A Phoney Number
The air was thick with the sticky scent of spilled beer and sweet liquor. Bodies writhed on the dancefloor, hairlines damp with sweat, limbs drunkenly crashing into each other and bouncing off walls and furniture. In the living room, aspiring DJs tussled for the iPod, with each song barely managing thirty seconds before it was switched – much to the dismay of the dancers. In the kitchen it was quiet enough to talk, but vodka had loosened the teenagers' tongues and speech came out in slurred yells.
"Can I get your phone number?" It was one shout straining above many and it was lost and forgotten immediately in the blur of noise, but to seventeen year-old Dan it was a lot more than just three seconds of drunken communication in a house full of talking. It had taken him approximately three months and eleven days to work up the courage to let free those words, and a considerable amount of alcohol. He held his breath, his heart pounding in his chest.
"Well, okay I guess." Callum said. His wide blue eyes were glazed, and Dan blamed the beer for his fumbling response.
Callum was beautiful. There was no doubt about that. He was on the football team, obviously, and had a set of glistening, chiselled abs to show for it. He had sandy blonde hair carefully shaved at the sides to create just the right level of edginess and a nose piercing to show that he was alternative. He wore leather jackets and skinny jeans but, more importantly to Dan, he could quote Shakespeare like no one else. Dan hadn't admitted it to anyone, but Callum had Dan's heart wrapped eight times around his little finger.
"Do you wanna just stick it in my phone?" The words came out so fast Dan wasn't sure if Callum had understood, but he took the offered phone.
"Er, sure." Callum typed quickly, thrusting the phone back into Dan's hands as if it burned. He turned away immediately, pushing past a group of girls and disappearing out of the door, but Dan was ecstatic.
He had Callum's number, finally after all these months. Callum, with the dreamy air of distance and apathy that could so easily have been unbearable if it wasn't for the quiet and intense passion for literature that he was not in the least afraid to admit. Callum, with the periwinkle blue eyes and hair like buttercups in the sunshine. Callum, with the husky voice and the-
"Oi, out of the way, she's gonna chunder!"
Dan jumped hastily to one side as a short girl barged past pulling a friend along behind her and just about getting her to the sink in time.
Absentmindedly, he wandered out into the garden. Should he text Callum straight away, or would that seem too keen? In the movies they always waited til the next day. Maybe it was a politeness thing, to give the other person the chance to blame it on a drunken mistake. Dan tried not to think about what he'd do if that happened.
Callum knew Dan was gay of course, everyone did. He was out and proud, sort of. And he'd never spoken a word to Callum before in his life, so hopefully he had got the message that it wasn't just a social thing. Dan was not interested in being just friends. He wanted to wake up to Callum's broad shoulders each morning and fall asleep to the soft tones of his voice.
Happily, Dan went to find another drink.
hey :3 it's dan! you gave me your number last night but you might not remember haha. how are you?
Should he put any x's? Just the one seemed too formal somehow, but would more than that be forward? He settled for two, squeezed his eyes shut and hit send.
Every minute that slipped by was agonising. He'd already waited the whole morning holding back from texting, and now he was waiting for a reply. Surely Callum had seen it by now? What was he doing that kept him so busy he hadn't even checked his phone? Was he going to reply at all? What was going to happen on Monday morning at college? He checked facebook again, and his heart sank suddenly as if he had been hit in the stomach. That green dot. Callum was online, but he hadn't replied to Dan's text.
Abruptly, Dan fell into misery. This was it then. Callum was definitely ignoring his text, for whatever reason. He padded barefoot into the kitchen, located a spoon and headed straight to the freezer. This was a chocolate ice-cream from the tub level problem.
Dan's phone buzzed and he reached for it so violently that he threw his spoon across the room in the process. It took him three attempts to unlock it, his hands were trembling so much. He could see the notification – one new message, Callum Holland – and he almost didn't want to read it for fear of what it might say.
Hey! yeah, I'm good thanks ^^ how are you? xx
Dan couldn't help himself, his mouth stretched into a wide grin that try as he might he couldn't pull off his face.
