Kija, Jaeha, and Ezra
Hey guys!
This is a short chapter and not much of note happens in it, so I figured I'd give it to you today! Enjoy!
As always, please vote and comment!
Ezra climbed on board, feeling the ship rock slightly beneath her. She immediately saw Kija at the front of the boat, staring out over the water.
"What're you thinkin' about, White Snake?" she asked him.
Kija closed his eyes in annoyance. "Nothing," he answered stiffly.
Ezra looked out over the water, watching the moon's rays reflect on its glassy surface. "You're afraid of heights, huh?"
He glanced at her sharply. "That's--"
She raised an eyebrow at him, and he sighed.
"Yes, I'm afraid of heights. Now will you and Hak use that against me?"
She let out a small breath. "No, Kija. Despite your fear, you still wanted to go out on that path to help Yona. I'll respect that."
Kija smiled. "That's oddly decent of you."
"Don't get used to it, White Snake."
"You--" he growled, but she'd already walked off with a laugh.
Next, she found Jaeha standing at the back of the boat. She halted in her tracks, and was about to turn tail and run when he happened to glance behind him.
"Ah! My mystery woman," he said, grinning at her. "Ezra, was it?"
Ezra crossed her arms over her chest. "How'd you know my name?"
Jaeha shrugged. "I have my ways. In any case, I think a reintroduction is in order. I don't believe we got off on the right foot." He walked to stand in front of her and swept into a low bow. He glanced up, peering at her from beneath his green bangs, as he grabbed one of her hands with his. "I'm Jaeha," he told her huskily, planting a kiss on the back of her hand.
"Ezra," she said tightly. "Pleasure to meet you."
"I apologize for my behavior back in town," Jaeha said, not releasing her hand.
"Forgiven," Ezra said.
Jaeha raised an eyebrow at her. "That easily? Damn. I was looking forward to... shall I say, convincing you to forgive me."
Ezra finally snatched her hand back, unable to be polite any longer. "No convincing necessary," she said quickly.
Jaeha grinned. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're nervous right now."
Ezra crossed her arms. "I'm on edge, I'll admit. Though it's not for the reasons you're thinking."
The green-haired man let out a loud laugh. "Oh, you're a true delight!" he chuckled. "I look forward to getting to know you."
Ezra narrowed her eyes. "I don't think you'll have that kind of time. You're not joining us after this Kumji thing is over, and I don't open up easily."
He raised a brow. "No?"
Ezra grinned suddenly. "Maybe if you'd think about joining Yona, I'd consider telling you something about myself."
Jaeha sighed. "As much as I love having ladies depend on me, Yona is a bit young for me."
Ezra smirked. "If you want to go by that logic, then I'm a bit young for you, as well. I'm only a year older than Yona." She leaned a bit closer to Jaeha, whose eyes had gone wide. "Come up with a better excuse, Ryokuryu."
"Better excuse?" he repeated.
"For not joining Yona. I'm not buying your act, Jaeha," Ezra told him, grinning.
Jaeha smiled, albeit a bit sadly. "There's no fooling you, is there?"
Ezra laughed. "You looked just as relieved as Hak when Yona came back from the cliff. You can hide your own feelings from yourself all you want, but I see them." She gave a small wave as she walked off.
She's something, isn't she? What is it about that group that makes their women so strong? Jaeha thought to himself.
Ezra spotted Shinah and Yona standing off to the side, staring at something across the water.
"What is it, Yona?" she asked, walking up to them.
"Shinah sees ships," Yona answered, looking out over the ocean.
Ezra squinted, but she couldn't see anything. Shinah's eyes were truly amazing.
"How many?" Gigan suddenly appeared behind them.
"Seven," Shinah answered quietly. "Men with weapons are on them..."
"What does that mean?" Ezra asked.
"Kumji is trying to intimidate us." Jaeha appeared besides Gigan, his regular smirk back in place.
Gigan nodded. "The battle is starting." She glanced at Jaeha. "Gather the men."
Jaeha nodded and strode off.
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