Roman could no longer recall how long he'd been Patton, Virgil, and Logan's play thing.
His body never seemed to fully heal from the bruises or wounds inflicted on him, but he didn't really notice when new ones were added either since his body was practically covered head to toe in blacks, blues, purples, reds, and yellows almost 24/7.
He wasn't allowed to have clothes or take a bath, and was only allowed to use the restroom if he used a bucket Patton had placed in front of a full length mirror to humiliate him.
He currently lay on a dirty mattress Virgil had brought in for him, so he didn't ruin the good bed the three now shared.
Quite a few springs were broken inside the mattress and it was extremely lumpy, but better than the floor he supposed.
He stared blankly at the wall, shivering violently and wincing as dried cum from earlier stuck to his skin and become cold and gross.
His whole body ached, his hair felt knotted and greasy, it hurt to even try to close his legs, and the dried blood didn't help at all with the discomfort he was experiencing.
He'd lost a ton of weight since everything had started, and barely got to eat, but when he did the others would get too frustrated trying to feed him since he was so out of it, and just let him starve instead of figuring out a solution.
Logan and Virgil seemed to use his body the most, when upset or overworked.
They wouldn't take their time, prep him, or even try to be gentle, just a quick, usually dry fuck, that left between his legs burning and bloodied.
If one was already using one hole, the other would use the hole unoccupied, and if on the very rare ocassion Patton joined in as well, then he'd usually have Virgil pounding into his ass, while Logan and Patton pounded into his cunt.
Days like those, though rare anymore, were the worst for Roman, and the three would leave him alone for a couple days since it usually caused some pretty intense damage.
Roman no longer scrame or pleaded when used, only silent tears would roll down his cheeks on ocassion, and even that was rare anymore.
He just didn't have it in him to cry, lying completely still as his body was jerked up and down, pounded into, bruised, abused, and used without a care or remorse for how much he was hurting.
He'd long since given up hope of anyone saving him, barely even aware of the world around him as time past, minutes blurring into hours, hours blurring into days, days to weeks, weeks to months, and he no longer had an my concept of time; eyes glassy and unseeing as day after day passed.
He didn't even acknowledge the pain anymore, just feeling floaty, and unaware.
That is until he heard unfamilar yelling, angry voices, and he panicked for the first time in who knows how long, thinking the three had brought more people to use him as they did on a regular basis, or maybe they were selling his body for money now, and were going to let complete strangers use him however they pleased!
"...-O! Ro...m..a...n!"
He could foggily hear someone talking, but didn't move, only getting small glimpses of green before his vision blurred once more.
"...-Ee! Oh... Go..d..."
He thought he heard a retching noise, causing his own stomach to churn, and begin dry heaving.
The retching stopped, continuous murmurs of,
"...-hit... Shit!"
Was all Roman could hear, before something was being pushed against his lips.
He tried to wrap his lips around whatever it was, thinking Patton wanted to use his mouth, but when he tried it didn't work and his mouth couldn't figure out what to do.
He heard a shaky voice curse loudly, then something breaking.
He flinched, not used to the three being violent unless they were using him in such a way.
He heard angry muttering, before a sternly hushed,
Was spoken, the angry muttering coming to an immediate halt, when the person seemed to notice how Roman was responding.
The thing was pressed to his lips once more, but this time; whoever was by him helped to tilt is head slightly, something dribbling against the severely chapped skin of his lips, and startling him when he realized it was water.
He thrashed a little, thinking they were trying to drown him, his rare tears flooding his eyes in his panic, choking on the water as he tried to scramble away.
He croaked out pained, fearful yelps, unaware that what he was thought was wiggling to get away, was barely even a tap against Janus' chest, who looked down at him with an intense worry, trying to calm him, but getting no response to show Roman even heard him.
The poor male sounded like a wounded animal, scared, pained noises leaving him as he tried to escape further pain.
Remus watched with tear filled eyes, unsure what to do for his suffering twin.
"Ro Ro..."
He squeaked out, only briefly catching Roman's attention before he returned to his panicked state.
Janus told Remus to keep a close eye on Roman for a moment while he went to grab some supplies, and he nodded in understanding, eyes never leaving his twin's trembling, battered form.
"I'm so sorry, Ro Ro..."
Remus whispered even if Roman wouldn't understand at the moment, brushing a strand of cum stained hair from his face.
His twin only let out an airy whimper, eyes unfocused, and wide, so Remus softly hummed to try and calm him.
When Roman's shoulders started to relax slightly, he smiled shakily, praising softly,
"Very good, Ro..."
Roman seemed confused by this comment, but didn't tense up again, so it was progress, and he began humming softly once more.
He hummed until his twin seemed to be slightly more aware, eyes still slightly unfocused, but seeming to acknowledge things around him a little better,
Remus attempted to speak as quietly as possible, but Roman still aggressively flinched, eyes sluggishly moving to look up at his twin in confusion,
Remus said just as quietly, trying to give Roman a tiny smile.
His twin only blinked, seeming unsure how to respond, his gaze ocassionally trailing up to Remus' face, then sluggishly looking around as if he didn't recognize where he was.
Janus returned a moment later, standing in the doorway as he watched how gentle and patient Remus was with Roman, the other looking a bit more aware than before he left.
He stepped into the room and Roman immediately tensed up again, whimpering softly, but Remus whispered soft assurances, then motioned Janus closer, who spoke softly as he explained,
"I grabbed a heated blanket and have set up a bath for you, Roman. You dont have to take or do either. I just wanted to let you know."
Roman didn't respond, but a shiver ran down his spine once more and he sluggishly took the heated blanket, only to lose his grip and drop it the second it touched his hand, the warmth startling him, and causing him to begin hyperventilating.
Remus was quick to scoop up the heated blanket, tenderly wrapping it around Roman's shoulders to try and ground him a bit; relieved as his breathing slowly returned to normal, a few tears staining his cheeks bones, but otherwise doing slightly better.
Janus and Remus knew it would be a long, difficult road to recovery for Roman, but they would stick by his side, and never let Patton, Virgil, or Logan touch or hurt Roman again.
He would be safe with them, shown that he was loved, and that no matter how bad things got they would protect him and weren't leaving his side.
They would help him see how truly strong he was for overcoming everything that happened to him, and help him move onto better things.
Because they loved him, and he deserved all the love in the world after everything he'd been though.
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