Chapter 9
The next morning, Roman was up and running around the castle before daybreak. Cooks were working overtime, trying to finish dishes and cakes. The gardeners were pruning and trimming the hedges, flowers, and trees outside. Pages dashed through the halls, decorating or telling others what to do. Everyone was bumping into each other, screeching, or fixing their outfits.
Roman sighed and hopped onto the stage, causing the workers who were building it to step back in respect. "EVERYONE!" he shouted. The place fell silent. "Much better! No one can get anything done in all this chaos! The cooks should be in the kitchens, gardeners in the gardens, and members of the royal family have been told to please stay on the upper floors! Julie, for the love of Disney, you're married to Uncle Bob, quit flirting with Remus."
"EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS! YOU'RE THE SAME AGE AS US, BUT PLEASE STOP!" He added in a sweeter voice, "Pages, keep doing what you're doing. It's great."
Everyone started to leave, but Roman called, "Remus! Logan! Stay please!"
When the room was empty- minus those who were working, the Princes, and Advisor- Roman hopped off the stage, walking over to the other two. "Thanks. Logan, I just wanted you here because you're my friend-"
"Roman, no-"
"It wasn't a 'sir' this time! We're making progress!"
"That's gay."
"Remus," both of them sighed.
"How is that gay, sir? What does that-" Logan started, exasperated.
Remus shrugged. "Look at Roman. How is he gay?"
"I can name 37 ways. 1-" Logan put up a finger.
"No time. Let's move on to actual gay topics-" Roman interrupted.
"Ahhhh. Okay. So, you and Virgil-" Remus wiggled his eyebrows.
"Did you ask Damien to the dance yet?"
"Woah, cuttin' RIGHT to the chase, uh-" Remus said quickly.
"Oh my god- He's been working here for four years, you are constantly gushing about him, even GEORGE THE GARDENER knows you like him, and you still haven't asked him to the masquerade??" Roman exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.
"Really, how romantic is a masquerade? Why not, like, that yearly beheading in the next place over-" Remus shrugged again.
"Logan, how romantic is a beheading?"
"It's not. At all."
"How romantic is a dance, with pretty costumes, and good food, and masks? Like, painted masks. No one knows who you are. And not a soul-"
"I'll stop you there. Before you destroy your own point." Logan pushed up his glasses.
"That makes sense." Roman flattened out his hair.
"Compared to a beheading, there's nothing more romantic."
"Exactly, Logan!! Remus!! C'mon!!" Roman shook his brother by the shoulders.
Remus pulled away and held his hands out to stop his dizziness. "I don't know, guys. He probably doesn't even like me," he mumbled.
"This is exactly why I said feelings are the bane of my existence, Roman."
"Ima call him over here," Roman said firmly.
"D o n ' t ! !"
A few seconds later, the guard was standing beside them. "Yes, sir?"
Remus silently glared at his brother, who just flashed him a smile. The prince started to say something, but Logan beat him to it. "I believe Remus was just about to ask you something. Right, sir?"
Damien's eyes widened. "O-oh. Okay." He turned to Remus.
"Oh, no. What was that? Virgil is up? I will be right there," Roman stated in an obviously fake voice. He started out, dragging Logan behind him.
"Why do I need to come along-" the Advisor complained, stumbling after him.
"To give the lovebirds some privacy!" Roman whispered loudly.
The door was slammed shut and Damien and Remus looked back at each other. "So... what can I help you with, sir?"
"Remus, please." The prince sighed. "Um...let's go to the garden."
Roman walked up the stairs quickly. Logan had pulled his arm away and was walking behind him. "What are you planning on doing now?" the logical male asked.
"Seeing if Virgil is up."
"Ah. Why am I needed?"
"You can do whatever you want. We had to leave them, though." Roman shrugged.
"Hm. I should go see if the cooks are doing alright."
"Or you could go talk to Pattonnn~"
"I-I will see him tonight." Logan glared at the other.
"WOAH-" Roman started, freezing. Logan bumped into him and pushed him.
"Prithee, grow up, Your Royal Highness!"
"Who says prithee anymore?" The prince raised an eyebrow as he started walking again.
"Many people." Logan straightened his shirt and walked beside Roman.
"Sure. Keep telling yourself that, buddy."
"Who says buddy?"
"Most of the world, Logan."
They walked in silence until Roman got to his room. "So, is this where we split?"
"Wh- I suppose...?"
"Oh, my heart! You were the sweetest and-" Roman fell into Logan's arms dramatically. The advisor realized what he was talking about and immediately dropped the prince onto the floor.
"You should've known it wasn't going to work when you cheated on me with the mayor," he said bluntly. Roman stopped rubbing his head and, slowly, a wide grin overtook his features.
Logan turned and walked away, with the other calling after him, "THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! YOU DO HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR! LOGAN! COME BACK!"
"It is over. I'm moving on. Have a great life. Goodbye." The advisor disappeared around the corner.
Roman laughed loudly and buried his face in the carpet. A maid walked by and asked if she should call someone to help him up, then have his face washed.
"I've got a friend!" he chirped in response, looking up and smiling at her.
"O-oh! Well, congratulations, Your Royal Highness!" She bowed.
Roman jumped up and hugged her, much to the poor lady's surprise. He waved goodbye and disappeared into his room.
