Some Upgrades
Commander Howlett loudly shut the door and slammed the laptop down on his desk. "Anything other gadgets I need to know about?" he asked haughtily, but sarcastically. I carefully pulled my ear piece out and set it next to the stun gun. "What was that, huh?" he asked upset.
"We were only trying to get information," I admitted.
"Why? Why in the world would you need information?" Howlett asked annoyed.
"You never gave me a straight answer! What else was I supposed to do?" I asked angrily.
"You should've let it go because right now, S.H.I.E.L.D. is throwing a fit!" I somberly looked down at my hands. "I'm filling out the paperwork, but I'm not turning it in," he said regretfully.
"What?" I asked amazed.
"You already have a target on your back and they wouldn't be looking at you anyway because of the fact you've barely been out of the Hospital Wing," Howlett explained. I opened my mouth to protest, but thought better of it. "I know that you got your friends in on it, so DON'T let this happen again or I will be forced to report it." I nodded. "Get outta here before I change my mind," Commander Howlett ran a hand through his hair and down his face as I hurried out.
Everyone was waiting for me once I got back to my quarters. "Are we like, in serious trouble or something?" Katie asked. I shook my head with a mischievous smile.
"He let us go?!" Vidia asked triumphantly.
"We're not supposed to let it happen again, but we all know that they're still hiding something," I said.
"Then let's make a new plan," Max suggested.
"Ok, how about tomorrow at one?" I asked.
"Should we still be trying to do this kind of thing?" Alice asked me once everyone left.
"No, probably not, but it's important for us to figure out what's going on," I answered.
"What if we get caught...again?" Alice asked.
"We won't."
"I came up with a new plan all by myself! I even made a list of all the stuff we're gonna need to get," Katie said happily when we met the following day. "We're going to continue with getting the juicy information but, seriously, we need some major upgrades," Katie declared.
"When did breaking the rules become such an excitement for you?" Max asked.
"Since weirdo stuff started happening," Katie answered matter-of-factly.
"Great, but what kind of upgrades are we talking about? There's no use in coming up with a new plan unless we get better equipment," Vidia pointed out. Alice suddenly jumped up and started writing furiously.
"It's not the equipment that needs upgrading, it's how we're using it that needs to change," Alice said.
"What needs to be done?" I asked.
"First, we need to synchronize all of the ear pieces frequencies so we can all communicate without having to go through me. Then, we need to use these GPS trackers Vidia got us so I can see exactly where in the base we are. Following that, if I could hack into the security cameras, I could have my own live feed of where literally, everyone in the building is so I can warn you of any danger. Finally, we need to have better timing in case something were to go wrong," Alice finished.
"Wow...I'm impressed," Vidia said flattered.
"You want us to map out the um, what should we call them? The red flags? You want us to map out the red flags' schedule?" Max asked.
"Isn't that, like, stalking them?" Katie checked.
"You bet it is! Think about it, how else are we going to get in and out without being noticed?" Alice asked.
"Or, I could find a master schedule in the Commander's office," I suggested. They all stared at me blank faced.
"Are you really not only that crazy, but that brave to do that?" Vidia asked.
"As Alice will tell you, I'm the master at excuses," I smiled.
"If you wanna do it, go right ahead," Alice said.
"One more thing, if Vidia can get ahold of a few bugs, I can probably bug his office to," I said.
"Consider it done. I'll have a bag for you by the end of the day."
"I got it!" I announced at our meeting 2 days later.
"You actually did it?!" Max exclaimed.
"Yep, I went in...and out," I said arrogantly as I gestured with my hands.
"How?" Vidia asked.
"Easy! I waited until he left for lunch, went right in, searched his desk, made a photocopy, put everything back the way I found it, planted the bug, and walked back to training like nothing happened."
"That's slick," Max said.
"I guess we know who the stealthy one out of the group is," Katie pointed out.
"Yeah...yeah, I could be the stealthy one," I thought aloud.
"I redid our earpieces, the fun part will be testing them out to make sure they work properly," Alice informed us.
"We could test them out tomorrow morning while we're in all of our different Divisions," Katie said.
"Cool, let's do it!" Vidia exclaimed.
(Sorry for the super short chapter, but greater things are coming ;)
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