A few days later, the group arrived in the port town of Awa. They stood on the cliff behind the town, taking in the majestic scene of the ocean that spread for miles before them. A few boats sat in the harbor, and the sun's rays reflected off the water, creating dazzling patterns of light.
Amazement lit Yona's eyes as she stared at the ocean.
"Hak, is that the ocean?" she asked breathlessly. She didn't give him a chance to respond. "It's so beautiful! I've never seen it before."
Ezra could tell by the looks on their faces that Yun, Kija, and Shinah had never seen it before, either. Even Shinah's mouth was opened in surprise at the sight. Ezra giggled at the adorable expression on the Seriyu's face.
"It's the Earth Tribe's Awa Port," Hak said in an emotionless voice. "Never thought I'd come back here."
"You've been here before, Hak?" Ezra asked curiously. She'd visited a year earlier, but had left quickly. Something about the port city had given her the shivers.
"Long time ago. The old man brought me here," he answered.
"Is Ryokuryu here, Kija?" Yona asked the Hakuryu before Ezra could ask who the "old man" was.
Kija looked distinctly sick as he answered. "Yes, but he's moving at a dizzying speed." His eyes seemed to spin, and he collapsed to the ground.
"Kija!" Yona shouted, helping him up.
"I'm fine, Princess..." he muttered as Hak and Ezra looked on, thoroughly amused.
Yun appeared unconcerned as he raised his hand to his chin in thought. "I'd like to search for the Ryokuryu, but our long journey has exhausted us, and we're low on supplies."
"Okay!" Yona shouted, supporting Kija's weight. "Then let's go into the port city!"
"Let's go!" Kija shouted.
"Let's see here..." Yun said sternly. He pointed at Yona. "We've got a red-haired princess." He pointed at Kija. "A silver-haired man with a white claw for a hand." He pointed at Shinah. "And you... well, you go without saying!" He placed his hands on his hips. "You're not going! You'd draw too much attention, especially the masked one!"
Shinah sat down, dejected. Kija went to pat his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
"Then I'll go," Hak announced, turning.
"I'll go, too!" Ezra said. "I was here last year. I remember the way around."
"Me too!" Yona said, striding forward.
Hak stared at her for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then he leaned down, getting closer to her face. "Princess, you've grown a lot uglier lately."
Ezra's eyes widened in surprise. That was the last thing she'd expected Hak to say.
"Whaaaaa!" Kija screamed. "How dare you insult the Princess! She's b-b-beautiful!"
Yona's mouth fell open in shock.
Hak's eyes grew serious. "You have bags under your eyes. Your hands are covered in cuts." He placed a hand on her head, his face soft. "You've been pushing yourself too hard. Stay and get some rest."
Yona pouted. "I don't know what you're talking about," she muttered rebelliously.
Ezra walked over to join Hak as he shouldered his glaive and turned towards the town.
"Just be careful!" Yona called after them. "Don't start any trouble."
"Yeah, yeah," Hak said dismissively. "You guys should find somewhere to hang low." Then he frowned at his glaive. "This'll draw too much attention. Look after it for me, will you?" He turned and tossed the weapon to Yun.
Yun caught it and promptly fell to the ground. "It's heavy!" he exclaimed in surprise.
Hak's sharp blue eyes shifted to Kija. "And, White Snake..."
"You don't have to tell us!" Kija shouted. He and Shinah planted themselves by Yona.
Hak turned. "It's just a gut feeling, but Shinah at least seems competent."
Kija stewed silently as Hak turned back towards Awa, Ezra at his side.
"Hak!" Yona cried, grabbing at his robe. He glanced at her questioningly. "Come back soon," she pleaded.
Hak stared at her, stunned.
"What, you don't care if I don't come back? Thanks, Yona," Ezra said sarcastically, winking at her red-haired friend.
"W-well, of course I care! Both of you, come back soon!" Yona stuttered.
"Suuuure," Ezra drawled, heading down the path towards the town. "C'mon Hak, supplies aren't going to buy themselves!"
"Uh, yeah..." he muttered, following the raven-haired girl. He glanced behind him to see Yona watching them, an emotion he couldn't place in her violet eyes.
"Just confess to her and get it over with, already," Ezra muttered as she towed the tall former general after her.
"Hu-what?" Hak asked.
Ezra rolled her eyes. "Nevermind. Let's just get some supplies so Yun won't yell at us, shall we?"
They strolled through the streets, taking in the sight of the countless market stalls selling everything from bread to combs to weapons.
"Whoa!" Ezra exclaimed, stopping by a weapons merchant. "Hak! Look at this scimitar!"
He grabbed her arm and dragged her away, not sparing a glance for the beautiful weapon she'd been admiring. "Come on. The princess asked us to be back soon," he told her.
"Hmm, if I remember correctly, the princess asked you to be back soon," Ezra said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "What was that about, huh?"
To Ezra's surprise and delight, a blush spread across Hak's cheeks. "Uh, n-nothing," he stuttered.
"Uh-huh," Ezra said, crossing her arms smugly.
Hak's eyes darted around him, observing the people milling about the street. "Is it just me, or do these people seem a bit... listless?"
"Changing the subject, huh?" Ezra grinned, but quickly grew serious. Her eyes narrowed. "It's not just you. I was here a year ago, and it was the same. The place gave me the chills. I left pretty quickly after arriving."
"Please stop!"
The shout halted the two in their tracks, and they turned. A woman was struggling in the grasp of what appeared to be two city officials. They were wearing the city's robes, and swords hung off their hips.
"What do you mean, 'please stop'?" the first man sneered. "We're officials of Awa!"
"And we're willing to pay the asking price," the second said, leering at the woman. "It's not a bad deal, right?"
The woman looked hopelessly frightened as the first grasped her wrist tightly. She squeezed her eyes shut. "I can't! Please... please let go of me!"
"We just had to run into a bunch of lowlifes," Hak snarled, his hands balling into fists.
Ezra clenched her jaw so tightly that she was afraid she might crack her teeth. "We can't make a scene," she hissed, whether to convince Hak or herself, she wasn't sure.
"If I didn't have the princess to worry about, I'd beat those scumbags senseless," Hak growled darkly. Under normal circumstances, Ezra would've teased him about being concerned for Yona, but she was currently trying to keep herself in check. Her hand had found its way to the hilt of her sword, which peeked over her right shoulder in its sheath on her back.
It was taking everything in her to not rip it out of its sheath and show them what it's like to be on the receiving end of terror.
"PLEASE!" the woman shouted. "Please, someone help me!"
Ezra let out a low growl and sprang forward, but the Thunder Beast had already beat her to it.
Hak slammed his fist into the first official's face at the same time a strange man wearing foreign robes rushed onto the scene, his booted foot kicking the second official in the stomach. Both officials flew off down the street, unconscious.
"Now I've done it," Hak muttered under his breath.
"That wasn't very beautiful," the stranger drawled. He had purple eyes and long, strangely green hair.
The two stood up straight before glancing at each other, confused. "Huh?"
"Incoming!" Ezra shouted as more officials came thundering down the street.
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