"Hey hey! There she is! This girl doesn't lie," Commander Howlett greeted me as I sat down between him and Mike.
"Looks like we are gonna see you again after all Sarah," the mystery man said. I flashed a proud smile.
"I had to sneak back in here. When she finds me, I'm going to be in a lot of trouble," I said as I opened a bottle and started chugging.
"You broke the rules just to come back here to see me?" Commander Howlett asked even more drunk than when I left earlier.
"I wouldn't want to miss you for a second!" I confirmed. They all laughed.
"I said it once, but I'll say it again, I like this girl," Mike said as he tipped his bottle to me, "because she's a rule breaker!" Mike laughed. Commander Howlett raised his bottle to.
"Let's hear it for the young and pretty rule breakers," Commander Howlett winked at me. We tipped our bottles with a loud cheer, chugged down whatever number bottle we were on, and started on another. I was having even more fun now that I was back in the corner, but that didn't last very long. As I raised my bottle for another drink, I saw Alice with Katie and Max pointing in my direction. I drank half the bottle and laughed at one more joke before I chugged the other half.
"Sorry boys, looks like I've been caught," I said sadly as I got up to leave. Howlett put his hand around my waist before I could get out of the seat and I held my breath at his sudden touch.
"Sarah," Commander Howlett said just loud enough for me to hear, "you should stay...for me." I smiled sweetly knowing that if I stayed any longer, things probably wouldn't turn out so well.
"I'd love to Commander, but I can't," I said sadly as I got up and turned away. Alice, Katie, and Max were coming to take me. I smiled weakly as they approached and started to guide me away.
"Why not?" Howlett called as he stood up. I looked back apologetically as my friends dragged me away and I did feel guilty. If only Commander Howlett knew how drunk he was! Out in the hallway wasn't much better. There were couples kissing in corners, people passed out on the floor, and trash every few feet. Max was very kind and helped wake several people in order to get them back to their rooms. "How was your night Sarah?" Katie asked cheerfully and started laughing some more.
"It was wonderful, just wonderful," I said as I took a drink of more Orange Crush.
"I didn't really see you in there. Who did you hang out?" Katie asked.
"The Commander, Mike, and some other guy," I answered as I took a big, long drink.
"And how did that go for you?" Katie asked.
"It was," I started laughing again, "it was something let me tell you. You wouldn't believe some of the things they said!"
"Like what?" Katie wondered.
"You wouldn't believe me, even if I told you," I warned.
"Yes I would! I'm one of your besties, right?" Katie said.
"Commander Howlett said that I looked really hot tonight and that he wanted me to stay at the party... for him," I answered with a small giggle followed by a hiccup. "Oh my! Don't let yourself be bothered by me. I'm sure it'll pass in a minute or two," I said as I took a large drink from my Orange Crush that only resulted in more hiccups. I started laughing because the hiccups were tickling my throat.
"Wait a minute," Katie said. She looked at me and the state I was in, then glanced at the bottle. "Sarah, are you drunk?" Katie asked concerned.
"I don't know. Since everyone keeps asking me that, I might actually start to believe it!" I said. My hiccups started to get worse and I was suddenly having trouble walking balanced. Alice and Katie took both my arms to study me. Suddenly, I was starting to feel really crappy.
"Uh, guys? I'm not feeling so good," I said. They glanced at each other in alarm. We walked a little further and my stomach started to feel twisted. "I feel like I'm about to..." Yep, I think you can pretty much guess what happened next.
I woke up the next morning feeling like I was hit by a semi-truck. I looked at my clock to find out that I couldn't see straight! It took a minute or two until I could read the clock; 2:00 pm. I don't think I've ever slept in that late! I tried to sit up, but was stopped by the searing pain that was coming from my head. I had a massive headache that made my head feel heavy. "Why do I feel like this?" I thought. I got up and realized that I was dressed for a party. "Why am I wearing these clothes? I don't think they're even mine!" I looked in the mirror and saw my makeup and hair was perfectly done. I reached up to stroke my curls and saw my nails were done to. "Where did I go last night?" I couldn't remember anything! I jumped at what sounded like a car engine starting and looked at where the noise was coming from to see Alice wrapped in her blankets, sound asleep. Alice snored loudly, but only after parties, dances, and really good dates. "Wherever I went and whatever I did, Alice was there too," I thought as I realized her hair was done to. I rubbed my head as I sat back down on my bed, thinking hard about the events of yesterday.
"Hey, what's up?" Alice yawned as she woke up; I looked at her with a blank face. "Did you wake up feeling stoned?" she asked with a small smile. I nodded. "Let's test your memory."
"I remember going to the spa for the whole day, it was Katie's idea, and we got...we got makeovers, right?" I tried to remember. Alice nodded. "I don't remember getting this outfit, although I love it," I said.
"We got fashion makeovers to. Do you remember anything else?" Alice asked.
"Uhhhhhh, I went to a party...and the last thing I remember is waking up in here," I answered.
"You can't remember anything from the party last night?" she asked. I shook my head.
"W-why? Did I hurt someone?" I asked scared. Alice laughed hysterically.
"No, you didn't hurt anybody at all." A gross thought crept into my mind.
"I didn't have you-know-what with anyone, did I? Please tell me none of that happened!" I pleaded.
"You might've been extremely drunk, but you weren't stupid enough to do that," she reassured me.
"I was drunk?" I pointed to myself.
"Yep, and you were pretty rambunctious, but it wasn't anything me and the others couldn't handle."
"I'm sorry Alice, I had no idea-" Alice cut me off with,
"It's ok, what matters is that you got plenty of sleep. Why don't we change out of our party clothes and grab something to eat?" Alice suggested.
We found Vidia at a table in the corner followed closely by Katie and Max. "Looks like we all survived the party last night," Vidia joked.
"Yeah, and a good thing to. Alex was being a jerk to me every chance he got," Alice announced.
"What? When did that happen last night?" I asked incredulously.
"While you were having a great time in the corner with Howlett and Mike, too drunk to notice anything else!" Alice bursted out. My table stopped and stared at me with concerned faces.
"Yes I hung out with our Commander and Mike, sure I got drunk, and I'm sorry if you guys don't like it, but I guess I got too drunk to remember much of anything from last night anyway!"
"Ok, ok! I think I speak for everyone when I say we're all just a little surprised because you don't seem like the kind of girl who would get drunk," Max explained.
"For real, you wouldn't have gotten drunk on your own, although it was pretty funny!" Katie agreed.
"Oh, she had help all right!" Alice laughed, "The Commander encouraged her to get drunk. At least some of her memories are starting to come back." Everyone exchanged surprised glances.
"Come on now, do we really have to talk about this?" I asked embarrassed.
"Who did you hang out with last night Vidia? I thought I saw you with a group of b-o-y-s!" Alice taunted. Vidia's face lightened up at the question as she set her juice down.
"Funny story, actually! Jake came up and asked me if I could help him by being his personal trainer. I was more than happy to help and we started talking about some strategies to use. Pretty soon, I had a whole group of guys surrounding me, talking about what strategies they use when they work out. Before I knew it, we were all laughing and talking about a bunch of guy stuff. It felt so nice! I think I might actually know where I fit in when it comes to separating into Divisions!" Vidia excitedly explained.
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