"Take a left at the next turn," Alice's voice said through the earpiece. I did as I was told and picked up my pace as I nervously glanced around.
"Ok, now what?" I asked quietly.
"It's the fifth door on your right," Alice said. I found the door and walked in to see a mass array of lab cubicles. "The files should be along the back wall. Look for the turquoise one," Alice instructed.
"What's it labeled?" I asked as I rummaged through the drawers.
"Look for the one titled, 'The S.H.I.E.L.D. Movement.' " I quickly flipped through it to make sure it was what we were looking for and pulled it out as I closed the drawer. "Uh-oh, you have two Commandos coming your way from up the hall," Alice warned as I changed my direction.
"Alice, this is what I was trying to tell all of you back at the meeting this morning, we have to plan for things like this," I told her.
"I know, but there's no way you could've known those Commandos were going to come around."
"Maybe not, but it's better to be safe than sorry," I argued.
"You've got three coming right at you!" Alice yelled.
"Is there anywhere I can go?" I asked worriedly.
"Just...use our plan B exit route," she answered. I tried to inconspicuously make it to the other side of the hallway to one of the workrooms that had an exit in the back, but I was too swift.
"Oh no! Alice, they saw me and they're coming fast," I informed her.
"Go with plan B, you'll be fine," Alice attempted to reassure me. I went to the workroom feeling like I had been spotted and almost sighed with relief when they didn't follow me in. "Good, you've just got to get out the other exit and take the long way back to headquarters." I was out the other door and well on my way when I rounded the corner to find Agent Maria Hill herself waiting for me. I gasped and stopped startled in my tracks.
"What's the hurry Cadet Adams?" Agent Hill asked smugly with her hands on her hips.
I gasped and fell out of bed as I woke up. "OWWW!" I breathed as I registered what had happened. "I've never fallen out of bed since I started having dreams," I thought as I picked myself up. I thought more about my dream in the shower, "Why didn't Alice listen to me and how come we weren't more prepared? Where were the stun guns when we needed them and where was everyone else on the frequency? Alice was supposed to be able to see everyone, so shouldn't she have been able to warn me of Agent Hill? Oh shoot, I really hope we don't actually get caught."
I sleepily ate my breakfast. "Did someone have a late night?" Katie teased.
"What?" I answered with a yawn.
"You haven't really been a part of the conversation very much," Alice explained.
"Oh," I sighed, "I think I fell into a really deep sleep last night. I almost slept through my alarm!"
"Your not the only one who didn't sleep much last night," Max shared a smile with Katie.
"Oh?" Vidia raised an eyebrow and when neither one of them answered or made eye contact with us, we all shared knowing smiles.
"When are we gonna make that totally awesome new plan?" Katie changed the subject.
"As soon as Sarah wakes up," Vidia teased. Everyone laughed at me as I tried to defend myself, but was interrupted by another yawn.
"If you keep yawning like that, we're all going to end up being tired to," Alice said.
"Ok, ok...new plan this afternoon at four?" I suggested.
"Alright, maybe then you won't be yawning every two minutes?" Max said.
"What are we gonna do this time around? Cuz like, I'm not being humiliated again," Katie commented.
"Why don't we start with what went wrong," I started.
"I didn't double check everything beforehand and I was too slow," Alice admitted.
"I kind of stole the laptop and the day they did the computer count was the same day that Commander Howlett showed up," Max told us.
"How would they know where to find the laptop? You didn't tell them, did you?" Vidia asked.
"Commander Howlett immediately questioned me. I was so nervous, I couldn't even talk! I didn't have to say a word for him to figure it out. Besides, I found out later that all of the laptops from our Division have GPS trackers in them," Max explained.
"I totally freaked out and I like, couldn't control myself and Simmons seriously got annoyed with me," Katie said in a rush.
"I was too calm, even if it was supposedly a soft lockdown drill," Vidia stated.
"I'm sorry that I was too impatient with everyone," I said, "However, we can use this as a learning experience and an example of what not to do."
"Then we make room for improvement," Alice declared.
"Exactly, keeping mistakes and recent improvements in mind, we can come up with a new plan," I said.
"I had some spare time and read through the files you got and there wasn't anything we didn't already know in there," Alice informed us.
"We'll find a different way to get information," Max thought aloud.
"Sarah, you said that you bugged the Commander's office, right?" Katie asked.
"I see what your saying and yes, I could do that," I said. Vidia picked up on it a minute or two later.
"I've been taking notes, but like Alice said, there hasn't been anything new."
"It's the perfect time for V.M.A.S.K. to like, get into the groove of things," Katie said.
"We've been hiding for far too long. We need to dig deeper," Alice pointed out.
"Here's what we'll do: I can listen to the bugged recordings, Vidia can talk to the Commandos, Alice can hack into more stuff, and Katie and Max can keep their eyes and ears open," I explained.
Over the next few days, we were able to gather bits and pieces of information that would lead up to where and how to get the valuable information. "Everyone's solid with our new plan?" I double checked. They all nodded excitedly and, in a way, I almost felt bad for what I had to say next. "Good because now, we have to take it to a new level," I said.
"What do you mean 'a new level?' I thought we already went as far as we could?" Vidia asked.
"Yes, but we have to be prepared for anything if and when things go wrong," I pointed out.
"Cool! We can come up with plan B's, C's, D's, and even E's!" Max exclaimed.
"Do you think we'll need to get that complicated?" Alice asked.
"Duh! I seriously don't wanna get caught and like, have to explain what I'm doing and totally turn on everyone when they ask who else is involved," Katie agreed.
"Personally, I feel like we'll only need to go as far as a plan B and C," Max commented. While we came up with our backup plans, I kept throwing out the ideas of what would happen if this or that went wrong and what we'd do if one of us got caught.
"I don't understand, why are you suddenly playing devil's advocate?" Vidia asked offended.
"I'm only trying to make sure we're completely prepared," I replied.
"We know all of the plans like the back of our hands, so why keep going?" Max asked.
"Because if anything goes wrong, we'll need to be able to improvise and come up with something else within a matter of seconds," I reasoned.
"Is there like, something else going on that we're totally missing?" Katie asked.
"Yes actually, we should test out the equipment one more time to make sure it works," I said.
"I did that already! I double, triple checked this morning!" Alice said impatiently.
"Then check it again."
"Why are you acting this way? You've never cared so much about whether or not something goes wrong like this before," Vidia said.
"I'd rather be safe than sorry," I answered.
"And you like, didn't think that the rest of us thought of that to?" Katie stated the obvious.
"I have this feeling at the bottom of my stomach that something will go wrong," I explained.
"You yourself once told me that we wouldn't get caught," Alice brought it back up.
"You're so nervous; Relax, everything will be fine, you'll see," Max reassured me.
"Promise me you'll take a nap? It always helped me when I was super nervous to get plenty of beauty sleep," Katie suggested.
"I will and maybe you're right, maybe I am worried about nothing," I said more to myself than anyone else, but somehow, I knew differently.
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