I'm good! how's the hangover? haha xx
Feels like a herd of giant caterpillars that are all late for work in my head. some night, huh? Xx
Hahaha yeah, it was pretty good :) what time did you get home? Xx
Not till like, 3am lol, what about you? Xx
I must have left before you, didn't see you though haha like 2.30 xx
Awesome ^^ soo what are you up to? Xx
Not much haha, just watching tv
Dan erased the message angrily. He needed to remember who he was talking to. This wasn't your average acquaintance making situation where you use as many hahas as possible to ensure the conversation stays light-hearted and polite, this was Callum Holland, resident Shakespeare expert. Dan needed to impress him, not just be ridiculously generic for the sake of not offending him. He needed to start being witty and intelligent. He blinked. Well, maybe not straight away, but he was sure it would come to him.
Battling my demons over daytime tv, yourself?
Was that too much? Maybe that was a little too heavy, they'd never spoken before after all.
Battling dragons and eating cereal, yourself? Xx
Fending off some puny cereal eating human who keeps poking me with a pointy stick xx
Dan snorted. He had to admit, this wasn't anything like what he'd expected Callum to sound like over text, but he was pretty funny.
Maybe we should just settle our differences and share the cereal xx
Not hungry, already ate everything you had in the cupboard sorry xx
Dammit xx
Then I flew away to the lonely mountain for a nap xx
Ps did I ever tell you I can fly?
I also speak 7 languages
Yeah! My mother runs a drug cartel and she travelled all around the world with me while I was growing up, we learnt together xx
Hahaha ok xx
I'm being serious, I've never admitted that to anyone before :(
I don't know why I decided to tell you really
Considering we only just started talking
But you have that look about you
Like I could tell you anything
Did I tell you I have a twin?
He's in mexico
He's on the run
He killed a man
Actually, I killed a man, but he took the blame on account that we're identical and he wanted me to be able to go to university
Why aren't you replying?
Is this too much in one go
I'm still really drunk from last night I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm admitting all this :( :(xx
Hahaha maybe if you'd said france I'd have believed you, but mexico? Try harder xx
I think I'm in love
This Mexican girl I met
In mexico
Oops sorry I'm a lesbian forgot to tell you
Haha ok who is this? Does someone have your phone?
I didn't do a very good job of this did I? and there was so much potential. sigh. I'm a dude, sorry mate
??? well yeah you're a guy, what else would you be? what's going on? are you messing with me?
Oops I thought you thought I was a girl
Why would I think that ????
I'm really sorry but you've got the wrong number
I was trying to be funny
It didn't go well
I just assumed you were a guy who'd been harassing some girl in a club so she'd given you a fake number to get rid of you so I was going to play around a bit
But you didn't respond like I thought you would and we ended up talking so I panicked and just tried to weird you out because I couldn't admit it was a wrong number, you'd have been like why tf were you talking to me
I messed this up so bad
I'm sorry
Hahahah wow I was so confused
No worries man
I'm sorry about the guy from last night :( you can do better! Have a nice day and sorry about your morning being weirded out by some socially inept stranger haha xx
Dan put his phone down on the table and slumped miserably into the sofa. Well, that was a hair raising ten minutes. So, Callum had given him a fake number. Monday was going to be unbearable.
I'm just going to vent to you because you can't judge me if you don't know me and I feel like I owe you some sort of payback for saturday
So they guy who I thought had given me his phone number right
He told literally the whole college that I had a crush on him
And he doesn't want to do the play that the drama department have been working on for literally months anymore because we're both in it and he said he 'doesn't want to lead me on'
Literally what a dick
I don't know who you are but if you own a large knife now's the time to let me know
That sucks :( I don't have a knife but I have a lightsaber, I can come and avenge you if you want?
Yes please.
You don't actually have to reply btw but I hope you don't mind me texting this number
Nah it's cool, tell me all your problems ^^
How old are you though? no offence intended but you sound like you could be kinda young so I feel a bit weird
I'm 17 haha you?
19 :) that's ok, not illegal. carry on
Maybe I'll just seduce you instead to make him jealous
Are you hot? I'm okay with that
Very. What's your name btw?
I am Sparta
No, striker
Iron man
Or Phil, if you prefer
I'm going with Striker
Where are you from?
Manchester, you?
Reading haha this is kinda cool, randomly connecting with a stranger across the country
We should fall in love and get married
It's a deal. So are you gay then?
Bisexual ^^ you?
