Chapter Twenty-One, Finding out
Aragorn woke up in the middle of the night. Something was tugging at the back of his mind. Something wasn't right. Evelina was still sleeping on his chest. He smiled as he looked at her pale face, shining in the moonlight. Looking to his left he saw that neither Legolas or Haldir were in the bed, looking to his right Teddy was still asleep but was slowly coming round his hair changing from Legolas to Haldir's and then finally settling on his own. Yawning cutely Teddy rubbed his eyes as he slowly came round opening his eyes and looking at his father with eyes identical to his mother. "Daddy." Teddy smiled happily though somewhat sleepily holding his arms up to be picked up.
Carefully shifting Evelina on to the bed so she didn't wake up Aragorn slowly rose from the bed and picked Teddy up. The toddler giggled quietly and snuggled into Aragorn's chest one small hand clutching his night shirt over his heart the other gently holding Aragorn's hair at the base of his neck. "Hello Teddy." Aragorn smiled softly as he kissed Teddy's forehead. With a glance at Evelina who was still curled up in bed fast asleep Aragorn left the room with Teddy in his arms. "How about we go find your Ada and Papa, huh?" Aragorn asked his precious little boy Teddy nodded his head from where it tested on Aragorn's shoulder. "Shhh." Teddy said cutely his finger to his lips as he looked at Aragorn and then to his mother fast asleep in the large bed. "Mummy sleeping." Teddy child whispered. Laughing quietly Aragorn kissed Teddy on the forehead holding him close. "No we mustn't wake mummy." Aragorn agreed as they left the room in search of Legolas and Haldir.
It didn't take long to find them; they were both stood outside looking at the stars. "Papa. Ada." Teddy called happily causing the two Elves to turn around seeing Aragorn walking towards them. Sending a glare at Aragorn the pair turned to their son. "What're you doing up Teddy?" Haldir asked. "Wanted you." Teddy said simply holding his arms out for Haldir who took him into his arms immediately holding him close. Once Teddy had cuddled with his Ada he held his arms out to his Papa for a cuddle where he soon fell back asleep in Legolas's arms. "The stars are veiled," Legolas sighed, bringing Teddy closer to his chest. "Something stirs in the east. A sleepless malice." Haldir continued turned to look at his long time friend. "The enemy is moving."
Pippin slowly climbed out of his bed. "What are you doing?" Merry asked. Pippin looked guiltily at Merry before stumbling towards Gandalf. "Pippin!" Neville hissed, waking up at the sound of soft, padding footsteps. "Don't do it!" Pippin ignored his and Merry's protests and kept going towards Gandalf. When he reached Gandalf, he jumped back a little, startled, when he saw the wizard's eyes were wide open. He shook off the shock quickly enough, grabbed a pot, and quickly switched the palantir in Gandalf's arms for the pot. "Pippin," Luna hissed now waking up due to the arguing but she immediately got worried when she saw what he was doing.
"Don't do it," Merry snapped at the younger hobbit.
"I just want to look at it," Pippin replied. "One more time."
"Put it back," Merry said, starting to stand up. Pippin smiled, still ignoring the others, and wrapped his hands on the palantir. His eyes widen in fear as his smile turns to a frown.
"He is here," Legolas and Haldir muttered, quickly turning to face Aragorn the the three sharing a worried look as they thought of that monster near their pregnant fiancée. The three took off down the hall to where the other members of the Fellowship were. The bouncing of the fast paced run woke Teddy. They ran into Sirius, Andy and Théodred along the way.
"Help!" Merry shouted when they reached the room. He was leaning over Pippin. Evelina ran into the room all disheveled and launched herself at Pippin without a seconds thought ripping the palantir out of Pippin's hands. She screamed as she fell to the floor, Sauron now turning his torture on to her. The five men and one woman running towards the room the Fellowship resided froze when they heard Evelina's screams, Teddy started crying calling for Evelina which kicked them into action and they ran faster towards the room nearly breaking the door off of its hinges as they slammed it open.
Aragorn not wasting any time took the palantir out of Evelina's hands as she writhed and screamed on the floor; as soon as it touched Aragorn's hands he fell to the floor beside Evelina but unlike her and Pippin it just rolled out of his hands across the room. By this time everyone was awake and in the room. Boromir ran over to a shaken Evelina and slowly helped her sit up. "Fool of a Took," Gandalf cursed, rushing over to the palantir and covering it with a blanket. "Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!" Teddy screamed and cried from within Legolas's tight hold as he pushed against his chest wanting to get down.
