"Ok I'm in a flipping video game. Now how do I play by the rules, by surviving of course! I read on the description that Terraria is like a 2D minecraft, everyone knows mineCraft!"
Brandon looks at me confusingly. "What?"
"Sorry Brandon you won't understand." I say " I need to know what to do next mine, build, or craft?"
Brandon thinks for a while. "You should probably mine, then craft, then build. Mine for ores like iron, tungsten and gold. There are other ores like emeralds, diamonds, and rubies. What you should craft is probably armor."
"Okay, I'll use stone build,,I am going to mine, I will have to get stone."
"You, are a material conservist ." Brandon says.
I go to the left of my temporary base, a little hut with a furnace, anvil, and crafting table I built from the tree I chopped.
I find myself at a little hole in the ground with some water in it.
The sun goes down. "I am starting to get chilly, really chilly."
I look above me and see, zombies.
My heart is filled with fear, I get my sword. I swing it at one of the brainless monsters, it gets knocked back. Weirdly, a small white number 1 appeared above it's head. I hit it again but this time it says two in yellow. "Why does everything here deny what my knowledge of physics will allow?" I hit the zombie again, It's body parts fall of. Grooooooooooss. But a little claw appeared out of it. Above the claw is a yellow tag. "Bladed glove." Twelve damage is what is underneath the first tag, my sword has a title of five.
I switched out the sword for the glove. It swung so fast I could not control it but still, I wasn't applying energy to my arm,it was swinging automagically.
I charged through and when I hit the zombies the health bar that had appeared on top of them quickly went down to zero. I won.
I broke some pots, I got good loot from the pots. Torches, ropes even a recall potion whichever description was to teleport me to spawn.
I didn't go mining that night, but I did explore the humongous tree in front of me, the roots were a little cave though. I went down the roots and I found a room, I got a bug net, some wands for living wood and dirt or something like that and a living loom. I took these items.
I then used the recall potion and I was home before I knew it. Brandon safely in the base, I put the living loom as it was a crafting station with the rest of the crafting stations.
I then called it a night.
The next morning I had to mine, that was my top priority. I went to the big tree with it's huge cavelike roots. I climbed down platform after platform until I reached the end, where there was a ruby. I picked that up thinking it was really valuable. Then I grabbed the copper pickaxe I had gotten from the starters kit. Then I mined. After about a whole minute of mining and collecting blocks. I found Tungsten. I remembered Brandon told me this was a very useful ore. I collected every block of the tungsten.
I had been mining for about an hour, just collecting copper, and tin with a bit of lead, when I found a big patch of of iron. About twenty eight blocks. "Jackpot!" I yelled. Underneath the Iron was a big miners house, Brandon told me to loot them, they could have great loot.
I jumped through what was a patch of iron, because it was in my inventory. I landed on the bean shaped building. It's wood ceiling creaked. I jumped through the platforms, there was the chest. inside was a flare gun, magic mirror, and an extractinator. With a small amount of coins. I was very cautious of grabbing the one stick of dynamite it contained.
I looked around, there were some nice paintings. More intriguingly, there was a glowing heart, it was also floating. I mined it. "Life crystal" appeared over the item. "Permanently increases life points by twenty" I grabbed it, when it went to my inventory and I checked, there was no life crystal. It did show a sixth heart in the top right hand corner of my sight, so I guess that is what it did.
I went out of the miners house. Then I looked at the magic mirror, it didn't tell me what it did before I was at my house.
"Okay then, I think this magic mirror teleports me to spawn." Without questioning any farther I went to the base and smelted all of the iron, tungsten, and the other ores. I had enough Iron to make some tracks, I didn't know what they did so I placed them all over the ground in a thirty black radius, because I got thirty when I crafted them. I just looked at the tracks, then I walked over them and what happened blew my mind. A mine cart appeared out of thin air. I climbed in and it took me to the end of the track. Running over a poor slime.
I went mining the next morning, and got a lot more of the stuff I got yesterday, only more of it. And a flipping ton of gold. I also got twenty emeralds. I went to the crafting table and made a lot of bars, of all the ores. And an emerald staff.
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