Yeah I'm gay. quite a coincidence haha
Kinda is huh. So, Daniel, tell me about this boy who so cruelly deceived you
His name's callum
He's a dick
Obviously I didn't think that before I texted him/you
List all the bad things about him
It'll make you feel better, I promise
Well. Where do I being
He's kind of pretentious
And up himself
So arrogant actually
But in a bad boy way
I think that's part of why I liked him
He wears leather jackets you see
*adds leather jacket to shopping list* carry on
He knows a lot of Shakespeare
*+ the complete works of Shakespeare*
And he can sing
That's a lost cause
We'll skip that one
Anyway, I thought you were supposed to be listing the BAD things
Ok ok
He's mean to people he thinks are below him
Like stupid people
I can't stand that, actually
He's so contemptuous around people he thinks are stupid
Even though most of them aren't stupid, they're just not academic
He uses a lot of long words and when people don't know what they mean he explains it really scathingly, you know?
God he's such an asshole
Why did I ever like him
I should be paying you more
You're good
It's on the house just this once because I was mean to you on Saturday
Haha nah that was fair enough, I probably would have done the same
Maybe wait till they ask for nudes
Then send them a picture of your left nostril
Is it really awful now at college with this guy
Sorry to bring it up again
You don't have to talk about it
I just remember things like that happening and it was the worst
Yeah it is because he's playing the victim
He's all sad
Like 'I don't want to hurt him'
'no I can't walk down that corridor because dan's there and he might see my face and cry :/'
God he sounds awful
You should spend all day tomorrow texting me
Tell him I'm your boyfriend
Then when he asks why you wanted his number you can act all horrified and be like 'I wasn't interested in you'
Stress the 'you' too to make it extra offensive
That's actually a pretty good idea, can I do that?
Yes do
Excellent. I'm going to bed now but I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night striker
Good morning boyfriend
Hey sexy
We had some really great, hot sex last night right
Right. Especially when you did that thing with the plunger. Like woah
I'm not showing him that
I'm trying to get him to read over my shoulder
So it doesn't just look like I'm saying it to save my wounded pride, you know?
Say something cute
I like your butt
Still no
I like your ears
Hey baby
Your floor is hard as fuck
But I'd lie there for hours just to spend five minutes in your bed
I didn't get much sleep last night
But that's alright
It was worth it just to see you move the hair from your eyes and smile like you do
Are those song lyrics? They sound like song lyrics
But it's okay it's a really indie band he won't know it and he'll feel attacked because I'm more poetic than him
And you said he likes Shakespeare
Okay keep going he's right behind me
How long is your hair? There are a lot of lyrics about hair
But it's about a girl with long hair
So it might not work
Not long enough. Try something else
There's only one place that I want to be
Home with you
So I can hear you breathe
A bit too intense for a tuesday morning english lesson
For god's sake. Ok.
This one's my favourite but I'm not sure how to make it work
I'm gonna have to mix it up a bit, bear with
That shirt looks better on you than it ever could on me
You looked so beautiful last night
Let's just go home
Choose your favourite record and I'll choose mine
We can drink evening coffee just to pass the time
Then it gets a bit saucy maybe
Don't worry I did it
You should have seen his face
Thank you <3
Any time. Helping defend the world from assholes one lyric at a time
You're much cooler than him anyway
I agree. Still haven't bought that leather jacket yet though
That's okay, you can have mine. I bought it to impress him but it looks really stupid on me
I've never worn a leather jacket before, idk if it'll suit me
Well what do you look like?
You don't have to answer that if it's weird
What do you think I look like, based on how I talk?
Four arms and snakes for hair
Not far off
You have brown hair
And you're small maybe?
Hair yes, small no
Tall but skinny then
You're tall too
I don't know about hair but I just sort of pictured you as tall dark and handsome
That's pretty accurate
I have black hair
Well it's dyed but that's not important
That's ok, I straighten mine so we're both fakers
I straighten mine too oops
Do you have tattoos?
Sorry I'm not very badass
Not like callum </3
That's ok
I think he was too badass for me really
I was kind of intimidated by him
That's no good for a relationship
You're right it's not
Me on the other hand, I'm great. I'll play Mario kart with you while he's out doing drugs
Deal Pokémon cards, not drugs kids
My mantra
I have to go the teacher is giving me evils
Ciao ^^
I'm on my lunch break but none of my friends are in uni rn so I'm sitting in the café on my own like a loser :)
I figured I'd text my boyfriend so as not to seem so lonely
What are you eating?
