Virgil's (pov)
I looked around the school halls trying to get through the maze of teenagers. Key word 'trying' and evidently failing.
"Move it!"
"You blind or som'ing?!"
"P-pardon me."
"Watch it!"
I got pushed back against the lockers by some giant jock. Him and his whole group chuckled under their breathe as they looked down upon me. A guy with what looks like burn marks in front of them. "Tch." He sneered looking down on me like I was nothing but a bug. He whispered something to his flock of followers who all snickered along side him.
They began whispering among one another occasionally glancing at me. The judgement, the stares, the ludicrous amount of people gathering just to laugh at me. I pulled my hood over my head and began speed walking away. They laughter and glances never leaving me however, as I ducked into the closest bathroom......which was the girls.
They all screamed in unison upon seeing me, one throwing a shoe at me and another making a tik tok seemingly not noticing me. "Sorry!" I exclaim before getting the hell out of there and into a male bathroom.
I ducked into a stall and pulled out my phone.
"H-hey P-Patton. C-could you come get me?'
'I'm still with the headmaster here kiddo. Whats wrong?'
'I-I just don't feel so good.'
'What do you mean?'
'I feel shaky a-and trapped a-and I can't,
'Alrighty kiddo we understand. Where abouts a are you?'
'Th-the bathroom. Next t-to the sports hall.'
'Right we'll be there as soon as we can.'
With that he hung up. I sat myself down on the toilet seat resting my head in my hands trying to calm my breathing. When,
"Emo! Emo you in here? I saw what happened with De and his twats." I sighed loudly as I heard Knightly. "Imma take that as a yes your here. Look what I did wasn't the best but I hate being called Knightly. It reminds me too much of someone I knew. So will you come out?" I heard him just outside the stall. I chuckled breathlessly. "I'm already gay. Do I have too?" I heard him laugh himself outside the stall. "Fair point, fair point. I'll give you that. But please?" I smiled slightly at his worry. I got up shoving one hand in my pocket and the other opening the door when I felt the paci. Heh looks like Patton was looking after me after all.
I opened the stall to see "Hey princy." He smirked looking to me.
"Hey yourself emo nightmare."
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