Psycho Chapter 4
{Winter's pov}
I was sitting on the couch fiddling with my pocket knife watching Stephen Kings "IT" the clown kinda scares me but who cares I watch it and my parents come down "hey sweetie you mom and I are going to the store do you want anything?" My dad asked "ya can you get me a light pink hoody?" I asked "sure sweetheart we love you!" My mom said as she kissed my cheek I continued watching as my sister bursts through the front door "Winter!! I'm spending the summer with Shannon!!" Autumn yelled as I rolled my eyes "yet another summer alone." I murmured "Winter...all you ever fucking do is stay inside and watch horror movies or read horror books." Autumn said as I shrugged she went upstairs to pack in a few minutes she comes down "okay Winter bye wait for me Kay!" Autumn said as I nodded then my parents get back with my hoodie and in every light color they could find "heh dad I only asked for one!" I said as he smirked "well your mother went nuts so yeah!" He said as they put everything away "I also got you a new pocket knife Hun!" He said as he put the new one in my hand "thanks I love you!!" I said
*end of flashback*
"I waited for autumn for 3 months after summer break and she never returned like she promised." I said as clocky took my hand "well c'mon lets go celebrate your 18th birthday so go get changed!" Clocky said as I nodded and went to mine and Jeff's room "Jeff if your awake I just wanted to ask you...why didn't you kill my sister?" I asked "Because he knew she was a part of your bloodline." Liu said from behind me "how is he doing?" I asked "Slendy said he'll be fine within a couple more hours." Liu said as I nodded "then I'm gonna wait on cake and presents until he feels better!" I announced as liu nodded and Jeff squeezed my hand "Jeff? Can you hear me?" I asked as he looked at me and nodded "I'm not gonna celebrate my birthday without you baby." I said looking at him he put a hand on my cheek. "It's okay baby I'm okay." Jeff said as I smiled "I'm gonna change real quick and I'm gonna take a nap." I said as he smiled at me I went into my drawer and pulled out my pink hoody
After that I put my light blue bloody hoody in the closet on a hanger. After that I put my knife on the end table and slipped on my sleeping mask and fell asleep. I woke up to Jeff shaking me lightly I pulled up the mask "hey c'mon lets go celebrate Slendy said I was all healed up and ready to go!" Jeff said helping me up I grabbed my knife and held his hand as we walked down stairs "HAPPY BIRTHDAY WINTER!!" They all yelled as my smile grew wider "thank you all I just wish my sister was here." I said as Jeff and I went to sit down on the couch "open your presents first!" Clocky said excited I smiled as Slendy placed a present in my lap it was the one from the door I saw a card taped to it. "Happy 18th birthday Winter I didn't know how to say how sorry I am so I hope this present helps I love you ~Autumn" I read as I started to cry. "Miss Winter would you like your sister here to see you on your birthday?" Slendy asked I nodded and cried "alright I'll go get liu and we'll go find her." Slendy said as I smiled while crying a few minutes later Slendy walks in with a very nervous autumn. "Hey sis." She said coming to sit next to me I hugged her I then opened the gift it was a little Jeff plush doll I cried because autumn always made me these kinds of dolls mostly horror and video games but I loved them. "Thank you so much autumn!" I hugged her tightly I opened the next one from Ben it was a case of condoms I look at Ben with a 'I'm done' look "fucking really Ben!?" I said as he giggled I set them in the corner and open the one from clocky it was an iPod that was white and looks like it had blood splatters on it "oh my god clocky thanks!" I said as she smiled "I even put a bunch of your favorite bands on there for you!" She said as my smile widened and I stuff it in my pocket. Then I move to E.J's present it was a small little box I didn't care I opened it and I saw this beautiful silver ring with pink rinestones on it
"Holy crap! Thanks Jack!" I said as I put it in the same pocket as my iPod Toby's gift was a light blue jewelry box it looked like blood stains on it too I got a lot of jewelry too to put in my jewelry box but the final present was Jeff's I opened it and in it was a bunch of kitchen knifes in all light different colors that matched all my hoodies my eyes grew wider as I saw how they have been sharpened and polished "oh my god Jeff thank you so much!! I love you!!" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him deeply. Ben nudges me handing me a package of condoms me and Jeff glared at him and he shrugged in a whatever tone after that we all ate cake and just slept I tried convincing autumn to stay and she agreed even liu wanted to share a room with her
Phew another chapter done don't worry the other book will get updated probably not tomorrow maybe Saturday maybe idk but thanks for reading and as always GO TO BED!!!
~ Winter <3
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