Tuna and cucumber sandwich
Rate it out of 10
7 fish
The cucumber is too thin
It's gone soggy :/
That's no good, no one likes soggy cucumber
Ok I have devoured the soggy sandwich, bye boyfriend
Bye striker
I'm eating alone again :))
Egg and cress this time
White bread or brown?
I prefer white
But it's all they had
The cress is soggy too :( :(
Everyone can see how lonely I am help
Now you're not eating alone
This is what I look like ^^
Omg hai
You're not 50 that's good
Ok I'm trying to take a selfie walking down the road and everyone's giving me weird looks
I might wait till I'm back in my room
I didn't have any toast to hold so here is a sock :3
Well hey there
This might be creepy but you have really nice eyes
You have nice hair!
Literally straightening it right now haha
Nice ghd's :P
Did you change?
Yeah I'm going out, toast and jam was fuel
Have fun!
10/10 sandwich
Oh no. is that just-add-water macaroni cheese???
Yes. I have made a terrible mistake
I'm so sorry. It's the worst. I hate cheese anyway, but it doesn't even taste like cheese it tastes like fake cheese
Yes !! like quavers or cheese crisps in the worst possible way
I'm so sorry, do you want half this sandwich?
IMPORTANT!!!! Do you like dogs?
Yes???!! Of course
If you don't like dogs you are inhuman and/or probably a robot
I made a friend on the way home
It broke into the school grounds somehow haha
:O :O :O
Take it home
Mail it to me
I tried but the owner spotted me and now I'm in prison
I'll bail you out
I'm bored
Uni is so boring
Weekends are the worst
You feel so cooped up in your tiny room
But there's nowhere else to go
And you can't just watch tv 'cos you don't have a tv
But you can't go anywhere or do anything because you have no money
And also you know you probably should be writing some essay
I'm bored
Entertain me
Enjoy your busy life full of things
See if I care
You're so annoying
How do you know I'm annoying if you've never met me
I can tell
My spidey senses tingle
You're the one sending me a hundred texts while I'm at a family lunch and getting me into trouble
I'm not sorry though
It worked
You're here
I'm hiding in the toilet but now I have to go otherwise they'll think I'm taking a shit
You're the worst
I hate you
Everyone still thinks I have a boyfriend
I told them you live in Manchester but now they want to see pics
Haha ok I'll take a super-hot boyfriend selfie
What have you told them about me?
Well all I knew was that you had black hair
So they asked if you were emo and I said yeah hahah
Lol ok here is emo phil
Thank you <3
That hoodie looks comfy btw
It really is. smells nice too.
I told them it was mine and you're borrowing it because it smells like me :)
It's funny because my friend was in my room while I was taking that and she asked who it was for and I said my boyfriend hahaha
Show her a pic
Tell me what she says
Hi ^^
She says you're cute
(you are btw)
You're cuter ^-^
Oh stop it you
Typical dan
What are you like
Really though we should find out things about each other
Let's play 20 questions
This Christmas tree is bigger than the house
It's not even December yet!!!
Lonely sandwich time again :(
Eating together again. Does this make this a date?
literal boyfriends
you're so cute help
Look what I bought!!! Result of 20 questions
Basically I wanted to impress you
But also I'm so happy I found someone who loves muse as much as they deserve
Well hey there
Look I found a one point colour filter on my phone
Look dan
Look how arty I am
I'm too busy looking at how cute you are
Are you flirting with someone you've never met before young man
Did your parents teach you nothing?!
I'm just words on a screen
I could be an android
Idc, you're a cute android
Wanna have hot robo sex?
I'll bring the oil
Happy Christmas boyfriend!
Happy Christmas :3
My family always insist on going out for dinner
Festive toilet selfie
:O :O
I wish you were my real boyfriend
You're really hot
This might sound weird but can I call you? I'm so bored I want to stab myself with a Christmas cracker
+ I want to know what your voice sounds like
.Call ended: Striker. 1 hour 11 minutes.
Good luck with the itchy jumper and happy Christmas again!! <3
Do you think it's weird that we've been texting almost every day for 6 months now but we still haven't added each other on facebook
I had to tell all my friends that you didn't have one
They still think you're my boyfriend btw
Same lol
Do you want to add me?
My name's Phil Lester
I promise I'm not 50
Ahh that's where I was going wrong, I was looking up striker :/
Striker is my secret agent name
Ok I added you
I'm going to message you
We're really taking this relationship to the next level ;)
.Call ended: Striker. 28 minutes.
