Might. "Spikey Haired School Girl.. do not be ashamed of your fear.. it is that fear that allows us to feel humility and learn to grow stronger and above our fear.. Being weak isn't a sin.. but staying weak is.. use this girl.. better yourself.. Become strong enough to protect those you hold most dear.."
"Yeah.. you're right!" said Caulifla, standing up, pounding a fist into her palm. "If I'm gonna protect Miyoko.. I gotta get stronger.. then I can look at my protoge Kale in the face and say.. HEY! you and me are gonna reach Super Saiyan 3!!"
"Have no idea what that is, but yes!" said All Might grinning again and holding a thumbs up. "you can ALWAYS get stronger.. girl! What is your name!?"
"Caulifla big muscle man guy sir!!" said Caulifla .
"Well then! Cauliflower! "
"Yes that!! Let us both strive together to overcome our fears!!" All Might exclaimed holding out one of his massive hands.
"YEAH!" said Caulifla brightly, clasping All Might's hand. "You know... for an old geezer.. You're alright All Might guy!!"
All Might's face turned a little purple as a little blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth. ".. O.. old geezer!?"
In a dark place, on the surface of what appeared to be a moon.. Frieza strolled lightly, smirking as he did, his tail whipping back and forth, his hands behind his back..
"Are you sure there's one here.." said Raven, landing lightly next to Frieza, her mask on still.
"Of course.. do not underestimate the blood of a Diablo.. it is drawn to hidden magic.. like a moth to a flame.. only in this instance, I believe I'm more of a flame than the one I'm being drawn to.. ohohoho.."
Frieza then smirked as he saw something in the distance. "oh...? I believe we've found him.. "
Standing on a large rock, staring at the night sky, was a woman.. or perhaps a girl of high school age.. sat atop..
she bore short straight cut black hair, and wore a traditional dull colored japanese kimono, and a red jacket over it..
The girl stared down from the rock impassively, and tilted her head, narrowing her eyes slightly.
"Ryougi Shiki.. I believe.." said Frieza politely, giving a small bow. "To which persona am I speaking?"
"This is Shiki." said Shiki. "Not SHIKI.. "
"Eh?" said Raven.
But Frieza seemed to understand. "Ahhh.. the female persona then.. Should I explain why I'm here..? Hmm?"
Shiki stood up, drawing a small knife. "I have no need for explanation.. I can feel your blood lust from even here.. "
Frieza smiled cruelly. "oh.. as expected.."
Shiki's eyes went wide.. and suddenly her irises became a ghostly blue.. a deadly shockwave blasting from it.. as a horrible dread filled Raven who began to draw her blade.
"What the hell.. is..?" stammered Raven.
"The Mythic Eyes of Death Perception.. said to even be capable of killing a god.. if one is careless enough to be caught in it's blows.." said Frieza with a chuckle. "Stay back Raven.. even for one of the four Maidens.. one false step.. and you're dead... this requires... a bit more effort.. "
Frieza spread his hands out.. "And.. we musn't kill her after all.. we need her.. after all. "
Frieza let out a "Haaaaaaaaa.... AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" and a tremendous blast of golden light exploded from him.. going brighter... and brighter... as within the light.. he began to change.
"Damn.. he always was a lover for theatrics.. " muttered Raven as she held up a hand against the blinding light.
"What..?" murmured Shiki.
When the light cleared... Golden Frieza stood, shining against the night, seeming to generate his own light with the tremendous sheen of his glowing body.
"Ryougi Shiki.. One of the Ordained Children.. it is a pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance." said Frieza, giving a magnificent flashy bow. "Now.. if you would so kindly... "
Frieza smiled evilly as energy began to light up on his finger. "writhe in agony... ohohohohoho.."
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