Chapter 1
"I'm sorry Katie, but I don't think we can make it." Anna says with a shrug which further enrages me.
"Why not?" I shoot back and without waiting for her to answer, "What do you mean 'we'? Tim is not invited." I stabbed one of the baby carrots on my tray.
Anna looked up from her phone. She seemed distracted and her face lit up as she focused on something behind me.
"Actually, Tim's here and we wanted to tell you together." She smiles and watches her boyfriend walk up to us.
He is a jock, like a typical airhead football player, and they got together a few month ago. Ever since then it seems like her life revolved around his. It was beyond infuriating to watch her 'I's turn in to we's. It bothered me but I could tell that she liked him and I didn't want to intrude.
"Hey" he says, sliding his tray next to Anna's. He leans in to her and kisses her cheeks. Not ready to let go of my anger, I ignored him and turned back to Anna "what were you saying?"
"Um...yeah, Timmy?" she says not even turning away from him. "I was just telling Katie why we can't go to her birthday thing..." she trails off and he continues.
"It's our two month anniversary!" he looks at me with a smile on his face.
'Two month anniversary? Are you serious?'
"What do you mean?" I ask trying to keep my annoyance out of my voice. I didn't do a good job.
"What's your damage, Katie?" Anna says suddenly, turning to watch me. "It's an important day!"
"Yeah, so is my birthday!"
"I know that" she says, "but I already told you that I'm going to get you a present! And we can do whatever you were gonna make us do the next weekend."
"But it's my birthday!" I said, quieter this time, trying to understand.
"whoa, whoa!" Tim cuts in. "As much as I would love to see a cat fight," here he turns to Anna and winks, mouthing words that very much look like 'I'm rooting for you babe', "I'll suggest a solution. Just go with your other friends..." He trails of looking at me, probably waiting for me to tell him what a brilliant plan that was.
"No that wouldn't work." I tell him fighting a sneer from rising to my face.
"Why tho?" he says, his face morphing into a look of pure confusion.
"I'm her only friend, that's why." Anna jumps in cutting off my answer.
"Wow," I'm at a loss for words. I can't believe she stooped that low. They were both laughing and I don't think they noticed me get up
'Its fine I don't need her anyways.' I told myself again and again as I made my way to the trash can to dump my mostly uneaten lunch.
I just lost my only friend. Damn.
I stomped my way over to my locker. Trying not to bump into anyone. My designer heels now more uncomfortable than they ought to be. Boy, was I regretting the decision to wear them now...
My locker had a very glittery interior and a mirror stuck onto the door. I took a deep breath to keep tears from falling onto my cheeks and took what little comfort I could from the familiar surroundings. My face was red and splotchy and my nose was pink too. I heaved another sigh and grabbed my lip gloss, swiftly swiping a layer onto my lips with a practiced stroke. I was checking my upper lip when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around way too fast.
"Hey!" the girl said in a very bubbly, cheerful tone. Her name was Jenna Andrews and she was the smartest person in the school. Jenna was sixteen like me but we didn't have any classes together because she went up a grade. Yeah, she's that smart.
"I love your lip gloss!" she continued putting a hand under my chin and tilted my face towards the light. "That color looks good with your skin tone," here she fake pouts, "it would look hideous on me! You're so lucky!" and she drops my face.
I notice a bunch of other girls watching me, as Jenna walks away. They all have green envy radiating off of them. In addition to being smart and rich, Jenna was also the most popular girl in school.
It cheered me up some, but at the end of the day the realization that I'd have to walk home weighed on me.
A/N:- right, so this is my first book and i don't know how all this is supposed to go. If you liked what I have so far, please vote and comments are welcome as well. No seriously, I could really use some constructive criticism! I'm not going to be updating too often but y'all should get a new chapter at least every week... and yeah that's it. Also thanks for reading!
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