Chapter 22
*Kavitha Pov*
"Are you guys waiting for Mihira? She just went to pass a message and will be here soon." I mumbled when I found everyone waiting for her.
"He is using her as a slave." Rakesh mumbled beside me but I shook my head at those words but then even I feel that sometimes with the way she is feeling tired all the time for the past months.
"Come on! He helped Abhi and that makes him be at a stage where we should respect him." Kalyan commented looking at everyone.
"How was the first day?" I asked looking at Abhi who is ignoring everyone and just looking at the way from where she will come to get her vehicle.
"Fine! It feels good to be back but it doesn't feel good to get a lift from someone like this." He commented as he is at present sitting behind Vikesh.
I heard his vehicle is being restricted for him to use for a few days until he gets used to the classes and doesn't feel tired but his Mom actually doesn't want him to use it ever again until his medication finishes.
"After we are used to driving ourselves, we can't accept to take lift anymore." I mumbled understanding his feelings while ignoring the glare from Rakesh.
They all laughed seeing this but went silent when we saw Mihira finally stepping out of the building and going towards the parking lot and doesn't seem to realize us waiting here like this.
When she stepped out of the parking lot with her vehicle, she gave a surprised look after finally seeing us and calmly reached our side.
We all waited for her to ask Abhi or someone regarding why is he taking a lift instead of driving his vehicle and I felt that's a good way to start the explanation but she didn't say anything at all.
"Ms. Mihira!" she groaned hearing a voice and we all turned to find an assistant lecturer walking towards us with a file in her hands.
"You could have waited for me before taking the file by yourself. You can give it to him." Saying that she got passed with a file.
"Maam!" Mihira whispered pleadingly which was completely ignored by the Assistant lecturer and she even left the campus after passing the file.
"You guys go ahead. I need to give this to Swapnil Sir." Saying that she parked her vehicle aside before rushing back into the building.
"Who is she?" Abhi asked frowning at the back of the assistant lecturer who turned back to check whether Mihira left to pass the file or not and stayed there without moving.
"She is Miss Haritha, the new assistant lecturer taking place of Swapnil Sir as he became a full-time lecturer from last semester." I explained but then before I can say we heard the second-year students whom I am quite familiar with after last semester's incident.
"She is stupid to still hang around Swapnil Sir like that. She doesn't care about the rumors?" one of them asked and I immediately glared at this gang.
"Maybe everything is true and that's why it happened." Another commented but they forgot someone is standing near them to hear it.
I stopped others when they were about to go and scold them as someone else is here to that and as expected from my idol.
"You all go to the library right now and give me a book review for the following books." She said and started reading out nearly ten books completely startling them.
"I need to get the mail by today otherwise there will be other work added tomorrow in the class." She continued and they immediately rushed back towards the library.
After that, she finally left the campus while I smiled proudly at the way she handled them while others were surprised with it.
"Isn't she amazing? She handled so many students just like this when they attacked Mihira behind her and I became a huge fan of hers." I said before realizing what I just uttered.
"I will just go then." I added and started the vehicle but others shifted their vehicles to block my path and it feels like I am the damsel in distress but the one who can save me is Mihira from these people.
"What do you mean?" Abhi demanded while I looked around before finally spilling everything.
When they were trying to hide from Mihira, she got completely involved with studying and by following Swapnil Sir for study-related or to help him with anything which went the wrong way for the first years.
"Is that her?" I frowned hearing a voice while following Mihira and Swapnil Sir as he is leaving for a class but she has to send an assignment he gave her before we both go to our classes.
"Yeah! Look how close they are." Even the two figures before me heard that and kind of stopped their steps.
"Oh no! They heard us." With that, the group of people was about to leave and even Swapnil Sir ignored them to walk away with Mihirs but then I heard that voice.
"What year do you all belong to?" we three heard the harsh voice and turned to find a lady standing before that gang.
"The first-year!" they meekly replied.
"You all are first years but are gossiping about a lecturer. Let's go to the administration office right now and let your parents find the behavior of their children." She ordered and I started wondering who is she.
A new lecturer? I thought with a frown and turned to find Mihira having the same expression as me but Swapnil Sir was shocked while looking at her.