Thanks, sorry about that
Don't be silly, call me any time okay? And punch that dude in the oesophagus, you hear me
Dan no
It's too late for Dan. You're next. Love, Brian the furby
Ugh sorry skype cut off
Uni wifi is the worst
Sleep well <3
.3 missed calls: striker bae.
I tried to call you back but you didn't pick up
Are you ok?
.Call ended: striker bae. 27 minutes.
You have to give me credit, it could only happen to me
You literal spoon
Make sure you do go to a&e though
It could be infected
I'm on the way to Manchester right now to avenge you
Squirrels beware, I hear dan killed a mountain troll with his bare hands
You should come visit me though
I should
I don't want to go to this lecture save me
There's a girl on this bus with hair like yours J
You're the worst
Geeet ooon skyyyyyypeeeeeee
.Call ended: striker bae. 1 hour 51 minutes.
Have fun at the party <3
I'm going to have to agree
Pretty darn good
You eat a lot of sandwiches
I thought you weren't supposed to be able to afford to buy food like that at uni
You live off stale bed and forage in the bins
Well yes we do a fair bit of that too
But when i'm feeling particularly lonely I have to find comfort food
I should go to Manchester uni next year
Then I won't let you be lonely
What subject are you doing?
I'll be in my last year
But pls yes
I think law
I don't really know
Manchester's really good for law though
It is
It's supposed to be so hard though
I haven't been to any open days or anything yet
You can come visit me at uni, I'll give you a proper tour
I can't tell how serious we are about this
I think at this point it would actually be weirder not to ever meet
I think you're right
I usually am
Your mum
With your mum? Sure
'why are you so smiley, phil? It's a 9am lecture. You're not supposed to be happy'
'skpyed dan for 6 hours last night and he fell asleep on cam. It was really cute'
'how long have you guys been together now? I think you should get married'
It's official
My friends ship us
How afe you ???
I'm ggod
We fjnisjed 3 wjole botrless lol
Go home phil you are drunk
I a at home!!! We habn't legt ttet
I spillrd beer on myself
It looks like I peed
I think you did pee, phil. You should clean that up
I diddnt! Pee
I would kno if I had peed Daniel
Because I still need to pee nkow
I'm going to pee
Good luck
I missed
A girl told me I was pretty bur I told her I habe a boyfried
Have I taken this too far
It was bc all my ftiends are here and they all think I'm with you so the'yed have got mad
But she was pretty
I turned her doen for you
Aw bae
I'm prettier than her
You are probably
You're relly pretty
You have really lobg eyelashes
I might actually have a crush on you
We'be nere met
But like
I feel like if we did
I'd marry you
Let's meet then
I want to touch your skin
Nt in a weird way
Like your face or something
It looks rlly ptetty
You have nice lipes too
Nice everything
You're nice
So are you
I like your eyes a lot
I feel like skype doesn't do them justice
And since you're drunk I can admit things
I feel like you smell nice probably
I want to smll you
It hurts when we skype
Like I can see your bed and your blanket and our armsm
And I just
Want to be there
I wnt to know what your arm feesl like around ne
So bad
I'm not drunk I'm not allowed to be saying stuff like thi
Ok they're making me go out now
Bye boyfriend <3
Bye phil
I want to get skype on my phone so I can carry you around with me always
That would be cool, let's do that
You can skype me in your lectures if they get boring
You can skype me while you're peeing
It's downloading
Ha my phone is faster than yours
Stop calling me!!!
I haven't figured out how to mute it yet
I'm in a lesson
Are you doing lots of learning
No I'm texting you you nugget
You won't get into Manchester if you don't study
I'm going
And I'm not talking to you again until you've done that coursework
You're mean
We can skype now
That's mean
I am going to do it
I just need moral support
It would motivate me more if I could see your cute ass face
Or your cute ass
I'm not writing a single word until you skype me
Only has to be 5 mins
Just to put me in a good mood
So the writing will be better
Because I feel shit
Ok I'm writing now
Bye <3
wake up
i'm going to keep calling until you do
the birds woke me up its not even 8 but i've never felt so chirpy
that skype sound is going to get real annoying real soon
i'm so hungover
it's 7.45 i hate you
4 weeks
1 week and 14 days
So, 3 weeks
No that makes it sound too far away
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
* * * *
I miss you
I love you
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