Several years later, I was on a journey seeking the famous treasure any pirate would have wanted for themselves. It wasn't just any treasure, it was worth an empire. The Crown promised to reward whoever found it with a piece of land, great riches and inmunity to the law, that is, no death sentence or prison, only exile if necessary. That was the perfect oportunity to take revenge on anyone without facing the consequences. What I wanted most was the third prize. It wasn't always like that, though, Edward and I had gone on the adventure in order to live without worries for the rest of our lives and ask for Derek's inmunity to the law as well, since there were many looking for him and his head. He had been living recklessly in the last few years, but even so, Edward wanted to do something for him. That was his last wish. He never came back from the journey. I barely escaped, and it was all because of the person he was trying to save. I started hating Derek from the bottom of my heart and sought revenge along with the treasure as Edward had wished. Too bad I wasn't too keen on making the second part of his wish come true, since all I wanted was to kill Derek with my own hands. It was just an angry thought, I wasn't actually going to murder my first love, but I would make him pay dearly, and that was a promise.
That was the tenth time I was travelling to look for the treasure island, some of the times I had encountered Derek again and fought over the right to look for the treasure, but the times he didn't win he ended up escaping my hands. He used to mock me and it enerved me, despite it being something I used to look forward to when I did sword practice with him back then. Anything coming from him would make me fall for him, but things had completely changed ever since.
The ship was arriving to the next island, but there was another one already there, before us. It was him, again. I couldn't figure out how was it that he always arrived earlier than me and to the same place. Perhaps there was an information leak, I would look into that later. I told the crew I would go alone for once, I didn't wish to be easily spotted. I told them to distract Derek and make him think we were all still near the ship while I went into the cave of wonders. I hid in the bushes while I watched his men go to my ship. The plan had worked, only, I did not see Derek with them. He probably had a similar plan or maybe he guessed mine...
- This is an old trick, did you think you'd get me?- said a familiar voice behind me.
I jumped and took my sword out, ready to face him.
- As expected, you are always one step ahead of me- I grinded my teeth, furiously.
- You are just too predictable- he answered without even making a move to take his sword out.
It seemed he didn't even consider me a threat anymore. He approached me slowly but surely and I stepped back, wondering what he was planning.
- Stop! What are you doing?
- Coming for my treasure- he said, distracting me and taking the opportunity to take my sword away-. Dear Jasy, won't you ever give in? There is no point in fighting, you know who will win in the end- he gave me a smirk while he pushed me down and held my wrists against the grass.
- Don't even think about having me, or even kissing, I hate you for being responsible of the death of the person I loved.
- I know you still want me- his lips were so close to mine the only way to avoid the kiss was biting them, and so I did-. Either way, I'll make you want me again.
He recovered quickly from the pain and kissed me anyway, taking me by surprise since I didn't expect him to make a second move. I hated my body for reacting on its own despite my head telling it not to. I filled my mind with thoughts of hate towards him, remembering the first time we met again after the wedding, but other more distant memories came as well, uninvited, about the time I loved him and looked forward to meeting him again. It had been two years since Edward's death, all I saw ever since was Derek's annoying face laughing everytime he got away in our encounters on the islands. Edwards memories weren't gone, but they had faded so much I could barely remember his face anymore. My dreams had become nightmares, with Edward gone and Derek chasing after me.
Thinking of all those things I didn't realise I had to do something to stop Derek from taking advantage of me, but instead he thought I was still because I was enjoying it. The kissing started to intensify, only then I realised I had to stop him before it was too late. Too late... for what? I wasn't going to give in, there shouldn't be such a thing as "too late". No, my feelings for him weren't allowed to come back. I turned my face away in anger and looked into his eyes, showing him I wasn't going to have any of it.
- If you didn't want it from the beginning, you should have tried to stop me- he said with a smirk.
- I was thinking of ways to torture you when I get the chance- I answered in a furious tone.
- I'd like to see that, I wonder what would you do to me... perhaps I should be thinking what I would do to you too- his ironic smile gave me chills, I did not wish to know what went through his mind right then.
- Derek, how many times do I have to tell you? You are not getting me back.
Somehow I managed to get up and he did the same, but he didn't let go of my wrist. I kept struggling, but I only hurt my wrist more. Eventually, I stopped and looked at him, he hadn't moved a bit all that time.
- It seems you don't get it. I promised you I'd come for you and never let go, didn't I? You didn't seem to mind so much back then. Nothing will stand in my way this time, not even your revenge- he held my chin and looked at me fiercely-. You are not going to get rid of me anymore, I will keep coming back until you accept it or until I lose my patience. Let's hope for the first, shall we?
- Or else?
- Or else... you must remember what I am capable of, don't you know me?- he whispered to me some of the times I didn't want to remember and I got goose bumps. After all that time, I still wasn't inmune to him, it might have even gotten worse since I wasn't used to feeling him or any man so close anymore.
- You don't need to tell me all this...
- Oh, but I think I do... it seems you have forgotten what I made you feel back then, I was just refreshing your mem... oh, maybe I was wrong, maybe you do remember- he smirked and pointed at my blushing cheeks-. See you next time, maybe you reconsider your position. By the way, go home, there's nothing here, we already checked.
He let me go and went away, disappearing from my sight. I hated him, I hated the way he acted, I hated the fact that he was always one step ahead, but most of all, I hated what he made me feel, I hated the fact that he was right. I hated myself for not being able to hate him enough to kill him but I also hated myself for being blind enough to blame him even though he didn't intentionally kill Edward. It was all an accident, but all I could remember was Derek being guilty and the fact that he kept going after me instead of being understanding about the situation or even sad about his brother made me furious.
He had gotten naughtier and naughtier over the years as a pirate and stopped being even discreet about it. He was straight about his intentions and had no problem letting me know about them. Maybe as a teenager I would have fallen again for him, I was interested in such personalities, but as I grew older I just wanted someone I could count on, and I was happy Edward gave me the stable relationship I was looking for. Adventures were left aside, but even then, when I was on my ship again, I was still not looking for excitement. All I wanted was to get things over with, I had forgotten how to enjoy the adventure, but unfortunately, Derek was there to remind me what excitement was, but not just any kind, he was going to show me his way of having fun. Even though we had a few encounters before, I could tell he was getting more and more serious about his purpose and started to speed up. A storm was nearing, my quiet time was over.
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