Just Some Snow Day Photos.....
These were the photos I took this morning ALONE, right before I went to school and before the snow got to its highest:
(And yes, those are my rose bushes covered in snow in the bottom right-hand corner.) 😱
(And yes, don't worry; The marigolds I grew for ❤️Iluvskye❤️ and those little seedlings you see in the soil are all ok. Well, on the night of 12/8, there's going got be a hard freeze, where temperatures drop into the mid to lower 20s or lower for three or more hours, and that typically spells THE END for annuals (and pipes 😂), and especially ones like these Marigolds (which, by the way, hoverflies (and yes, that's a thing. And yes, it literally hovers. Over a flower that it likes, such s marigolds, cosmos, bee balm, etc. Like, I find it weird that they just hover over a flower, but hey, it's not me, so yeah. Here's a comparison between a hoverfly and a honeybee):
now pollinate (and live on) them because all of the bees are gone for the winter now, and it won't be until next spring that their larvae from the eggs laid inside of trees and dead branches and what not finally emerge...). But, those seedlings are winter flowers, so they'll be ok. And, they'll grow up to be big, strong, beautiful plants like these, which the hoverflies living on the marigolds will find and pollinate as well):
(And these are the Iceland Poppies, which, as the name suggest, come from Iceland, so they can handle a lot of cold weather and snow. That's also why their buds are hanging down, so that they do not accumulate snow on them and ruin the developing flower and petals. But, yes, those are also hairs on the buds, to help preserve what little heat plants absorb in the winter sun. And, no they are not like touching sandpaper. They actually feel really soft!)
(And these are the calendulas, which, coincidentally, are a type of marigold, and were actually the first type ever discovered in good 'ole, snowy America! And notice how both plants have leaves that look much like those lettuce-like weeds in lots in our yard. And that is because those types of plants have special leaves that are huge, so that they can absorb maximum sunlight in winter, yet, most the plants this have a waxy coating on all of the exposed parts of the plant, to keep the cold water out of the plant's leaves and keep the leaves from wilting and falling off as a result. And yes, the hoverflies outta pollinate these, too. See, not all flies are bad. These actually pollinate the majority of winter flowers, like these morning glories (and yes, I took this picture), along with butterflies):
And, here is a picture I took of an old, popular farm field that we pass every morning on the way to school:
But, I'm not done just yet! Here are some photos I got at school, when everyone who actually was forced to come came, and was having a good time throwing surprise snowballs at each other. And yes, I got hit with two. But, I used to play baseball, and I have an EXCELLENT aim, and now, an excellent throw. So yeah, let's just say I gave those two boys what they deserved:
(And no, I do not know why this guy has a shovel. Or brought it to school. But it was mighty handy when we built that snowman! 😂)
(And yes, the parking lot of the school literally looked like this all day. But, I mean, who would come? It was snowing huge snowflakes IN BUCKETLOADS in the same state that had temperatures that exceeded 100°F this summer! And then we broke the statewide record of 2.9 inches of snow in winter, set back in 1982! And yes, the highest totals were in south Mississippi, where my grandma lives, which is where the totals were above half a foot! But hey, I got 5.1 inches, so I'm not complaining. About the snow, that is. The school, well, that's another thing. 😂)
But, yes guys, now I'm finally done. But hey, don't feel bad, all of you who didn't get snow (with the exception of, of course, me, and CCKILLER00, who lives in Louisiana, who also got snow totals as high as 6"! It was snowing in New Orleans! Ah yes, palm trees and snow is a sight to see!)
But, like I was saying, don't lose hope! Because the storm system that brought us all of the snow in the South, or Winter Storm Benji, as the Weather Channel is calling it (and yes, they name winter storms, just to keep confusion down, much like hurricanes, because WINTER STORMS don't happen all too often. It's typically more of Lake-Effect snow from the Great Lakes, or it just so happened to rain and it was so cold that it turned into snow.) is far from over!
Because tomorrow, places like Virginia and Maryland are up next, with 3 to 6" of snow in the forecast! And if you don't live on the East Coast or the part of the South that got snow, don't feel bad. If I got 5" of snow here in Mississippi, and if there was literally a winter storm warning in Mexico, as well as Texas, then I'm sure it can happen anywhere else. If you just believe. Cause like, seriously, they were saying it was a 40% chance of a shower yesterday! And then we got 4.9" of snow at the Jackson International Airport.
And see, I had a small feeling that it may snow, because, last night, I remember falling asleep to the sound of pattering raindrops, which I thought meant we may at least get to see some snow today. Not that it was likely to stick. But boy was I and everyone else wrong! So yeah. But, other than all that, NOW I'm done! 😄
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