》the smell of woods and fear《
We were so into talking and having fun that we didn't notice where we were going. There were no humans other than us. All we can see is the trees and a road leading somewhere we aren't supposed to go. "Where. The. Heck. Are. We?" Aria catechized in amazement.
"Are we lost?" Jimin questioned looking up at the unbelievably tall trees which are rustling due to the wind. Looking at their countenance feels like they don't know where we are. All we did was amble straight the road in front of the cafe. "Let's go back" Eugene urged while holding mine and Aria's hand.
We walked back undeviating, expecting to go back to where we started but the road never ends and we don't see any cafe or a stranger. God, how I wish for some stranger to appear out of nowhere and help us get out of here.
"We are officially lost" Jungkook announced looking around. "How do you know?" Taehyung asked. "Look, we are back to where we found out that we were lost" Jungkook answered. But these people have stayed here from the day they were born and how couldn't they know where we are.
"Don't worry, I'll call someone to pick us up" Jin started taking out his phone, he quickly dialled the phone number and "Yeoboseyo?!....can you track my phone and.......yeoboseyo...?" he sighed staring at his phone.
"What happened?" I asked. "I was about to ask him to track my phone and send us a car, but I think he couldn't hear me" he replied.
"What do we do now?" I questioned my responsible brother, who have been quiet for a very long time, and why wouldn't I question him, despite everything, this numbskull was the one who craved to roam around. "Let's try calling someone" Aria suggested taking out her phone. Each of us tried calling someone, but the phone was either dead or out of network.
It was getting gelid and gloomy. We stayed in a corner. Of the road which had no lights, no humans, no nothing, it was just us, and the empty cold road. We tried calling each and everyone we know, but none of them picked up, I don't know if they even received our calls or texts.
Out of nowhere, my phone rang, I hastily take my phone from my pocket, to see Aecha's number. "Aerin ah, I just got your......text, whe..re.....are you guys? Can you tell.... me the....surroundings?" She asked, it was so loud and not at all clear, it was screeching, ignoring all of that, I reply to her quickly before my phone shuts down. And eventually, it did.
"I hope she finds us" Jungkook sighs sitting back on the half chopped tree wood. It was completely dark now and we were just standing there, waiting for something to happen and most importantly doing nothing. We should at least try and get out. Before I could open my mouth and ask them to leave, we heard some shuffling in the trees.
Aria and I got close to each other in worry, "It must be a lion" I muttered in her ear. "Shut up I don't want to die today" Aria breathed. We kept looking in the same direction as the sound was increasing and without a warning, a dog jumps down on the road. "Uh...it's a dog" Aria sighs shaking her head.
"Oh shit, it's a baby wolf" Taehyung cursed grabbing Aria's hand. Wolf? It's not a dog? "There are wolves here" he continued backing away. "Let's leave before the big ones appear" Jungkook orders before marching into the woods.
We went deep inside the forest filled with trees, ignoring all the leaves rusting, branches creaking and noise of howling wolves. Are we even gonna go home? I can't believe that we are lost. There's no other way to hide from the wolves as they stroll on the roadside at night time.
Oh and by the way, what a cool way to start a new life, I've never imagined getting lost in the woods before. What will our parents think when they come to know about this. But all my thoughts were breaking down when the Howling increased, it sounds like they are following us.
I look back every time there was a sound of a branch creaking, it's freaking scary in this noiseless forest. "Hey, they aren't following us" Jungkook spoke softly. He knew what I was going through. "We will go home soon" he whispered holding my hand tightly. "How in this God damn situation can you think positive?" I grumbled tangling both my hands with his. The looks of the forest are doing no good to me and my soul.
"Because I am not alone" he smiles. "We are all together so there's nothing to worry" he completed, making all my worries vanish. He is right, how can I possibly get scared when I am with my siblings, who can fight anything for me and my friends who treat me like a family.
After 30 minutes of walking, the howling of wolves is covered by the aggressive sound of water flowing. We stopped in our tracks as we have to cross a small river. "Why do we have to cross a river?" I ask out of nowhere. "There must be another way out" Eugene replied going near the river.
There were rocks everywhere and with the help of those, Eugene and Jin jumped over them and crossed the river. They are tall enough that it looked like they just normally walked over the rocks.