"We are sorry, Maam." They pleaded her continuously but she gestured behind them and they turned around before apologizing to Mihira and Sir before rushing away.
"Hello, Sir! How have you been?" She asked looking at him.
"I am the new assistant lecturer of yours." She added when he didn't reply to her words after which he slowly nodded before leaving and even asked Mihira to just leave.
"That command and the way she handled it was so amazing. I thought she was some lecturer or an important guest lecturer but then she was an assistant lecturer and her teachings are also good." I ended the flashback while everyone is frowning at me.
"If it was a man I would have felt jealous after the way she just described the whole scene." Rakesh mumbled which I completely ignored.
"Why didn't you tell any of us that such a thing happened? Even today it was a slip, right?" Rekha asked frowning at me.
"Because Mihira asked me to not tell anyone of you." I replied shrugging.
"But you should have told us such an important matter." Abhi mumbled and he looks restless after hearing everything.
"If I can hide something from her even being against it then I can do what she asks me too." I mumbled frowning at him and they all fell silent.
"Anyway, she somehow became a mediator between Swapnil Sir and Haritha Maam. And that's why she is so busy like that." I continued explaining as I already gave out the information on the main topic.
I know they look surprised hearing that because even I felt the same but I got used to it after all these months.
When Mihira returned, she saw the expressions of everyone and glanced at me with questioning eyes. I mumbled how I spilled everything but she just shrugged to it before pulling her vehicle beside me.
No one commented anything else after her non-response and we all drove away from the campus to our homes. I am kind of delighted to see their guilty looks but then I want everything to be back to normal at the same time.
*Abhilash Pov*
"Shall I pick you up tomorrow?" Vikesh asked dropping me but I shook my head at his words.
"My Dad will do it. I will just keep up with this for a few days and start using my vehicle." I replied while checking if she reached this road or not.
He left nodding at me but I stayed there until she reached her home and she glanced at me before walking towards me.
"Is Aunty there inside?" she asked and I nodded absentmindedly even though I don't know whether she is inside or not.
She walked inside the house and I followed her while trying to think about how to start the conversation.
Mom glanced at us as she is sitting on the couch and immediately stood up with a smile but I shook my head so that she will not think everything is fine between us.
She gave a disappointed look but smiled at Mihi before asking, "You are early to learn the dishes? You must have missed me this month. But his Dad suddenly planned a family trip."
"I missed you for sure, Aunty. But I am here to say that I will not be able to learn any more from you. Classes started and I need to concentrate on them." Mihi mumbled with an apologetic look.
"I heard that you didn't score as they expected you to last semester." Mom commented and I stared at them in surprise.
"They expected too much from me but that is their fault. I already told them not to expect much but they went overboard." She mumbled looking down making my Mom chuckle and I couldn't help but smile at her whiny tone.
"I will be leaving then, Aunty." She added before turning around but I didn't move at all which made her glance at me.
"Uhmm... can I talk to you?" I asked while gesturing the stairs but she glanced at her watch hearing that question.
"I have some work right now. Let's talk later, Abhilash." Saying that she gestured me to move which I did but Mom hit my shoulder after she left.
"What was that? You should just directly tell her everything." She said frowning at me.
"Mom! If you were in her steps then will you feel happy to know how everyone hid these things from you?" I asked and she shook her head in negative.
"I want to tell her slowly without shocking her. I did all this so that she will not get hurt but I ended up hurting her some other way and when I tell her everything, she will get hurt again." I added and she gave an understanding look.
"You have a long way ahead." She mumbled and I nodded hearing those words.
If I just tell her the truth and then later I will do everything to ask for forgiveness. I sighed walking to my room and found her curtains opened like in the morning which is a surprise for sure as I thought she will close them like last time.
I thought I know her so well but just within a few hours, I don't think like that anymore as she is surprising me with everything.
"It's been a few weeks already, Abhi. When will we be able to tell her everything?" Vikesh asked groaning beside me.
"She is scaring me every day with the way she is behaving so normally near us." He added without giving me a chance to reply.
"Why don't you say those things then? Do you think it is easy for him to say and will be easy for her to hear?" Rekha asked him frowning while searching for them to come to the table.
