Quite some time ago, as I write this, six of Wattpad's finest came together to create something special. Just as they were considering as to if they were done or not, I intervened and they granted me free reign to bring in a bit of extra spice to the tale.
I added to it throughout in bits and pieces and made some alterations in the hopes my interference would give it more of a one story feel rather than six coming together as one. Some posted those alterations on their own profile and some kept the original and even though I came in on the project, I had not posted any of it in my corner or Wattpad, until now that is.
For all Hallow's Eve 2021, I considered writing something new to mark the festivities though instead of doing so, I considered revisiting that very special story, and revisit it I did, giving way to make further alterations.
So, from October 31st 2021 and over the days that follow, I add this newly altered version to my page and I hope all involved don't mind me doing so, as I hope they also like the further alterations.
Those six members of Watpad's finest who came together for this project are:
Lynn S - LynnS13
Aimee Irizarry - rosaimee
Ioanna Koliofoti - IoannaKoliofoti
Silvanna G Sanchez - silvana_md
Christine Bottas - Nyhterides
Beatrice Lebrun - @BeatriceLebrun
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