Psycho Chapter 5
??? Pov
"Heh there they are my babies Winter and Autumn. I guess they don't know about their past...the Keyes to total control of the universe...I'm gonna get my babies back!"
Winter's pov
Today was the day before grounding was off I woke up and slipped out of my bloody light pink hoody and into my light orange hoody I hung up the bloody pink hoody in the closet and grabbed my light orange handled knife and went into the living room. I left my hoody unzipped as I'm walking down I zip it up.
I finally plop myself on the couch and start sharpening my knife.
Then Jeff comes down "hey babe." He said sitting next to me "hey." I said as he had a confused look "you okay?" He asked "nope." I said blankly "why?" He asked again "Because fucking Slendy grounded me and you for letting a human see us and everybody else gets to go fucking kill!" I snapped. He just smiled at me and kissed me. I kissed back he pulled back "better now?" He asked. "Yeah." I said as I put away my knife and walked into the kitchen "want a donut?" I asked as he smiled and nodded. I smiled and walked to the pantry "Fuck!" I said. "What?" Jeff asked "we're out of fucking donuts!! And milk...fuck!" I screamed I then ran to the door and grabbed my chain necklace. "Where are you going?" Jeff asked "I need to go get donuts and milk! Where's slendy's fucking wallet..." I cursed "in his room!" Jeff called "thank you!" I yelled as I pressed my charm and walked to the store "blending in" with everybody I was listening to the horrorcore rap anthem of Jeff the killer (awesome fucking rap.) as I grabbed a crap ton of donuts and milk also some candy for everyone to eat. I payed and walked out of the store and somebody tapped my shoulder it was my best friend Rose "Winter! I'm so happy to see you! I've missed you! How come you haven't come to school in like 2 months now!?" She asked I took her arm and dragged her into the woods. "Because Rose. I'm not normal anymore!" I said as she had that confused look. "How? You look normal to me!" She said as I sigh and clicked the charm on my necklace "holy shit snapped didn't you?" She asked. I nodded and clicked the charm again. "Well guess what so did I!" She said clicking her little charm she changed into herself only she had a charm hanging from her head. "Wow. Your the daughter of the tails doll huh?" I asked she nodded and changed back "where do you live?" She asked we walked deeper into the woods "the slender mansion." I answered "oh I actually was thinking on moving there! Is Slendy home?" "Nah he's out hunting he'll be back tho in like 10 minutes." I said as I grabbed her hand and sprinted towards the woods. "Why are you sprinting?" She asked "girl I'm supposed to be grounded and Slendy will be back soon if he finds that I'm gone all of hell will break loose...literally." I said as we bursts through the door and quickly changed back. "Hey Winter...who is this?" Jeff asked as he hugged me. "Oh Jeff this is Rose. The daughter of the tails doll." I said as he nodded "is she visiting?" Jeff asked as rose shook her head no "I wanted to talk to slender man and see if I could possibly move in." She said as Jeff nodded then Jeff hugged me "OMG I ship it! Your ship name is wineff!!" She squealed as Jeff smirked "should we set this ship sail?" Jeff whispered in my ear I just nodded. Jeff looked at rose currently excited then he placed his finder under my chin making me look at him then he leaned in and placed a soft gentle kiss on my lips I kissed back clearly hearing rose squeal. "MY SHIP HAS SET SAIL!!" She yelled then Jeff pulled away and smirked at me. Then we heard Slendy teleport in with everybody. "Good afternoon winter, Jeff...Who's this young lady?" Slendy asked as rose finally stopped having a hernia. "Hello mr. Slender man my names rose the daughter of the tails doll I wanted to speak with you asking if I could move in." She said semi- formal I smirked. "Of course child. By the way Winter and Jeff your grounding is up." He said I almost squealed in excitement. "So uh Winter do you want to go killing tonight?" Jeff asked as I nodded and we all talked "so Winter are you and Jeff like a thing now?" Rose asked I chuckled. "Rose sweetie we've been a thing for like 3 months now." I said as her mouth hung open then she looked down at my hand seeing the ring Jack gave me. "Where'd you get that ring?" Rose asked "E.J he got it for my birthday." I said as she grabbed my hand "it's beautiful." She said as I smiled "I missed you Ro." I said as she smiled we all ate diner and went to bed. I however went killing with Jeff at like 2 in the morning I was excited.
Your next... Hai guys it's me I know I said I would update the other book but idk I'm working on it okay? Geez anyways I hope you liked and if you did vote, comment follow and GO TO BED!!
~ Winter
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