Loud and thunderous, the noise reverberated through the walls of the house as frantic footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. It was as if the ceiling of the basement trembled, mimicking Jida's trembling body on the floor.
The tension in the air was palpable, stretching the silence, and amplifying the fear within each person present.
The two men exchanged nervous glances, both dreading the impending danger lurking just outside the house.
"What? What? How?" Jean's voice trembled as he frantically reached for his rifle, his hands shaking uncontrollably.
"Don't fucking ask questions, we need to go," Jenny urged, his voice laced with urgency.
"Okay, okay... but what about the truck?" Jean asked, his mind racing with thoughts.
Jenny shook his head, a mix of frustration and anxiety etched on his face. "The truck... it should be fine, I think. Sam made sure to park it somewhere safe."
"And where's Sam?" Jean inquired, feeling a knot of unease tightening in his stomach.
"Uhm... he's looking for... argh, now's not the time," Jenny replied, his attention focused on the contents of a black duffel bag.
Both men prepared to make their escape, Jenny rushing up the stairs, his steps hurried and slightly limping from the pain.
"Wait! What about the kid?" Jean called out, concern evident in his voice.
Jenny let out a frustrated groan, his leg twisting slightly on the steps as he remembered. "I don't know, just... leave him."
"What? We can't just leave him, he's just a kid," Jean protested, refusing to abandon the child.
"Fuck, fine. You take him then," Jenny relented, already ascending the stairs with urgency, his duffel bag in hand.
Jean turned back to the child, noticing Jida's eyes still fixed on the ground, tears streaming down his face. With determination, Jean reached out and lifted the boy into his arms, his grip tight but gentle.
Jida let out a startled cry as he was lifted off the ground, his legs instinctively wrapping around Jean's waist as he clung onto the man's neck in terror.
Jean's heart ached at the sight of the terrified child, and he quickly made his way up the stairs, each step hurried and purposeful.
"For fuck's sake, what took you so long?" Jenny's voice echoed through the house, frustration evident in his tone.
"He wouldn't ge t'up man, yur doin' noting yurself." Jean retorted, his voice laced with annoyance.
"I literally have no fucking idea what you just said... is the kid unable to walk?" Jenny asked, his impatience apparent.
Jean rolled his eyes and shrugged, his hold on the child tightening as they reached the kitchen.
The kitchen was dimly lit, with broken-down stoves, a dusty countertop, and an open fridge filled with rotting food. Only the microwave seemed to be in somewhat working condition.
The room was illuminated by a large window that offered a view of the front yard. It was a special kind of window that allowed those inside to see outside without being seen.
Jida's trembling eyes were fixed on the window, his breath hitching as he observed the horrifying scene beyond it.
Monstrous creatures covered the streets, their faces decaying as they frantically tore at anything within their reach. Red, viscous liquid oozed from their mouths, their teeth sharp and gnashing. Their faces were deformed, with grotesque sunken holes replacing their eyes and flesh. Their mouths were always open, as if constantly ready to consume their next victim.
With each passing moment, Jida felt the undeniable hunger emanating from the creatures outside. The air seeped through the cracks, chilling him to the bone. He could sense their ravenous hunger, their desperate need to feed.
The zombies clawed at the house, desperately trying to find a way inside. And as Jida looked out, one of the creatures locked eyes with him, its gaze filled with malice.
A scream of terror escaped Jida's lips as he tightened his grip on Jean's neck, his nails digging into the man's skin.
"Go. Now," Sam's voice interrupted their panic, jolting Jenny out of his thoughts.
"Yeah, I know, but we need to make sure we have enough weapons to—" Jenny began, but Sam shook his head, pointing urgently towards the window.
"Holy shit, fuck! How is this house holding up?" Jenny exclaimed, his focus shifting to the immediate threat.
Sam led them towards the back of the house, tightly clutching the bag he had retrieved.
Jean winced as Jida's nails dug into his skin, but the fear of the relentless creatures outside overshadowed the momentary pain.
Jida tried to follow the conversation between the men, his mind racing with confusion. Three strangers had burst into his house, taking him away from the basement. His father was nowhere to be seen, leaving him in the hands of these men.
Amidst his fear and longing to see the outside world, Jida couldn't help but regret his curiosity. The sight of those terrifying creatures made him question his desire to explore beyond the confines of his basement.
Sam led them outside, pushing open the rusted back door to reveal a large backyard. The grass was decaying, and tall barbed wire fences surrounded the area.
Jida had never seen the outside of his house before, let alone a backyard. Everything felt oddly familiar yet overwhelmingly new. But any sense of awe or curiosity was quickly replaced by the harsh reality of their situation.
Sam surveyed the surroundings, spotting a few zombies approaching the barbed fence. Although a threat, they seemed manageable compared to the horde outside.
Unlike the front yard, Sam could see a path of escape through the tall Berkeley trees and dark shadows of the forest.
"Alright, we go through the forest," Sam declared, determination etched on his face.
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