Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Crazy reactions
When there new teacher walked through the door, they didn't expect him to be looking like he was in a war, scars and ships all over him, what looks to be 'BITE MARKS?!?!?' They -The class- thought he seemed like the one guy who doesn't fit for teaching, there he is" So, LeT'S GeT StrAiGhT tO tHE PoInT, MY NaMe iS ErrATuM, CalL Me MR.ErrAtUm We WiLL OnLy Be GeTTinG To kNow EaChOthEr FoR toDay So, Ask Me AnYthIng amYoU waNt, JuSt NaMe aNd QuEsTIon" Erratum said( That was hard as hell writting, Harrish how do you do this?!) One hand was raised up" YEs?" Erratum asked" My name is PJ and you don't seem like the type to be one for teaching so how did you get here?" PJ asked" I'M ACtUallY NoT, BuT THe Old SewIng TEachEr Is My NeiGhBor So ThaT'S JusT HoW It CamE To bE" Erratum said not very interested and more questions came by before nearly before the bell rang he told his class something important and needless to say, they wanted to cry after class ' How can someone so problematic be so nice?!?!'
I know this was short as hell, for some reason I cannot write a chapter more than 300 at all in this book, I don't know why
225 words
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