Changes. They are bound to happen. Our heart is trained in a way that it keeps on clinging to the past. The good old days of the past . You don't even acknowledge the goodness your present has to offer because you know it'll never be same. But how can you say? Maybe it'll get better, maybe you will discover people who match your vibe. Maybe. But atleast give it a chance. Don't shield your mind from exploring something new. There is so much in the plate, but look at you , stuck in the maze of the past. Maybe someone out there is dying to be where you are now, maybe this is the right place for your growth. This is where you are destined to be and maybe, just maybe it isn't so bad after all. Only when you let the clouds of the past pass, you can enjoy the rain the present has to offer. And it has a lot to offer, trust me, only if you prepare yourself to accept it. You have to let new people in and let them contribute what they have got in store for you. Your pillows must be tired of your eyes getting swelled up every night. It's high time to make your eyes shine again with positive energy. Interact with people, make a plan everyday, do the little things you enjoy doing, which makes you, you. Your true self. Don't forget the past, forget the thought that happiness is confined in your past. Happiness has no bounds, go grab every bit of it while you still can. Take the good things of your past along with you, the people you love, the memories you cherish and leave the toxicity behind. You've got a whole life ahead of you, it's never too late to begin, is it? So start training your mind to be positive and your self to be full of life. When you look back, you don't want to see puffed up eyes and a gloomy life. It's the happy days you live today which will make you smile in the days to come. This day will become a memory of tomorrow, so make it a worthy one. Make every second count. It's a good life, my friend. And changes, they are bound to happen. And maybe , just maybe, they aren't so bad afterall :)
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