I was infuriated with the whole thing! I listened to Taylor Swift's "Mean" repeatedly until I eventually calmed down. I started to read one of my favorite books I brought from home, Divergent. I saw a lot of myself in the main character and I guess that's why it's always been one of my favorite books. I was a few chapters in when there was a knock at the door. "Come on in," I called as I put the book down.
"This was the best he could come up with?" Katie laughed.
"At least I have some fun things to keep me busy while I'm in 'time out,' " I said. Katie shook her head. "I think that I truly understand that saying, sometimes, you have to do the wrong thing to do the right thing. It's a bunch of crap that I stood up to Alex and got punished for it," I fumed.
"It was totally worth it though! I mean, people are talking about how awesome and brave it was for you and Vidia to do that," Katie explained. I smiled.
"It's almost time, you think they'd freak out if I had an early dinner?"
"Hey, it's your call, not mine,"Katie warned.
"In that case, let's see who freaks out first, the Cadets or the Commandos," I grinned.
Katie and I had barely sat down for dinner and I was getting ready to take a bite of spaghetti when Commander Howlett walked up behind Katie. He crossed his arms and looked rather grumpy. Katie let out a small yelp when she realized he was behind her. "A little too early for you to be out yet Cadet Adams, don't you think?" Commander Howlett grumbled.
"I got hungry," I said coolly as I looked him straight in the eye. He held our gaze as he replied,
"Then you should start eating a bigger lunch."
"I would, but the serving sizes only let me have one tray," I answered just as coldly as the first time. Commander Howlett and I stared coldly at each other and then he walked away, letting his eyes follow me as he went.
"You must really not have any fear," Katie said astonished.
"Why do you say that?" I laughed as I dug into my spaghetti.
"Because you're not afraid to like, stand up for yourself like the rest of us are," Katie mumbled.
"I once let people control me, but never again will I cower in the corner and let them make me believe that I'm just a speck of dust," I said sternly. We ate the rest of our meal in silence. That is, until Alex decided to be a jerk.
"Where's lover boy?" Alex taunted.
"Resting, what does it matter to you?" Katie asked firmly.
"You decided to give his back a break after spending almost an entire day with him? That's so sweet Katie!" Alex exclaimed sarcastically, Katie teared up.
"Leave-me-alone," Katie said shakily as she quickly got up and ran out crying.
"What? Was it something I said?" Alex asked offended.
"Your a piece of filth!" I spat. As I ran out to follow Katie, I saw Commander Howlett watching me out of the corner of my eye.
Katie didn't go very far because I could hear her weeping in one of the bathroom stalls. "Katie," I said as I knocked, "Katie, come out! Alex can't hurt you in here." She sniffed a few times before opening the stall.
"Oh Sarah," Katie sobbed, collapsing into my open arms, "why does he have to be so mean? Why?"
"Some people don't understand or are jealous, while others do it for sport because they enjoy seeing people hurt," I explained softly.
"But why me? I d-didn't do anything t-to him," Katie squeaked.
"I'm pretty sure it's because you have friends like me that care about you and he doesn't." Katie cried and cried some more.
"Maybe this will cheer her up," I thought as I started to sing "Mean." To my surprise, the other girls in the bathroom joined in and soon, we were drumming the beat while we sang and laughed in the hallway. Everyone cheered when we stopped.
"It was Sarah's idea!" Katie shouted for all to hear. I took a quick bow and people started to shake my hand, give me pats on the back, and voice their gratitude. As people eventually started to clear up, I spotted Commander Howlett in the shadows and made my way over to him.
"That was quite the show back there," Commander Howlett said as he led me down the hall.
"You saw all of it?" I asked a little embarrassed.
"Yeah, it was really nice of you to do that," Howlett said as he looked at me. I didn't look back at him because I was thinking about the dream I had had from last night. "What is it?" he asked.
"I've got this feeling like something is going to happen," I said thoughtfully.
"Sure, Alex is probably pissed that you were able to make Katie feel better, but that's nothing to worry about. It's obvious that he doesn't pose a threat to you," Commander Howlett said.
"No, not that! Something big, something that will change life here at the base," I explained. Commander Howlett grabbed my arm and hurried us into a dark, deserted hallway.
"What are you talking about?" Howlett asked incredulously.
"I know that there's going to be a big announcement tomorrow," I admitted. Commander Howlett gave me a startled look.
"Who told you and does anybody else know about this?" he asked impatiently.
"Nobody told me! I thought I was the only one that knew about it," I answered.
"Good, let's keep it that way, but how did you find out about tomorrow?" Howlett asked slightly calmer.
"My dream was correct, again," I mumbled.
"What? I couldn't quite hear you," he asked.
"I...I don't know, I just knew I guess," I said trying not to sound too suspicious. I could tell that Commander Howlett didn't believe me for a second.
"You keep your mouth shut about tomorrow, got it?" he asked sternly.
"Yes sir," I said. "That was close," I thought as Commander Howlett walked away.
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