The Announcement (Chapter 1)
Katie POV
After dinner, Chiron stood up and made an announcement. "Since Annabeth and Percy are away, we have picked two people to retrieve the staff of Hermes. Travis Stoll and Katie Gardener." For some weird reason there were whispers and squeals of excitement coming from the aphrodite table.
All I thought was, this is going to be a long quest! I hate Travis, he's always pranking the Demeter cabin and I'm sick of it!
Okay, maybe I like him a little bit, but I would never admit it!
Chiron then announces that we're leaving first thing tomorrow morning, so I head pack to my cabin to back the essentials I'm going to need for this quest. I pack some extra for Travis because knowing him he'll probably forget half the stuff he needs!
Time Skip to first thing in the morning.
I knock on the Hermes cabin and a couple seconds later Travis answers the door. We go see Chiron and then we head off.
We find a piece of paper attached to Thalia's Tree and it's from Hermes says the staff is in a cave in California and it's being guarded by a drakon. But it doesn't have an address, looks like we're just gonna have to find it ourselves.
At least we haven't got a deadline, I hope not anyway! So we meet Argus at the bottom of the hill and he drives us to the bus station and we find the next bus to California.
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