To the Prince's surprise, he found a sleeping Virgil curled up in all the blankets, mumbling quietly to himself. He immediately fell silent and walked over cautiously, trying to catch what the other was saying.
"Mmm... I don' wanna go... to... mm..." Virgil buried his face in the silk sheets.
"To what, love?" Roman asked quietly, sitting on the bed next to him.
"No... don't... I don' want any shrimp..."
Roman froze, looking confused. "Shrimp...?"
"I want... mm..." Virgil fell into Roman's lap, somehow sensing his presence.
Roman blushed a bit, gently running a hand through the other's hair. "It's alright. What do you want?"
Virgil tried to keep from smiling. He was obviously awake. "I want... Prince..."
"Awww." Roman grinned. "I want you, too." He buried his face in Virgil's hair.
"Remus..." Virgil grinned, knowing he was out of sight.
Roman froze, immediately falling silent.
Virgil snorted and burst into laughter. "Dude, seriously?? I cannot believe you fell for that! It's the oldest trick in the book!" He sat up and stretched.
Roman pouted and crossed his arms. "That was mean," he said.
"Aaw, thank you." Virgil put a hand over his heart. "It means a lot to me."
Roman looked away, slouching over.
"I would like to thank my cat, who really helped me get to this moment-"
Roman stood up and walked over to the window, pulling the curtains aside silently.
"I would- HISSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Virgil shielded his eyes.
"That's what you get for being mean!" Roman tried to look angry. "I'm sorry- Are you okay?
"Oh! Ow! I'm wounded! Your words! They're damaging me in a way I can't describe!" Virgil fell on the bed melodramatically.
Roman sighed and walked over, pulling him up. "You're infuriating, love."
"Don't call me that! I shall never trust you again!" Virgil pushed Roman away with a grin.
"Ouch- You hit me. I'm dying. Why would you ever do such a thing?" Roman rolled his eyes and smiled slightly.
"Aaaaand cut. C'mon! You're the theater dork. Put a little more oomph into it!"
"I'm wounded! I'm dying! What have I ever done to deserve this from such a cruel, cruel world?! Mother, I will remember thee and be forever grateful for all that you've done! For bringing me here and teaching me what was right and wrong! Brother, my twin, we never got along, but you will forever be my best friend! I am grateful for every second I was alive on this Earth! I lived a short yet wonderful life, full of laughter and tears and joy and pain! And, my love-" Roman extended his hand toward Virgil, who was not having any of it. "I still love you more every second. Even though you have brought this upon me for my mistakes! Remember me and continue my legacy!" He dramatically gasped, clutched his heart, and fell onto the bed.
"... Could be gayer." Virgil couldn't stop a smile from finding its way onto his face.
"Like if the power of love revived me and then we made out?" Roman asked, eyes still closed.
"Good idea. ACTION!!" Virgil wiped the smile off his face. "Oh, no! What have I done?? My one true love, killed by my lack of common sense. Oh, was I wrong!! I shall never love again!!" He fell onto the bed next to Roman. "I will forever love you, my darling Steven- no- Flabberwabber."
Roman stirred and gasped again, eyes snapping open. "OH! The myth was real! I have been revived by the power of your love, BillyJoeBob the third!"
"BillyJoeBob? Seriously?"
"HUSH! I'm Flabberwabber! And it's BillyJoeBob the third, Virgil. Go with it!" Roman got back into character. "Now kiss me and let us put this chapter behind us!"
"... Nah." Virgil sat up and inched his way off the bed.
"What?" Roman froze.
"I'm kidding! Get over here, Flabberwabber." Virgil laid next to Roman again, leaning in slowly and imagining intense, suspenseful music playing.
Roman relaxed and smiled, leaning forward and kissing him softly.
Virgil pulled away and kissed him on the cheek. "There. Now go make dinner." He chuckled softly.
Roman groaned and rolled off the bed. "I'm leaving you for your brother, JohnJakeHenry the seventh. Make your own mac and cheese."
"Did you just say gas-"
Virgil flung himself on the Prince. "No! Not him! You wouldn't!"
Logan slowly opened the door. "Y- ... I'll wait." The royal advisor shut the door again.
Remus looked at him. "So they're really in there being such idiots?"
"I mean, what do you expect? This is Roman we're talking about." Logan leaned against the door.
"Obviously I got all the brain cells." Remus huffed and plopped down on the floor. "It's hard being the smart, handsome, and charismatic one. But I'm also the strong one, so I live."
"Sure." Logan pulled out a book.
"Don't leave me, Flabberwabber! I love you!" Virgil buried his face in the back of Roman's neck.
Roman blushed more. "Eh. I'm alive now. Might as well make it last. Be with someone who will kiss me. Aaaand scene."
Virgil let go of Roman. "OHO myhy god, that was beautiful. I might cry. But, I never got my kiss scene."
"Yeah. And that was your fault. Just kiss me." Roman looked back at him.
"Alright, fine, you dork..." Virgil leaned in. "-But you have to catch me first." Virgil rushed over and threw open the balcony doors, hopping off the edge and grabbing onto a lower tree branch.
"NOT AGAAAAIIIINNNN-" Roman pulled himself up and chased after Virgil.
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