Sorting Memories
My alarm sounded and for some reason, I got up and got dressed without screwing around. Breakfast today: French toast, yogurt, and apple juice. "Why do we have such a small breakfast today?" Vidia asked cranky. Vidia typically isn't one to complain when it comes to food and if she didn't like her food in some way or another, then something was up.
"Maybe they're on a budget cut?" Max suggested; Vidia shook her head.
"I don't think it's that, I think it's going to go down today," Vidia explained.
"I've like, been thinking the same thing all morning," Katie agreed.
"Today? As in they're all going to move us around?" Alice asked alarmed.
"I guess it makes sense. They let us have some fun, throw a big party without asking any questions, and they even gave us a few days to cool off. We all knew it was coming anyway, so it really shouldn't be that much of a surprise," I said.
"True, but they can't really move us until after we take the tests," Max pointed out. I noticed that everyone else seemed to be nervous to. I wasn't concerned about it because Alice and I have similar personalities. Alice however, was freaking out about it all through breakfast and even into the morning while we were packing up our non-essential items.
"Sarah, what if we're not in the same Division?" Alice asked.
"We'll get into the same Division for sure! Remember when we took the personality test in English last year? We pretty much had the same results."
"Sure we did, but what if they're like the aptitude tests from Divergent? We react so differently in certain situations. You've been here longer than I have and I know for a fact that you've changed just since last week. I don't know what it is about this place, but I kinda like it," Alice said.
"Your completely overthinking it and sure, I might've changed a little bit, but I can still see straight through you and I can see that you're paranoid Alice," I stated the obvious.
"Just think what would happen to our friendship if we were separated," Alice thought.
"Nothing is going to happen, you'll see," I reassured her.
The tests weren't hard and, in a way, they were a lot like the aptitude tests from Divergent. It was a 100 question, multiple choice/written response test. It asked questions about what you would do in certain situations, how well you were with technology, what your interests were, and there was even a few math problems. By the time I was done, I had spent 5 hours in my testing room. I had to think about who I truly was and what skills I had. When I finished, I took a nice long nap.
Alice woke me right before dinner. All of her stuff was already packed and ready to go. "What's the rush? Are you really that excited to leave?" I teased.
"It's not funny, this is serious," Alice said.
"I heard that everyone is getting their new quarter changes tomorrow," Katie announced.
"Does that mean we'll know what Division we'll be in to?" Max asked.
"IDK, it's sorta just a rumor," Katie admitted.
"I'm pretty sure we all know what Division I'll be in," Vidia bragged. We shared nervous laughs. Max and Katie sat a little closer together. Alice and I shared a knowing glance before we finished our dinner.
I packed up my stuff while Alice hung out with a few friends she made in her short time here. I was playing my music and this time, I made sure the door was shut. I found that Alice had packed up both the night stands, bookshelves, and desk. I still didn't completely understand why Alice was so nervous about moving. Then again, when I first met her, she had a very low self esteem. If it hadn't been for my kindness, Alice would've committed suicide. I got to thinking about all the different Divisions I could fit into when I jumped at the person knocking on my door. "Who is it?" I called.
"Commander Howlett," he answered. I froze, not knowing what to do. I knew that I needed to open the door...but I simply couldn't. "Are you going to open the door because I'm not going to wait out here forever," he rushed.
"Sorry," I said when I let him in, "I'm just a little busy."
"Listening to your music again? Didn't I tell you that you shouldn't do that?" he asked.
"Yeah, well I got bored," I said as I went back to packing my clothes. I could feel him staring at me. "Is there something I should know about tomorrow?" I asked.
"Don't tell me you forgot about our agreement," Commander Howlett said.
"No, of course not!" I lied. I felt bad lying to my Commander of all people, but I also didn't want to let him down when he was concerned about me.
I followed him back down to the Interrogation Room. Why did he want me to meet with him here? He casually pulled the chair out from behind the desk and let out a small moan as he sat down. "Long day?"
"You have no idea. Figuring out what Division all my Cadets belong in isn't as easy as it sounds," Commander Howlett said. I glanced around the room nervously. There was a table in the middle, a chair on both sides, a decent light, and a few filing cabinets. "Close the door," Howlett said. I gave him a confused look. He motioned to the door a little annoyed, "Close the door," he repeated. I quickly did as I was told and sat down nervously. I couldn't look at his face, I just couldn't. "Are you ok?" Howlett asked.
"Yes, it's just that I've never been alone in a room behind a closed door with a guy before," I embarrassedly admitted as I slowly looked up.
"I want you to know that as long as I'm in here with you, you're safe," Commander Howlett said.
"What do you even do in here? Are you some sort of secretary? Is this a friends office? Or do you work in here?" I asked.
"I'm one of the few interrogators here on base. I'm the best at what I do, but what I do isn't pretty," Commander Howlett explained. There was a stretched silence and then I finally asked,
"How are we going to do this?"
"Why don't we start with the moment you left Katie's quarters," he started. 2 hours later, I had my memory back. I wasn't embarrassed, I was completely mortified! Commander Howlett said that there was nothing to be upset about it and that we all got drunk, but it was still awkward. Commander Howlett was nice and walked me back to my quarters. It was late and I needed my sleep for tomorrow.
"Thanks Commander, you didn't have to do that," I stated.
"You're right, but I wanted to," he said. We shared a small smile.
"Are we official friends now?" I asked.
"Sure," Howlett confirmed as he held out his hand for a handshake. I gladly took it and felt something I haven't felt for a very long time. "I'll see you tomorrow," Commander Howlett said as he walked away. I watched him go before returning to Alice's playful teasing.
"Your back late. What was the hold up?" Alice asked cheerfully.
"The Commander and I had a talk," I said.
"A talk huh?"
"It's not what you're thinking it is. We both happened to be in the same hallway," I tried to convince her, but Alice wasn't buying it. "It isn't a bad thing if you're crushing on the Commander. If anything, you should go for it," Alice encouraged.
"Why? It would never work. Besides, he's probably too old for me and it's against the rules," I sighed.
"It's nice to see that you still look at guys like that after you and Peter broke up," Alice said. My small smile faded as soon as she said his name. I turned my back on her and dug out my PJ's.
"Whatever," I said as I changed.
"Why do you avoid talking about Peter so much? You're going to have to face him again someday."
"Alice, as you said earlier, it's late, I'm tired, and I just want to go to bed," I said defensively.
"Ok, but I'll get it out of you one day," Alice warned.
Alice and I were in our quarters, our stuff packed up, the room looking barren and depressing. Alice was trying to get the truth out of me because she was concerned. I kept telling her that I didn't want to talk about it and that I had more important things to worry about. Alice wouldn't listen, which resulted in an argument. It ended with her yelling, storming out the door, and we were still going at it. People in the hallway stared at us and a few fellow Cadets opened their doors to see what all the ruckus was about. I angrily slammed the door, kicked one of my bags, and collapsed on my bed. Minutes later, Commander Howlett bursted through the door demanding what the noise was all about. Again, it ended in an argument with him slamming the door as he walked out, yelling at Cadets. I crawled up into a little ball and started to cry. "Why now? Why all the changes? How am I going to get through this all on my own? Will I ever be allowed to go home?" I thought.
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