The Dark Type and it's Trainer
Banette had spent more time in it's pokeball, knowing the Heather wanted to get to know Zorua more. "Zor!" "Ok, Zorua go with Nurse Joy" Zor!" the nurse nodded, "We will make sure your pokemon are fighting fit" Heather sat down. Suddenly, a Mismagus appeared in front of her. "Mag! Mismagus!" "Hello Mismagus" Banette and the others ran over, Zorua hopped onto my lap. A Krookodile, Galvantula, Hydregon, Croagunk, and Gengar joined the Mismagus.
"Oh, greeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaat, Oliver and company is here" a boy with brown hair stepped up, "Hey!" "What?" he looked at Zorua, "Wow, did you hatch it?" "How did you know?" "Thats how Galvantula acted as a Joltik, staying close, he still does it, but man a Zorua" Zorua walked up to Galvantula, "Zor?" "Vaaantulaaa" "Zor!" "Gaaaaalvaaan" Zorua smiled and jumped around.
"So, why are you walking with me?" "Because, what you said is right, im sorry, Arthur is so good at persuading people.." "No problem bro!" we chuckled, Galvantula and Zorua walking with us. "Vhy, vhat have we here? Two shiny pokemon? Dahling, just hand ze Zorua over and i vill be on my way" "Uh, no, and what?" "Beatrice, back off" "Quen" "Vhy? Vespiqen seems to have taken a liking to zat Galvantula, vhat would you say about a trade? Your Galvantula, for my female Combee" "No! I hatched Galvantula myself!"
"Fine, Attack Order, Helping Hand!" Vespiquen glowed, the seventeen Combee lent it power. "Galvantula, Electro Web!" "TuuuuuuuuuuuuuulAAAAAAAAAAAA" an electrified spider web hit Vespiquen, trapping it, super effective. "Vespiquen, Cut!" it cut through the web. "Zorua, Double Team!" Zorua bounded, copies appearing everywhere. "Ariel Ace!" the Zorua all slashed at Vespiquen, doing decent damadge. "Vespiquen X-Scissor!" Zorua was hit, and blown into a tree. "ZORUA!"
"Now, Air Slash" Vespiquen launched the attack, i blocked it, curling around Zorua. "Vat are you doing?!" "" that hurt, a lot. Zorua bounded in front of me, "Zoura!" it used Night Daze, Vespiquen was hit, but not down. "Zor!" Vespiquen fired anothe X-Scissor, it hit, Zorua got back up, but started glowing.
I looked up, "Zorua?" it grew, gaining legs and arms, long hair and claws, it evolved. "Zoroark!" it growled, "Zoooooooooooor!" it used Flamethrower, Vespiquen fainted. "I vill get you for dis!" Beatrice retreated.
"Zoro?" "Zoroark, you evolved!" "Zor" it hugged me, i hugged back, Zoroark and I were closer than ever, and my brother was traveling with us again, everything was perfect.
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