The Beginning
Your p.o.v.
You got up and stretched. Today was going to be a great day. Illia was going to teach you about horses and your best friend Link was going to get a horse himself.
Earlier on, Fado had found a mother horse and fillie in the woods. A couple days later the mother horse died form a sickness, so the fillie was left all alone. The next day Link and you had gone to the ranch on an errand for Mrs. Uli, and that is where Link met the fillie. A strong bond was forged between the two of them. Fado had seen it and offered Link the fillie if he helped him with the chores for the day. Link instantly agreed with that offer and helped for the day. You helped as well and you two got the chores done in no time.
Fado said that Link could have the filli as soon as it was weaned. So that is where you where off to today.
You walked over to your dresser and chose a nice (f/c) tunic with a brown belt, a pair of (s/f/c) leggings,and a pair of brown boots. You brushed your (h/c) hair and tied it back in a braid (or whatever other hairstyle you want). You then hurried down the ladder that lead to your bedroom and scurried over to your kitchen, where you grabbed a small piece of bread and an apple and ran out the door.
As you hurried down the road you where met half way by Illia.
"Good morning (y/n)!" She said in a cheerful voice. "How did you sleep?"
You gave a smile and a thumbs up.
"Great actually! I'm really excited to meet Link's new pony!"
You earned a smile from Illia as she let out a chuckle.
"Great! Then come on!" She said as she grabbed your wrist.
{A/n please don't hate me for posting this, but both you and Illia are ten years old. Please don't hate me!}
{{{{Timeskip }}}}
You made it to the ranch and saw Link there talking to Fado.
When Fado saw you and Illia running down to them he waved. This caused Link to turn around. He waved as well.
"Hi Illia! Hi (y/n)!" He yelled.
When you got to him, he looked very excited.
You watched as Fado went into the barn. When he came out of the barn he came out with a few goats and horses. But the ones that caught your eye where two little fillies. The first one was a beautiful brown and had some white marks on it's body. The second one was a majestic black. Almost a perfect black. But what caught your attention was it's eyes. They where a pure golden color. You felt your heart leap at the sight if this golden-eyed horse. Link noticed this and nudged you in the shoulder.
"Fado has told me about that black fillie. He says that he found it in the woods. Alone. He also said that that fillie and my new fillie are good friends." Link says to you.
You give a smile.
"Does that fillie belong to anyone?" You asked.
Link shakes his head.
"No. I haven't heard anything." This caused your smile to widen, but you kept your thoughts to yourself. 'I doubt Fado would give that fillie to me, I haven't even met it yet. It might not like me.' You thought.
You watched as Link ran up to the brown fillie and gave it a hug, which the horse gladly excepted.
You watched them until you felt a slight tug on your (f/c) tunic. You looked down and see the black fillie that you where admiring before. It let out a small neigh and pranced around in a circle.
You giggled a bit at how much energy this little black horse had, so you followed it and eventually it turned out to be a game of tag.
You laughed as you chased the black horse around.
Fado, Link and Illia watched you from a distance as you played with the baby horse.
"Hmmm...." Fado thought contentedly. "Well I have been looking for a good home for that horse....But no one would take him. Say, you two know her better than I do, how well is she at taking care of animals?" He asked.
Illia chimed in.
"Oh! She's very good with them. She sets out food for the squirrels and birds every day. She also helps take care of Mrs. Sera's cat."
Fado thought for a while, then made up his mind.
Meanwhile, you and the fillie had gotten tired of running and had both plopped on the ground. The fillie had curled up into a ball and quickly fallen asleep next to you.
You stroked it's mane gently.
Link, Illia, and Fado walked up to you and the sleeping fillie.
"Ahem. So, (y/n), Link and Illia have told me how well you are with animals. And I haven't found an owner for this baby horse. So would you like to keep him?" Fado asked.
Your face lit up and you tried not to let out a squeal as you jumped up and hugged Fado.
"I'll take that as a 'yes'." He said.
You let go of him and went back to the majestic black horse, gently stroking him as Illia came to your side.
"So. What are you gonna name him?" She asked.
You thought for a while and finally came up with an answer.
"I think I'll name him (your male horse's name)." You say.
Illia smiled at you as she pat (y/h/n) on the head.
"Hello (y/h/n). It's nice to meet you." She said.
{{Timeskip caus' I'm just lazy}}
You had brought (y/h/n) home and where currently brushing him.
"You know (y/h/n), I know you're gonna grow into a strong stalion."
A/n. There is more to the story. The next chapter is coming up soon.
Slightly edited: Oct/18/2016
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