Chapter Five, Meeting the Second Mate
"Mister Neville," Sam called. Neville looked over at Sam with a raised eyebrow. "Why is Strider holding Miss Evelina's hand?" He questioned which unfortunately brought the two mischievous Hobbit's attention to the aforementioned couple. "Strider is one of her mates Sam. They've been getting closer for a while and I'm quite happy about it to be honest as Eve needs some happiness and someone to look after her." Neville smiled as he looked at the couple who were oblivious to what was being discussed behind them.
"Does she know whom her other mates are?" Merry questioned curiously.
"No. She doesn't. It could be awhile until she finds he other mates or it may not. It depends." Neville answered. The three of them nodded this heads in understanding as they fell into a companionable silence.
It was around two hours later and they still seemed to be nowhere near Rivendell and the Hobbits were starting to grumble about their feet hurting as never in their life had they walked as far as they had in the last couple of weeks. "How much further is it?" Pippin grumbled for the tenth time in a few minutes. Aragorn rolled his eyes good-naturedly to Evelina who had to stifle a giggle at the look on his face when they heard the sound of hooves galloping along behind them. Whipping out their swords Aragorn ordered the three remaining Hobbits to stay behind them, though he did stand more in front of Evelina then she would have liked but she thankfully let it go, this time.
It was a tense couple of minutes as the sound of the galloping hooves got louder as they crept ever closer. They raised their swords ready for a fight as they saw horses come round the corner, only to relax when they saw elves sitting astride the horses. "Legolas." Aragorn greeted as he put his sword away, the others copying his actions. "Aragorn." Legolas greeted in turn as he jumped off of his horse and hugged Aragorn in a brotherly fashion. "How have you been?" Aragorn asked as they pulled back slightly until they only had one hand on each other's shoulder.
"I should be asking you that," Legolas stated looking over them all critically, he froze when his eyes caught the most brilliant green eyes he'd ever seen, they shined like emeralds that even the dwarves would be jealous of. Blinking his eyes until they adjusted and not only saw those beautiful eyes but the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, who just had to be a Kitsune. Legolas felt as if his heart was being pulled towards the young woman by an invisible thick strand and he knew instantly that she was his One.
He was suddenly brought out of his thoughts by Aragorn gently shaking his shoulder. "Mellon nîn? Legolas are you alright?" Aragorn asked concerned.
"I'm perfectly fine Aragorn," Legolas smiled at his long time friend. "Anyway, I should be asking you that. All of you look like you've been fighting for your lives."
"That's because we have." Neville stated with a tired sigh. "Lord Neville Frank Longbottom." Neville introduced himself holding out a hand with a frown on his face, he really hated introducing himself like that.
"This is my best friend and God Sister Lady Evelina Wynter Lillian Potter-Black," Neville introduced once he'd released Legolas's hand. "This is Samwise Gamgee, though he likes to be called Sam, this is Meriadoc Brandybuck who likes to be called Merry and this trouble maker is Perrigrin Took otherwise known as Pippin." Neville said pointing to each Hobbit in turn who either waved or bowed their head.
"Pleasure. I'm Legolas Greenleaf of the Woodland Realm." Legolas introduced himself. "You all seem weary from your travels, come, you shall have a ride on some of the horses for the rest of the journey to Rivendell, for that is where you're heading is it not?"
"Yes," Aragorn agreed. "I'm sure that the Hobbits would be the most grateful for your generous offer for they have not walked as far as they have since they left the shire." Nodding his head Legolas motioned for the others with him to help the three Hobbits onto a horse, he turned back around to the other three to ask them if they needed a horse only to frown at how close Aragorn and Evelina were standing. As Legolas opened his mouth to question Aragorn what he was to his One, he remembered all that he'd read and all that his father had told him about Kitsunes, especially a submissive.
'A submissive Kitsune is the one of most powerful creatures that walk this earth, even more powerful than their dominant counterpart and will more than likely need more than one Mate or One to help ground them. The power level of a Kitsune can be told by the number of tails that a Kitsune has, this will also tell you how many Mates are needed to help ground the submissive. A Kitsune's mate is not necessarily a Dominant Kitsune, they can be anyone, for a Kitsune's mate is especially chosen for them and them alone, and no matter if there is more than one Dominant mate, the Kitsunes mates will only have platonic feelings towards each other and will only have romantic feelings for there submissive.
Once a Submissive has found all of their mates or are getting near to their last mate they will start going into their primal heating period. However, this only happens once so that the Dominant mates can claim their submissive before they are taken from them; other times they will have a heat period but it will be less primal than the first time. They will claim the submissive by leaving a bite mark on a chosen area on the Kitsune's body after all the Dominants have consummated the bond they have with the submissive.
