Dear Mark,
"Thank you for sticking with me, for like, three years!" -Markiplier
I'll always stick with you. You could do all the pole dancing, sexual joking, and stupidity you want and I'd stay. Even if all you played was Dark Cut- Even if all you played was OUTLAST, I'd stay.
You saved my life. I was getting depressed again, I was getting suicidal again, and I was planning to hang myself. Then I saw a video. It was your "An Important Message" video. Something in my broken-up mind clicked back into place. No one had said the things you said, saying that you believed in me, that I was important, that I could do anything I dreamed... And you just said it with such sincerity and kindness. It made me "drop the metaphorical noose" that'd been weighing me down.
It was your words that made those broken pieces of myself snap back together. If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead.
That's not all. I'm "different" than most people. I was diagnosed with Severe Anxiety and Panic Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Autism, and OCD at age 7. I'm always hated on for having those things. "Retard" became my permanent nickname. But you are what made me realize something. I'm different, yes, but sometimes the world needs a little different. I see the world differently than anyone else I've met. And you do too. You say I can do amazing things, and inspire others. I think that my "issues" can help me with that.
The world sometimes needs a new way to look at things to make a good change, and I'll be the one to help make that change.
No, I haven't met you yet, (Jun. 26-28 at Indy Popcon though!) but I can tell that you mean and believe all those things that you say. And when I do meet you, you better believe I'll be saying thank you. (After all, I owe you my life.)
I know my family is going to be pretty dang upset with me saying this, but... You're the greatest person on the Earth. You've gone through so much, and you've helped me get through so much. And I'm pretty darn sure that I'm not the only person whose life you've saved.
And if that wasn't enough, you've always told me to pursue my dreams, and to not quit or take the easy route. That's why I've completely changed my life plans.
I wasn't planning on going to collage, or trying to get into film school. But, after what you said, even if it's going to be hard, I'll get through collage, and I'll go to film school. And above all else I will strive to never let that darkness I had before I found you, consume me again. I'll do my best to be a better person, while still being who I really am.
Thank you. So much.
For the laughs, inspiration, and helping me to see the world from a more optimistic perspective.
You're my hero, and I will never walk away from you. Thank you, so much.
Lots of love,
~Lauryn Kieft
(And yes, that is my video from when you were in the hospital... I'm definitely not yet the film editor I hope to be someday...)
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