Your story
You hadn't always been a bad person, a Demon. Once upon a time, or a long time ago, depending on how you wanted to start your story, you had been a very kind person. The type of person everyone looked up to and admired.
When you said a long time ago, you had meant it. You had been born in 1880, to a wealthy railroad tycoon and his trophy wife. Raised with the best things money could buy, you should have been a spoiled brat. Instead, your parents raised you with manners, showing you kindness is more important than greed.
Straight out of boarding school, you had fallen in love with an up and coming stage actor. He was handsome and suave, and made your knees buckle with his beautiful blue eyes, and dashing personality. Your parents had been disappointed, and in the end, eventually cut you off from your inheritance.
You didn't cared too much, a lovestruck fool. At first it was hard, going from a life style of ease, to living in a tiny flat with barely enough food to survive on. Steven wouldn't let you work, he wanted you to dress the best, looking pretty hanging off his arm. Steven, the love of your life, tried hard to find good work, but for an actor it wasn't always easy to find.
Then came the news, Steven was sick with the consumption. You worked hard to make him comfortable, but he wasn't the easiest patient. In one of his bouts of anger, he turned on you, telling you that it should be you dying, not him, he was too important to die this soon. That he still had roles he had to portray. For the first time in your short relationship, Steven raised his hand to you.
Upset and hurt, you ran, through the muddy streets, towards the end of town, where tents stood instead of houses, and men with missing teeth smiled at you lustfully. Ignoring the crude looks, you fled to the last road, falling on your knees in the middle, not caring that your favorite dress was ruined from the mud and the muck. Tears poured down your cheeks, your heart shattered.
It took you a moment to notice you were at a crossroads, four ways to chose where to go. Straight led into the dense, uninhabited forest full of danger. Behind you led back to town. Back to Steven who had grown cold and cruel while being sick. On each side of you, the unknown, which was no place for a gentle raised lady. Sobbing, you begged, for anyone listening, to help. You were so lost and broken. So different from the girl who had grown up so sheltered and loved just a mere two years ago.
You were shocked when someone answered your plea, and accented voice coming from above you, dark brown eyes staring down at you with what you had thought was compassion at the time. He was dressed in a dark black suit, fancier than anything you had seen in years. Pulling you to your feet, he offered you a deal, knowing facts that a simple stranger shouldn't know. Stevens life for your soul. At first you had laughed, knowing there was no way this was plausible. However, when the man flashed his eyes your way, the black sending shivers to your soul, you found out that Demon's were real. And this Demon was willing to barter with you. At first you were scared, ready to turn and run, but he gently held your hand, assuring you he wasn't there to hurt you. That he was there to help you, to give you the thing you craved the most.
Not knowing what else to do, you agreed, giving your soul up for Stevens health. You had already given up your life, and your wealth for Steven, how big of a deal was your soul?
The Demon promised that Steven would be okay, that his illness had completely vanished. Reminding you that someday, someone would be collecting your soul. Nodding your head you agreed, stiffening in his embrace when his lips were sealed to yours. Confused, you had asked how long you had before collection, but the Demon just laughed before vanishing. In the wind, like he had never been there in the first place. His voice echoing in the wind, calling out soon as shivers raced upon your arms, your heart heavy with your decision.
Still reeling from everything that had just happened, exhausted from the whirlwind of emotions, you trudged back to your flat, ignoring all the intrigued stares of people you passed. You were curious and scared, wondering what you would see when you returned. Would Steven be as you had left him, angry and sick? Or was the Demon real and Steven would be healthy and happy once again?
Leaning against the splintered wooden door, you took a deep breath before stepping inside. Your flat was miniscule, big enough for a table and a bed, along with a stove to heat and cook upon. At once the smell of stale whiskey, and sickness wafted towards you, but the sight in front of you brought tears to your eyes. Steven was back to himself, standing up straight, his blonde hair once again silky. His once sunken cheeks were now rosy and plump, and he was no longer coughing. He was back to the vigourous, dashing man you had first fallen in love with.
Jumping into his arms, ecstatic that he was healed, but he shoved you away. In shock, you tried again, wondering if he had been confused. This time, instead of pushing you away, his hand came up, hitting you square in the jaw, knocking you to the ground. Staring up at him in horror, you curled into a ball as his foot continued to connect with your middle, and you screamed out in agony. Crying, you kept asking why, but it was as if he couldn't hear you. Kicking again and again, before finally stopping, you had no strength to stop him as he took all of your valuable possessions before striding to the door.
Before leaving, he laughed in your face, saying the only reason he had been with you was because of your connections but they hadn't worked out, and now he was tired of you. Tired of being held down by you.
Watching as he left, you curled in even farther, your entire body aching. Wondering what was to become of you now. The last of your money had left with Steven, you couldn't afford to stay in this flat on your own. Your parents had moved to the country side for a year, so you couldn't ask them to take you back, and you feared they would never forgive you.
As you sat there contemplating the lack of your future, you heard a familiar voice. The Demon was sitting at your table, smoking a cigar. Clicking his tongue, he stubbed the cigar out before crouching down next to you. "It had to be this way," he muttered in that accent of his, explaing that he was being kind, collecting your sould so soon. Saying that it was much better than become a prostitute. Heartbroken, you agreed, knowing you had no choice.
Shaking your head, you cleared the thoughts of your past from your mind. There was no use remembering what had happened, wondering what you could have changed. It had happened so long ago, over a hundred years, and even though you weren't happy with the way things happened, you knew things could have been worse.
The Demon, whose named turned out to be Crowley, was a crossroads demon, one higher up in ranking. He had taken a liking to you straight away, which had been a blessing in disguise. With his tutoring and support, you had been able to skip most of the torture and torment that new souls had to endure. Instead he offered you the task of being his intern, following in his footsteps. As the years passed, the evilness of hell had managed to sneak slightly into your soul, turning the once kind and compassionate girl into one of the best crossroads demons in hell. Even though you still wished for the days before Steven, and the kind of life you could have had.
When Crowley became the King of Hell, he had begged you to follow him to court. Promising you everything you could want. Instead, you stayed where you were, content on making deals and taking souls. And that's where you met the Winchesters, who would change your world.
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