The Big Week!
Third Person POV:
Ah yes, Christmas week. A special time of the year, where rejoicing and cheer around the world for all that celebrate it is a customary sound. But, our story takes place on a small island on the East Coast of the US, in a tiny city called Adventure Bay.
And on this particular Monday night, the snow was falling, the trees were swaying in the gentle north breeze, and everyone in Adventure Bay was out and about, preparing for the big day, for there was much work to be done before this Friday, and the next four nights that followed this night.
Skye's POV:
"Ah, how I love this time of year!" I thought to myself as I walked up the Lookout driveway. " I mean, the breeze is blowing, the decorations are being hung, all of the presents are being wrapped and made, and," I continued thinking to myself as I approached and stopped at the Lookout doors, "most importantly, everyone is coming together for a wonderful cause! And speaking of coming together....." I said aloud as I walked inside, only to see everyone busy hanging Christmas decorations all around the room.
"Hey, Skye! Glad you could join us! We were just hanging some Christmas decorations to help make the Lookout look more.... festive!" said Rocky from atop a ladder, where he was hanging white lights and red and green streamers up. "Ah, well," I started, "you guys are doing a great job!" I said. But, I think I may have something even better that we can all do!" I said excitedly.
"Ooh, you do? What is it?" asked Rubble, sounding more excited than me myself! I giggled at this and then continued on with what I was saying. Well, how about...... singing a Christmas Carol!" I asked everyone. "Hhh! That sounds fun! I want to do it!" Rubble said, happily jumping up and down and all about more an excited Chihuahua.
"Ok, ok! Just slow your roll, Rubble!" I said, giggling. "Ok then, now, anyone else other than Rubble want to join in?" I inquired.
"Hmmm....." Rocky started, "sure! Why not!" he said, sliding down the ladder he was using to come and stand in front of the elevator, where Rubble and I were already sitting in line with each other. "Well," said Zuma, "I guess if Wocky's doing it, it's worth me giving a twy. Though, I don't think I'm any good." he said, laughing while walking to the front of the elevator and sitting himself down, right next to Rocky. The line now consisted of Rubble, Rocky, Zuma, and I. And since I knew that Marshall had gone over to Mr. Porter's to help him decorate his restaurant, and that Chase was asked by Mayor Goodway to help to direct the excessive traffic that always occurred during this time of the year, we continued on without them.
"Ok, guys, ready?" I asked. "Yes!" they all happily replied. "Ok then, on my count. 3, 2, 1, and....."
"Ohhh, On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me,
A partridge in a pear tree.
Oh, On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me........" we all sang in harmony as the night went on.......
Chase's POV:
"Alright, sir, it's safe to cross now!" I said to Chuck, a young, married Hispanic man. And with that, he was off, ushering his children to follow closely behind him as they crossed the street, and all as my pup pack's stop sign expanded out into everyone's view once more, temporarily stopping all traffic so that Chuck and his children could cross safely. "Why, thank you very much, Chase! And you have a great night now, ya' hear?" he said, chuckling as he walked off.
"Oh, why, you be sure to do the same!" I said, laughing as well. "Alright now, everyone going left, go now!" I said, just as Chuck and his kids had finished crossing. My stop sign then automatically retracted itself back into the recesses of my pup pack once again. Then I once again felt the wind of moving cars hit my fur as they passed by me. But, then I heard something, another sound hit my ears. Singing.
And, it sounded like it was coming from..... "the Lookout?" I said, confused. But, as I listened even harder, over the roar of the cars, I heard her. The one pup that always stood out whenever she sang alongside anyone else. She had a voice that could not be outmatched. And yet, she saw having that voice as just a mere "modest" mistake. But, even so, that pup was none other than Skye herself!
I began to get sidetracked from my current task as my mind began to wonder, and before I knew it, I was thinking of Skye. "Oh, Skye," I thought, "with your beautiful angelic singing, and your dreamy smile, and your big, magenta eyes, or your gorgeous brown fur, or-"
I was interrupted from my thoughts by a car horn from the right side of the road. "Oh yes, the road! " I said aloud. "Ok, everyone going left, stop now! And everyone going right, well, you may proceed!" I said.
"Come on Chase, you can do better than this! Just focus on the road! Your Christmas present for Skye is fine, and she will cherish it forever for sure! Then, when the time is right, you can ask her out! Piece of cake!" I thought to myself, trying to refocus myself back to my duties, but failing as my mind began to wander again, just as I was beginning to focus again. "But, I mean, what if it isn't good enough? What if she doesn't like it? What if she rejects me in front of everyone? Or what if-"
"Dang it, I forgot the road again!" I said, calling out to the right lane to stop, and for the lane in front of me to proceed. "And, by the looks of things," I muttered under my breath, "it's going to be a long night."
Marshall's POV:
"A little more to the right, Marshall! No wait, a bit more to the left! A little bit more..... Aaannnddd....... perfect! Right there! Don't move!" Mr. Porter said excitedly to me as he stood atop my ladder, hanging up huge, decorative, rainbow-colored Christmas lights across the top of his restaurant.
I, on the other hand, was just sitting in my fire truck patiently, waiting for Mr. Porter to give the signal as to when to move the ladder once more. But, as I became bored, I began to just look around my fire truck, and then at my dashboard, until my eyes landed upon a picture that Everest and I had taken a few months ago, standing next to a snowman we had built together. And although the picture didn't show it, immediately after, I somehow went tumbling down the Lookout hill, along with the snowman. And neither Everest nor I could figure out how it happened. Ah yes, that was a day that was filled with fun and festivities for us, and we really bonded, even more, that day, not to mention the possibilities were endless as to what we could do together. And that's why I loved snow days. Because I knew that every time it snowed, it would open a gateway of opportunities and good times for me and her, and it would allow us to bond even more.
