Chapter 4
Porkchops was wandering around the plain outside of the shelter, eating grass. It was daytime, and he didn't know what to do. He couldn't go back to Steve. He never could. But then again, maybe he should tell Steve about the attack on Harville, whatever that was about.
Nah, Porkchops thought. Harville was where the Villagers that had killed Porkchops' family lived. He had always avoided that place since then, and he had no intention of going back there.
Porkchops had walked a little far away from the shelter, in search of good grass. He had to smell the grass to make sure it would taste good, and right now he had his sights-or scents-on a patch farther away.
He started eating the grass. It was delicious.
This went on for a few more hours. Around three pm, Porkchops got a surprise.
Another pig walked up to him. Porkchops had no idea who he was, but he started talking as if they were long lost friends.
"Hey bro, what's up?" the other pig said in pig language.
"Nothing much," Porkchops snorted in reply, not looking up from his patch of grass.
"Cool man, cool," said the other pig. "I'm Joe."
"Porkchops," Porkchops replied, glancing up at the pig while still eating.
If other people heard this conversation, they would just hear a bunch of pig snorts. Only pigs understood pig language.
"Have you heard about Mojang?" said Joe.
"Who?" Porkchops asked, finally finishing off his patch of grass. He honestly didn't want to talk to Joe. Ever since his family died, he was used to being alone.
"Mojang. They're the government. Ya know, the people who run the world?" Joe snorted, looking around as if it were some big secret. "I heard the Resistance staged an attack to shut Mojang down last week, but their leader was captured and hasn't been heard from since. Personally, I think they killed him."
"Why would there be a Resistance? And why did they try to shut the government down?" Porkchops asked, still uninterested.
"Haven't you heard, dude?" Joe snorted. "Mojang is freakin' evil. They can control monsters!"
"Really?" Porkchops asked, unbelieving.
"Yeah. That's why the Resistance is trying to stop them," Joe said. "It's too bad they killed the leader, Steve."
Porkchops' head shot up. "Steve?" he asked, mouth gaping.
"Yeah. That was his name. But he's dead now, so don't worry about it. Too bad he can't save the village Mojang is gonna attack, Harville," Joe said nonchalantly.
Several things whirled around in Porkchops' brain at once. Steve was the Resistance leader. His Steve. He couldn't believe it.
But it was all starting to make sense to him now. Steve tried shutting down Mojang, but they captured him. Then they erased his memory, and put him out near Porkchops. That's why Steve always looked so confused. That helicopter Porkchops had seen must've had Steve in it. He bet the word on it was probably Mojang.
Then Porkchops realized where else he had seen that word. The Zombies helmets. They were gonna attack Harville! But Steve didn't know that. Did he?
Porkchops remembered the lake where Steve had killed those cows. He probably had built his house there. Harville was just west of there. If Steve had set off that way...he could get caught up in that attack in Harville! Porkchops couldn't let that happen, now that he realized how important Steve was. He decided to forgive him for killing those cows. He probably needed food anyway.
Right now, Porkchops had to go save Steve.
Suddenly, Steve's scent filled Porkchops' nostrils. It was fear.
And it was coming from the west.
"Thanks Joe, bye!" Porkchops said hurriedly, then started running to the west. He had to get to Steve.
"No problem, dude!" he heard Joe yell back.
As he ran, Porkchops wondered where Joe had gotten all his information. Hopefully it wasn't all just a big lie. But Porkchops knew in his gut that it wasn't one. It all made too much sense.
Porkchops ran as fast as he could, but that wasn't very fast since he was a pig. Plus, he had to stop every once in awhile to eat grass and replenish his energy.
After about half an hour of running, Steve's scent returned to normal. Well, it wasn't exactly normal. Porkchops could tell Steve was angry. Angry at what, he had no clue.
When Harville finally came into view, it was night time. Porkchops knew he was too slow.
He was still about a hundred blocks away from the village when Steve's scent got stronger again. He was afraid again. Porkchops hurried to the village.
Porkchops was passing a church when Steve burst out of the library a few buildings away. Unfortunately, he wasn't looking in Porkchops' direction. He ran the other way, around the outside of the village.
Suddenly, there was a groan right behind Porkchops. Startled, the pig turned around.
A Zombie Villager towered over him.
Porkchops had never actually seen a Zombie Villager. He had seen Zombies and Villagers, but not Zombie Villagers. And they were far scarier than he imagined them.
Not caring that monsters ignored animals, Porkchops ran inside the church. He was scared out of his mind. And so was Steve, whose scent was still intensifying.
Porkchops hid in the dark corner of the church, trembling. Then, in the opposite corner, rose another Zombie Villager. Porkchops squealed and ran out of the church.
He stood near one of the farms. Directly across from Porkchops, Steve battled three Zombie Villagers. He was still facing the opposite direction of Porkchops.
Steve finished off the three with an iron sword that Porkchops had not seen before, then he ran down the gravel road leading nowhere.
Steve ran away from the village, leaving Porkchops to tremble in fear.
Luckily-or unluckily, Porkchops wasn't sure-all the Zombie Villagers followed Steve. He outran them by a lot though, and they couldn't catch up.
Still, they were out of the village. Now Porkchops could relax. There was nothing to be afraid of. Zombie Villagers ignored him, just like all monsters.
Then Porkchops realized he couldn't relax. He had to go after Steve, and tell him how important he was.
Porkchops figured Steve would eventually go back to the lake, where his house was. He wasn't headed in that direction now, but he would most likely go back there. So, Porkchops decided to meet him there.
He started to Steve's house, escaping the now silent Harville, running into the night.
Thanks for reading! By the way, this book is only gonna be like six chapters (not including the epilogue). You should know if you've read "A Minecraft Story" (and you better have).
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