Chapter 3
"Here you go, sir. This is the chambers." The maid opened the door wide enough for Virgil to walk in. He stepped inside and his eyes widened. The room was as big as a townhouse, with tall ceilings and huge windows stretching from the floor to ceiling. The soft carpet covered half the floor, with white marble filling in the rest. The walls were covered in beautiful murals. A few doors were on them, leading to closets or bathrooms or just smaller rooms filled with the prince's belongings. When he looked up, a giant, golden chandelier with red jewels embezzled in it shone warmly. A huge bed was against the right wall, and a piano by the windows. An entire fireplace could be felt from one of the smaller rooms.
"Woah..." Virgil noticed the piano and his eyes lit up, heading straight for it. He smiled as he stood next to shiny back instrument, gently reaching out and running his hand across the wood. "This is nice..."
"Yes, sir. It has been passed down from generation to generation. All the kings and queens have played it, though Roman is quite exceptional at the art."
"I know..." Virgil whispered.
"What was that, sir?"
"Nothing!" Virgil blushed and put his hand back in his pocket. "But, yeah. It looks cool..." He stepped away from the piano again.
"Yes, sir. I assume you'll want to clean up before lunch, so the bathroom is that way. Someone else will bring you proper clothes in a minute. I hope you enjoy your stay." The maid bowed and quickly turned, leaving the room.
Virgil looked around one last time before heading toward where the maid pointed. He opened the door, and inside was a large bathroom. When he saw no one was there, he sighed, walking in and shutting the door. He dropped his bag to the floor. "A bath. Haven't had one in an actual tub in a while..."
After he cleaned up, Virgil headed over to the clothes that were set on the stool. 'Looks like a pretty color,' he thought to himself. He picked it up and froze. "What in the world??"
The dress was floor-length, with a high-waist and short sleeves. From the waist down it was red satin, but the chest was a light tan color, with jewels in the shape of leaves and flowers all across it.
Virgil's mouth hung open as he looked at it. "This... is beautiful... but not what I expected when she said 'proper clothes.'" He blushed softly, glancing over at his other clothes. "Well... time to try it on..."
Once he was in the dress, he looked at himself in the mirror, blushing more. He put the small, red heels on and spun in a circle. "Where's a hairbrush-" he started, but he immediately spotted a drawer full. He took one he was sure hadn't been used and ran it through his unkempt hair.
A knock on the door made him jump. "Hey, I just got back. You alright?" asked the voice of Roman from the other side.
"Do the clothes fit?"
"Yes, sir. They do."
"No need to call me 'sir.' Roman works just as well."
"A-are you sure?"
"Yes. When you're ready, we can head down to the main hall. Lunch is about to be served." Roman leaned against the door, trying to give himself a moment of relief from the permanent back damage he was to experience if he was going to keep his back so straight.
"Okay. I'll be out in a minute." Virgil placed the brush back in the drawer and picked up his towel, dropping it in the basket. He took a deep breath and opened the door. Roman's eyes widened as he fell, but Virgil squeaked and caught him. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay, Your Highn- Roman??"
"Y-yeah. Thank you. Sorry. You're welcome. Excuse me-" Roman fumbled over his words, standing up again.
Virgil couldn't help but smile softly. When Roman recomposed himself a bit, he looked up again, immediately blushing. "I- you- woah... S-sorry. Pardon." Roman slammed a hand over his mouth, seemingly stuck on an infinite loop of manners. Which is just a social construct, actually. There's no point in them. In an alternate universe, "F**k you." is good manners! Why should we have to sit up straight, stick out our pinkies, and say "Excuse me?"?? Why not put our feet on the table and eat like pigs?! WHY NOT BE ON OUR PHONES AT THE TABLE, HUH MOM???? *ahem* ... Anyway...
Virgil giggled quietly, causing Roman to blush even more. He held up his other hand to excuse himself, and ducked into one of the closets. A few minutes later, he returned, face no longer red and able to talk without spontaneously combusting.
"Are you alright, Your- Roman?" asked Virgil, looking up from the piano. Roman nodded.
"I'm fine. My apologies for that," he said.
"It's cool. You only looked like your curtains for a bit." When all the reply he got was silence, Virgil looked up again. Roman was staring at him in confusion, apparently lost in thought. "... What?"
"It is... cool...?"
"Yes...? Why?"
"I feel like it is a perfectly warm temperature."
"... You can't be serious." Virgil chuckled a bit.
Roman blushed and crossed his arms. "Why not? Is it cold to you?"
"Oh, my god. You are."
Roman looked away again. "Of course I am."
Virgil stood up and walked over to him. "Do you not know slang?" he asked.
"What's that? Is it anything like that French food-" he started.
"No, no, no. Slang. It's, like... I guess you would know it as 'street talk.'"
"Do the people in the street speak another language...?"
"Geez. We have more work to do than I expected." Virgil grabbed his hand and pulled the prince toward the library. Roman stumbled after him, looking like a confused puppy.
Virgil sat down on one of the couches, grabbing a pen and a piece of paper. "Alright, 'cool' means good or fine, got it?"
"What are you-"
"Do you want to learn slang or not?" Virgil looked up at him again, and Roman nodded quickly. "Then sit down and listen. 'Cool' means good or fine, right?"
"Yes." Roman sat next to him.
"'Yup' or 'yep' means yes."
About an hour and a half later, someone knocked on the door. "Prince Roman?" a voice called, causing them to look up.
"Yes?" he asked.
"Are you alright, sir?"
"Yes. I'm perfectly well. Why?"
"Well, you and the guest just missed lunch. The king was quite worried, sir."
Roman looked at the clock and his eyes widened. "My apologies. I must have lost track of time."
"Alright, sir. The king just sent me to check."
"Thank you. You can assure him we're fine."
"Yes, sir." A thump was heard, then a quiet 'ow.'
"Did he... try to bow but hit the door?" Virgil bit his tongue to stop himself from laughing.
"Yes. It would appear that way, Homeslice."
"... Yeah. Don't say that."
"Why not, dawg?"
"Or that. Was this a mistake?"
Roman shrugged. "Not sure, mandude."
Virgil winced. "Don't use them both. Oh, god."
Roman grinned. "I think I'm catching the drift of this!"
(And with that, is Chapter 3. As always, written by my beautiful girlfriend @BearLover115, and edited by me! Chapter 4 will be out soon! :)
*insert outro here*)
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