Lonneg this is why if you are lucky enough to end up being a Dominant mate to a Kitsune you will know no greater love. For no matter how may mates a Kitsune has they will love them all the same no matter how long they have been with their other mates." Thranduil told Legolas after he'd come of age.'
With the words of his father in mind Legolas made his way over to them with a clearer mind than he had before. It was as he got closer to Evelina that he noticed the outline of three thick bushy tails under her traveling cloak. "There are still room on the horses if the three of you would like a ride for the rest of the journey?" He questioned. Neville looked at the elf dubiously, not because he thought the elf was evil but the way he'd been looking at his sister. It was the same look that Aragorn had on his face and he knew instantly that Evelina had found her second mate in the somewhat pompous blonde.
Deciding he was going to watch how things progressed between all three of them, as Legolas had for a short time been frowning at Aragorn and his closeness to his sister before he obviously remembered something if the spark in his eyes were anything to go by. It was for this reason that he decided he would be riding with Legolas and would keep a close eye on the situation for he didn't want his sister to be caught in the crossfire.
* * *
"Estel! Legolas! I'm glad you've made it here safe and sound. And who're our guests?" A dark haired male elf asked as he made his way down the stairs into the court yard. Though you could not tell how old he was, you knew he'd been around for a few centuries because of the look in his eyes, that only showed in people who have been around for a long time or who have seen things that they shouldn't have. He also had an elderly man walking next to him, though he was not an elf, and he resembled an uncanny appearance to Dumbledore, the only difference was that all of his clothing including his large pointy hat, were a dark shade of grey that matched his bushy hair and beard.
"Lord Elrond." Aragorn and Legolas said, bowing to the now dubbed Elf Lord. At the same time as the three Hobbits called to the elderly man standing next to Lord Elrond. "Gandalf!"
"Hello my dear Hobbits," Gandalf smiled at them. "Young Frodo is fine. He's asleep at the moment, but he should wake up soon." Gandalf assured them as Sam went to open his mouth. "Lord Elrond I'd like to introduce you to Samwise Gamgee, Meriadoc Brandybuck and Perrigrin Took, though I do not know who these two are." Gandalf said pointing to Neville and Evelina.
"Gandalf, Lord Elrond." Aragorn started. "This is Neville Frank Longbottom, Son of Frank and Lord of the Longbottom House. And this is Evelina Wynter Lillian Potter-Black, daughter of James and adopted daughter of Sirius who resides in Rohan and Lady of the Potter and Black House."
"Ah, yes I remember now. Larien and Elroy told me about them and their friend Luna who resides in Lothlôrien." Lord Elrond mused. "I would like to offer both yo, Estel and Legolas my congratulations as you've found your One in Miss Evelina." Lord Elrond congratulated, as he read what was unsaid by Aragorn and also Legolas by the way he kept glancing at Evelina and the closeness between her and Aragorn.
Evelina blushed and ducked her head, she glared at Neville when her sensitive ears picked up his stifled laughs. "Shut up Nev." she hissed at her brother. Neville chuckled and held his hands up in surrender. "Sorry Eve." Neville apologised through his chuckles. Evelina huffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she heard the others now joining in with Neville. "Welcome to Rivendell." Lord Elrond greeted them. "I shall have someone show you to your rooms so you can freshen up before we have dinner." He held up his hand when Sam opened his mouth. "I'm sorry Master Gamgee I cannot allow you or your companions to see Master Baggins at the moment for he needs his rest, but on the morrow you can see him." Lord Elrond assured him with a kind smile as called for Elves to come and lead them to their rooms, Arwen leading Evelina to her room.
As they walked away you could hear the pair of them giggling even when they rounded the corner. "I know you both are my sister's Mate so I will hold judgement for now. But, hurt my sister and you'll feel the edge of my sword. I can trust you Aragorn with her but my warning still stands even if it applies more to you Legolas. She has been hurt enough and I will do all in my power to see she doesn't get hurt again and that includes if you two start fighting over her." Neville warned glaring at the pair.
"Neville I promised you in Bree that i would never hurt her and I stand by that promise. I've come to care for her a great deal and I will never do anything to break that trust you and Evelina have in me." Aragorn spoke seriously.
"I agree with Aragorn," Legolas spoke just as seriously. "Aragorn and I have been friends ever since he was a young boy and I will not argue with him over Evelina as she is both of ours and I know I've only just met her and I have a lot to prove to you and Evelina and Aragorn as he is her first mate, but I will do my utmost best for Evelina."
"That is all I ask." Neville said happily. He nodded to the pair of them as the three of them went their separate ways for now. The Hobbits had already been lead away to their rooms to prepare for dinner.
End of chap five!
*Elvish: Mellon nîn. English: my friend.
*Elvish: Lonneg. English: my son.
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