"She skipped the welcome party which made us cancel it too. I think we all should just blurt it out after dragging her to somewhere with us." Rakesh commented sighing before glancing at me but I glared at him for saying those words.
When they reached our table, everyone started talking about their classes while she calmly ate unlike me and it looks like our roles got reversed.
"How are the classes going on for you both?" I asked looking at them and they both glanced at me.
"You should ask only me, Abhi. She is like enjoying the classes too much but answering everything no matter how tough it is." Kavitha whined while Mihi cleared her throat.
"How did that happen, Mihi? I thought you were not interested in the classes and you are already attending classes every day and now even learning the topics ahead." Vikesh commented but she shrugged.
"I will score very well during this year." She assured us and I smiled hearing that.
"I am sure you will do that." I mumbled and she ignored my words completely before glancing at the entrance.
"Damn! What is the time?" she asked looking at us while hurriedly checking her watch too.
"Didn't I tell you to be there on time today? You already took leave for the evening and thinking of skipping even lunchtime?" we all turned hearing an irritated tone and found her Mentor standing near us before walking towards her.
"I just finished my lunch." She mumbled gesturing the empty tray but he shook his head before passing a note to her.
"Pass this to her and ask her to send the notes relating to that by tomorrow." He ordered and she slowly nodded taking the note.
"And you better win today's game otherwise I will make sure you stay here during the weekend too for unnecessarily skipping today's schedule." He warned before walking away while she glared at his back.
"Game? What game?" I asked looking at her.
"She is going to have a match with the Senior. Do you remember Ajay from the mechanical department? They both are going to have a match today." Kavitha explained in an excited tone.
"Just a friendly match." Mihi mumbled before standing up while checking the note that was passed to her.
"Mihi! Can we come and watch your game?" I asked before I could stop myself and everyone glanced at me in surprise along with her.
"Sure!" she mumbled shrugging before walking away while I sighed finishing my lunch while thinking about two people right now that are lingering around her. Do I even have the right to feel upset?
"She is way better than before." I mumbled looking at the match.
"Of course! She was practicing every weekend here as she is coming to college during that time." Kavitha explained.
"Seems like I have all the answers near you regarding her." I mumbled but she shook her head.
"No! Even I am confused about so many things about her but the basic ones I can tell you. But I want you to make her happy and be normal unlike how she is now." She commented and I nodded promising her.
The match ended with her winning which is amazing and not what I expected but if she was practicing all this time then it is possible.
After Ajay left the place, she waved at other people smiling and that made me get up before walking towards her from the bleachers.
When I finally reached her, I whispered, "Mihi! I need to tell you something." But the moment she turned around I felt a ball hitting my head at full force.
I couldn't control my balance and fell down in shock but the next moment I felt two arms checking my head and I can hear her voice which brought me out of my shock and slight pain.
"Abhi! Are you okay? Is it paining too much? Can you hear me?" She continuously asked while I felt others reaching me but my eyes just stared at her worried expression.
"What are you guys doing? Call an ambulance right now." She shouted looking at the others before placing her hand over my head and looked around.
"I am fine!" I whispered but she shook her head before taking someone's mobile and tapped a few numbers before pressing the call button.
"Mom! Abhi got hurt on the head by a basketball. He said he is fine but I will be bringing him to the hospital. Can you make an appointment with his doctor? What if it hurt him too much?" she continued to talk while trying to make me stand up before placing her hand around my waist and I just went through all this in shock not being able to say anything at all.
But when she is walking me towards outside and continued towards the parking lot after which she realized that she doesn't have her things with her, she immediately turned us towards the entrance before calling for a cab.
The only thing that is running on my mind right now is the fact that she knows. She knows everything about it and that explains her behavior right now. Why? How? And when? Those are the questions roaming for sure while she looks too scared right now.
This is the twist actually there are two twists I think with the asset lecturer(remember the rumors?) Surprised? Why? How and When? will be answered in the next or maybe later one...
How is it? I tried to type as fast as I can to update before sleeping so ignore the mistakes please
Comment plz and vote...
p.s: aaradhana_adithya is the one to kind of guess... so this will be dedicated to her... :)
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