"I'm okay Teddy." Evelina said tiredly as Luna and Andy finished checking her over giving her numerous potions to swallow which she did in quick succession. "Legolas put him down." Evelina ordered softly holding her arms out for her baby who ran into her arms as soon he was put down. Sobbing and clutching tightly to her while stamping his little feet. "No leave him." Evelina said turning her body away from her Papa as he went to take Teddy off of her. "He's not hurting me." She soothed them then turned her attention to her baby trying to get him to calm down.
Look at me, Pippin," Gandalf sighed. "What did you see?"
"A tree," Pippin whimpered. He was wrapped up in Merry's arms. "There was a white tree. It was dead. The white city around it was burning."
"Minas Tirith," Boromir gasped. Aragorn's eyes widened. He gripped his sword handle, a nervous habit. "I saw him," Pippin continued. "I could hear his voice in my head. He asked me my name. I didn't answer." Pippin was shaking in Merry's arms. "I heard him too Pippin. He was trying to get me to answer, he tortured me too but I've had far worse than what he gave me. I told him nothing. You were very brave Pippin, not many can withstand torture and not spill all their secrets." Evelina said proudly.
"What did you tell him of Frodo and the ring?" Haldir asked, moving closer too though he stayed near Evelina and Teddy incase they needed him. "Nothing," Pippin said. "Eve are you- are you and the babies okay?" He asked worriedly.
Gandalf sighed in relief. "He tells the truth."
"They'll be fine. With some bed rest and more potions they'll be fine." Neville assured the youngest Hobbit who nodded satisfied but no less guilty. "Pippin don't worry about it we're fine and your fine that's the main thing." Evelina soothed smiling at her friend as she rocked Teddy who'd cried himself to sleep though he didn't release his tight grip on her.
"Gandalf let me stop you before you get started." Theoden said sternly holding up his hand. They were all stood in the Council Chambers except Evelina, Teddy and Luna who was keeping an eye on the the exhausted pair. "How is my granddaughter? And why- why did she feel the need to do this? He could have killed her or she could have lost the babies and Teddy the poor boy." Theoden said with a shake of his head pinching the bridge of his nose. "That is Eve. It's who she is." Andy answered simply. "It doesn't help her aunt and uncle made her feel worthless all her life she feels she has to prove herself to gain someone's love. And she'll be alright with bed rest and the babies are strong like their mother. I told her what she was having earlier this morning." Andy said smiling as everyone's head whipped towards her.
"Well?" Eomer asked impatiently. "What is my little cousin having?" Andy said nothing just smiling at all of them until Sirius whined and begged her to tell them. "She's having two boys and a girl." The Chamber erupted with cheers but none louder than the three father's-to-be and the two grandfathers-to-be. The cheer was so loud that Hama and Glamdring came running into the Chamber their swords raised only stopping and looking around the room confused. "My Lord?" They asked confused.
"Forgive us Hama, Glamdring but we have just found out that my daughter will be gifting us with two boys and a girl. Three grandsons and a granddaughter." Théodred said happily a beaming smile on his face.
"Congratulations my Lords and Ladies and please pass our congratulations on to Princess Evelina. We'll start preparing on the preparations at once Sire." The two bowed before their Lords and left the Chamber.
"I'm sorry but we must get back to the topic at hand." Gandalf said apologetically. "There was no lie in his eyes last night," Gandalf told them. "A fool but an honest fool he remains. He told Sauron nothing of the ring. Sauron will raze Minis Tirith to the ground. When the beacons are lit, Rohan must answer."
"What do we owe Gondor?" Theoden snapped, scowling at Gandalf. Before Boromir could argue Théodred beat him to it. "Father, Boromir the son of their Steward and Aragorn the Heir to the throne have just risked their lives for you when there was hardly any hope. And thanks to my daughter they are apart of this family which means we are tied to Gondor. Rohan is not only Eve's and my grandchildren's birth rite but so is Gondor through Aragorn, we have to help you know this and if Eve was here she'd knock some sense into you. We owe them." Théodred argued groaning when his father continued not to listen. Theoden did not respond. "They must be warned," Aragorn said, scowling at the king. "I will go."
"No!" Gandalf ordered. "Evelina needs you, you'll stay here I'll go and I won't be going alone." Gandalf said as he turns to look at Pippin.
Gandalf lifted Pippin up onto Shadowfax. Who was looking forelornly at Merry then up to Aragorn, Legolas and Haldir fighting back his tears as he apologised. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen she could've died. All four of them could've died it's all my fault. I wouldn't do anything to harm her, she's like my sister I love them." Pippin apologised trying to convey how sorry he was to the three before him. "We know Pippin." Aragorn said gently resting his hand on Pippin's knee. "We know you would never do anything to hurt any of us especially Eve. All is forgiven do not worry." Haldir continued Legolas nodding in agreement as they smiled at him watching as he and Gandalf faded into the distance.
End of chapter!
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