Chapter 7
Virgil made sure to wake up early the next morning so he could see Roman before the prince had to get to his early morning duties. He overestimated, however, and woke up before him. He yawned quietly and blinked open his eyes, smiling softly. Roman was still fast asleep and hugging the other.
'He's so cute,' he thought, snuggling up to the other more. A few minutes later, Roman stirred. He lay there, deciding if he wanted to get up or not, before finally opening his eyes.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," Virgil said softly. Roman smiled and buried his face in the other's hair.
"Good morning." Roman murmured, his words slurring together.
"Are you getting up?"
"I don't want to."
"We're going to town today."
Virgil chuckled and hugged him.
"When I go to take care of my responsibilities, can you make sure none of my cousins or aunts or anyone wears something irrational?"
"If you want me to."
"Got it."
They got up and changed, Roman wearing his suit for the time, but he would come back and change again before leaving, while Virgil put on a simple knee-length, black sundress and some sneakers.
"I'll see you later," Roman said, kissing Virgil softly. The other smiled and kissed back.
"Anna, no, you cannot wear that."
"Awww! But, Logan!"
"No. It is not proper. You will not last five minutes."
"But I'll look gorgeous for those five minutes, at least!" A young lady with bright red hair that was tied in a bun struck a pose, her giant ballgown and puffy sleeves bouncing.
"But wouldn't you rather wear something simpler and look gorgeous all day?" Logan asked, raising an eyebrow. She pouted and crossed her arms.
"... I guess..."
"Great. Julie!" A small maid appeared at Logan's side. "Help Her Highness wear something nicer, please."
"Yes, sir."
Logan sighed and walked to the side of the room, running a hand through his hair. He was wearing a navy blue button-up with black knee-length shorts. "It is scheduled to be a very hot day yet these people believe it is okay to wear ballgowns and full-piece suits... I guess I do have to give Roman and Remus some credit now..."
"You look nervous."
Logan jumped, but relaxed when he saw it was only Virgil.
"You're nervous."
"Falsehood. Why would I be nervous? There's no reason for me to be nervous. I am perfectly fine."
"More nervous than I thought."
Logan huffed, pushing his glasses up. "So Roman was being serious..."
"About this trip?" Virgil nodded. "Why wouldn't he be?"
Logan leaned against the wall, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. When he opened them again, Virgil had walked off to talk to one of the gardeners. He sighed and stood up, looking around. "Jonathan, you cAN'T WEAR A LION SUIT!"
When everyone was in proper clothes, five carriages came for those who were going. Roman, Remus, Virgil, Logan, The King, and The Queen rode in one together. As Virgil sat next to Roman, he noticed that the lady he'd seen out in the garden had been the queen. Logan sat on the other side of Roman, while the king sat opposite of the royal heir, with Remus to his left and the queen to his right. Remus waved at Logan, as they were sitting across from each other, while the queen stared out the window.
An awkward silence filled the carriage until Roman and Remus's mother turned around. "I think this was a lovely idea you had, Roman," she said, her voice light and airy. "After all, some of the younger princes and princesses have never been off castle grounds."
"Thank you, Mother. I thought it would be nice for us to interact with some of our citizens."
Logan glared at him out of the corner of his eye, and Virgil had to look out the window to avoid laughing. "Yes, indeed," she said. Then she turned to Virgil. "Did you like the dresses?"
"Yes, ma'am. I love them."
"I'm glad. I was afraid you wouldn't, but I thought you look quite nice in them."
"Thank you, miss."
"Oh. There's no need to thank me. It's only something anyone with eyes would say."
Virgil blushed softly but nodded. As they rode into town, everyone fell silent and looked at them. Soon, the carriages pulled to a stop and they got out. Everyone talked for a minute about what they would have been doing, then they turned and started to explore.
Roman, Virgil, and Logan walked down the road some until a familiar shop came into view. Virgil smiled and sped up, dragging the other two behind him. Patton looked up when he noticed it had fallen strangely quiet, then smiled widely.
They walked up to the front, and Patton noticed Roman. His eyes widened as he bowed. "Your Royal-"
"No need to bow. I go by Roman. It's a pleasure to meet you, Patton."
"Th-thank you."
Virgil let go of Logan's wrist and chatted with Patton for a few minutes, then he looked around. "Ooh. Roman, look! It's a bakery!" he exclaimed, running away while Logan wasn't looking. The royal advisor turned around again and sighed.
"Let me guess, they ran off?"
"Yup!" Patton giggled, leaning against the counter. Logan looked over and smiled slightly.
"This is a nice shop."
"It's not much, but, hey, better than nothing!"
"Indeed. How long have you been running it?"
Patton smiled more and explained, Logan listening intently. When he was finished, Logan said something that caused they curly-haired shop owner to blush and glance away. As he did so, Roman kissed Virgil when they were next to a wool stand. Patton's eyes widened and he stood up quickly.
"Patton! Are you alright??"
"Y-yeah. Sorry. Are His Royal- Roman and Virgil... together??" said freckled baker asked with a grin.
"Oh." Logan looked over at where the two were standing. Virgil laughed and Roman looked over at him, smiling. "Well, they haven't made anything official to anyone, but it would appear that way, yes."
Logan jumped and looked back at him. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah! I'm just really happy for Virge!!"
"Ah." Logan nodded. "I guess I am quite pleased for Roman, too. He seems to really adore Virgil."
Patton smiled more. "That's adorable."
"It is." Logan glanced over at a flower, remembering what Virgil and Roman had encouraged him to do before they came. "Patton..." he started.
"Yeah?" The other looked over at him, pushing up his glasses.
"Well... I know we've just met... But... Her Majesty, The Queen, is holding the annual Royal Ball... I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to it?"
Patton's eyes widened as he smiled more. "I would love to, Logie."
Logan smiled an actual smile, glancing back at him. "Wonderful."
This was, of course, written by the most wholesome bean in all the land, @BearLover115. But, the next chapter will be written by me and edited by her! :) Stay tuned!
*insert outro here*
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