Aria and I have to jump I guess. "I'll go first" I mumbled taking a step towards the bitchy river that I am gonna cross. "Be careful, I'll be right behind you" she responded.
I took a long step over the rock which was near me, the water running down dangerously, making my heart beat faster than an ostrich. Nop, I can't look at the water, If I do so, I won't be able to cross it. Just when I jumped on the other big rock, I hear Aria, coming behind me.
After two more rocks, I am in the middle of the river, supporting myself by spreading my arms in the air, I was close to the land side where Eugene and Jin are waiting for us. Just when I steadied myself to jump on the next rock, I was pulled down, into the water.
Aria and I both fell in the water and it was too fast that we were being swept by the water. I hear Eugene yelling and someone probably has jumped in the water. I feel her grabbing my wrist, I gasp bobbing my head up over the water. I don't know how to fucking swim, I wish I knew how to fucking swim.
Aria was somehow holding my hand, stopping me from getting away. I can't see anything, I can't breathe, I am swallowing the water and it's going through my nose. I am trying so hard, to not let go of her hand.
"Aria, keep holding her," Jungkook said, great, at least I can hear someone instead of feeling myself drowning. "Taehyung grab her" Eugene shouted when I left her hand and quickly zoomed from there. I am done, I can't hold my breath any longer, I was stopped from going further by a hard rock, I was hit by it on my back, and I feel myself passing out.
I can still feel someone pulling me by my wrist. "Aerin-" Jungkook gasps before throwing me over his shoulder. And everything went black-
Aria's P.o.v
After Taehyung and Jungkook saved us, we were dragged back onto the wet ground. Taehyung pulled me out before I could get knocked out like Aerin. She has fainted when Jungkook brought her back. After pressing her chest, she vomited the water and got up after what felt like an hour, but she was okay.
"How..how did it happen?" She questioned rubbing herself. Oh well, I suppose I should answer that. I pause before "The rocks were too far, making it hard for me to jump...I wanted to see how deep it was and if I could walk but when I kept my leg in the water, it dragged me with a force and when I was balancing, I grabbed your jacket....sorry" I let it out.
I waited for her or Eugene to scream at me but "What were you thinking? There are crocodiles here, are you out of your freaking mind" Taehyung yelled making me jump. "How fucking careless can you be?" He shouts towering over me. "Have you got a brain in that big head of yours?" He howled pinning me between him and the tree. "I told you I was sorry" I yell back pushing him away from me, what is he thinking, yelling at me for what? Crazy idiot.
"Are you okay? Are you both hurt?" Jungkook asked checking Aerin's head and elbows. "No," we both said in unison. We rested there for more than 10 minutes, damn it's freezing like hell, what? Hell is hot, I am going crazy, wow. All because of this bitch next to me. "I am sorry" Taehyung muttered. "Fuck off already" I snap at him.
"Okay," he sighs. "Are you hurt? Are you okay?" He questions checking my face, without my permission. "Why do you care?" I spat dodging his hands away from my face. "Just tell me, why do you have to be this arrogant?" He asks with no shame. Wasn't he the one yelling at me for no reason? "Get lost" I fumed before going to Aerin.
"I think we should leave now" Jin stated making the others get up from the ground. Eugene and Namjoon gave Aerin and I their Jackets while Taehyung and Jungkook were shivering like crazy. Others offered them to have their coat but they refused. Well I don't care about Taehyung but Jungkook should've accepted it, he looks cold and pale.
I was walking with Aerin, she was quiet, didn't even look up at me. Is she okay? Is she mad at me? Should I ask her? "Ask her what?" My mind questioned.
"Why are you quiet" I replied to my mind. "Don't bother" it says. But, I never listen to my brain and "are you alright Aerin?" I question rubbing her lower back and she wince, loudly, which caught everyone's attention.
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Hi, there gals, how was this chapter? Do tell me your thoughts ❤
Random question of the day: Name of your childhood crush?♡
And look what I got for my book!!!
A BANNER♡♡!!!!!!
DESIGNED BY Susholic get your personalized banners, gif and cover from her. ❤❤
Thanks for making me those cute banners❤❤❤
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