Logan's (pov)
As Patton ran upstairs to attend to Virgil I started unpacking the shopping into the fridge. Though I doubt they even noticed I picked anything out for myself. Not that I'm upset it's just a lot to take in. I mean I have a son, a husband and a baby. With only three people living in our house. Yep I've confused myself.
I finished up in the kitchen and made my way upstairs to see my sons new room. Still feels weird saying that. I stop in the door way leaning against it a small smirk on my lips as I watch the two of them. Virgil was standing on his bed hanging up fairy lights on one side whilst Patton was doing it on the other. "Hey Pat?" The man in question hummed in response. "What made you decide to become a little?" My eyes widened as Patton froze. I walked in getting both of there attention. "Virgil mind your phrasing he didn't decide to become a little it's just a part of who he is. Patton a word." Patton nods far to quickly as we speed walk back to our room.
As soon as we're there he breaks down crying, I quickly pull him into a hug. "Shhh it's ok baby, your going to be fine, I'm here, I'm here." I kept repeating to him. He cried into my shoulder as I rested my head on his. I rubbed circles into his back until he finally calmed down. "Patton? What's my name?" I asked. He looked up to me glasses crooked and eyes puffy and red. "Papa." He mumbled. I sighed nodding before I kissed his cheek. "Why don't you go get some more comfortable clothes on? Would that make you feel better?" He shook his head burying himself in my chest. "Want Papa." I smiled slightly picking him up once more as I placed him on the bed. I kneeled down in front of him as he fiddled with his cat hoodie sleeves and biting his lip. "You want your paci?" He didn't respond. "You want snowball?" No response once more. I kissed his nose before standing up. "Patton look at me." He looked up to me a soft frown on his face. Which only makes me feel more guilty for what I must do. "Patton no snowball if you continue to ignore me." He quickly shook his head. "No!" I raised a brow looking down to him "Are you talking back to me?" He crosses his arms in a huff but I simply turned around walking over to where snowball was sitting on my desk. "My snowball!" He got up walking over to me trying to reach for snowball. I only raised them above my head however, as Patton whined. "Change into your comfortable clothes sweet then come downstairs." With that I made my way out the room unfortunately leaving Patton in a huff.
As I walked back downstairs I saw Virgil sitting on the couch bouncing his knee clearly nervous. "Virgil?" His head snapped up towards me, quickly walking over. "Is he ok? Did I say something wrong? Are you going to take me back? Please don't take me back!" I shook my head, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's fine Virgil. You just psyched him out a bit. The reason that he's even a little at all is personal so please stay away from such a topic." He nodded sheepishly looking down. "So your not getting rid of me?" I smile slightly. "Wouldn't dream of it." We sit back down on the couch talking about his school, work and house rules. Pretty much basic things before.
I smile turning on the couch to see Patton standing there back in his 'little clothes' eyes still puffy and sniffling slightly as he shuffled his feet. "Yes baby?" I ask. "I'm sowry." I heard a small aww come from beside me and chuckle lightly. "Come here." I open up my arms and Patton immediately head dives into me. Virgil laughs quietly as I pull Patton up slightly so that I'm able to see his precious face. "How about a movie night?" His face lights up as he nods rapidly. "Virgil would you also like to indulge in movie nig~" "Pweeeeeeese virgie?!" Patton cuts me off before I can even finish the sentence myself. "Sure thing." Patton cheered speed tackling Virgil causing them to collapse onto the couch. "Oh and Patton?" He looked up smiling even brighter at what he saw.
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