"Oh Everest," I said quietly, putting my paw on top of her and the photo, "if only you were mine. I would love nothing more in the world than for that to happen, because, I mean, your just so enthusiastic, and very passionate, along with athletic, and, of course, you do love your liver treats!" I said, laughing a bit at this.
"I'm sorry, what was that, Marshall?" Mr. Porter asked, without looking away from what he was currently doing. "Ummm..... nothing Mr. Porter! I was just, uhhh..... laughing.... at umm... something funny I thought about! Yeah, that's it!" I replied, a bit of nervous tone in my voice. Luckily though, I don't think Mr. Porter picked up on it. "Oh, I see! Well now, anyways, you can move the ladder over again!" he said.
"No problem, Mr. Porter!" I said cheerily, moving the ladder over to the left once more, right up until he told me to halt. "Alrighty, Marshall! This is the last one! Then, I'll let you go home for tonight! And I'll give you a treat of course, for you to take on the road with you!" he said, turning around and beginning to hang the lights once more.
"Alright then, Mr. Porter! And feel free to take your time! I'm not in any rush!" I said, laughing.
But then, I looked back down at the picture of me and Everest again, and I began getting nervous about my Christmas surprise for her, so I took a deep breath in and out, to try and help settle my nerves. "Don't worry now, Marshall. You got this. There's no way she won't like her gift! You've been working on it for months!" I said, smiling to myself.
But, my smile quickly began to fade as negative thoughts and apprehension began to fill my mind. "But, what if she doesn't like it? I mean, there's no 100% chance that she will....." I thought, beginning to panic. But I quickly shook those thoughts once more, trying to stay positive as possible. Besides, it wasn't like me to be a negative person.
"Now Marshall," I thought to myself, "you need to calm yourself down. Everything will be alright. And, if everything goes well, you could finally have yourself the pup of your dreams as your girlfriend! And, maybe we could even get married one day! But, wait a minute, that may be jumping the gun a bit too much! But hey, a pup can dream. A pup can dream." I thought to myself, with a dazed, dreamy look and a smile on my face.
"Ok, Marshall! I'm all done! You can lower me down now!" Mr. Porter said. I quickly snapped out of my daze, upon hearing my name being called. "Why, right away, Mr. Porter!"
"Yep," I thought, lowering my ladder for Mr. Porter, a smile on my face, "she's gonna love my gift."
Chase's POV:
The traffic had finally calmed down for the night, and I had finally got to come home to sleep in my nice, comfy pup house! And that was great, because I was beaten from standing all day and my throat was sore from yelling all day. There was no telling how late it was, and I wasn't all too concerned with that anyway, because knowing the time wasn't going to affect my plans with a good night's sleep and my pup house! "But perhaps," I thought, "maybe I should say "Hi" to Skye before I hit the hay!" I said as I finally pulled up in front of the Lookout. But, as I looked inside, all the lights were off and I saw all the pups, including Marshall, who had a biscuit in a bag from Mr. Porter's Restaurant, already asleep.
"Wow, everyone's already asleep! Well, now that I'm here, I better not wake anyone!" I whispered as I drove into my spot as quietly as I could and transformed my vehicle back into my pup house. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to just check on everyone before I go to bed, right? Well....... nah, it wouldn't" I thought to myself, and then quietly began walking around the circle of pup houses to wish my goodnights to everyone. Then as I finished walking past Marshall's up house, which was the last one, I began walking to my pup house until I walked past Skye's pup house, only to see her fast asleep, making her little "Ruff!" sounds as she slept.
"Awwww....." I whispered, watching her legs gently kick about in the air. "Well, Goodnight, Skye," I said, smiling as I gently stroked the fluff on her head. I then began walking away, to my pup house, but as I did, I heard her move, and then call out "Goodnight, Chase," smugly. She then poked her head out of her pup house, a smile and a slight blush on her face, with her magenta eyes shining brightly in the moonlight. "Heh, heh, yeah," I said, quickly scampering away as she laid back down in her pup house and once again fell back into a deep slumber, my face as red as Marshall's fire truck.
Then, after approaching my pup house, I walked inside, and I Iaid myself down in the back, curling up into a ball as I got comfortable and ready to sleep.
"Love you," I whispered as I laid there, my eyelids slowly becoming heavier, and eventually, closing all the way.
Note: Well guys, that's the end of the first chapter! I hope you liked it, because there are only four more left! Also, sorry for posting this chapter so late, but my parents continuously kept giving me task to do, despite the fact that they knew I was writing my story. But anyways, other than that, if you haven't already heard the news, I'm making another EDM song, and it's going to be much more "aggressive" in terms of melody, and it's gonna be a really awesome, deep, dark song, if y'all know what I mean! And, I mean, it'll probably be either a hard dance or a future bass song, because those are two of my favorite genres! But, I need help coming up with a name for it. It has to match the mood of the song, be original, and preferably one that when you look it up, it'll be the first thing to come up, if y'all are getting my drift. Any suggestions or ideas for a name (or the song) are welcome, and if I find or hear a name I like, I'll even give you credit for helping me pick a name! But, Until Next Time ~ Chris B.
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