The Truth
"She's not a Demon," Crowley stated again, while all three of you stared at him, none of you able to believe the words coming out of his mouth.
You were the one to break the silence with a laugh. "Well of course not. Demons don't exist."
It was your turn to be stared at, all three men giving you weird looks. "What?" You asked uncomfortably.
"Y/N." Dean started, "There's a lot of things you used to know, that most people don't. One of them is that Demons really do exist."
You shook your head, thinking they were trying to tease you. "Very funny. Now that you've tried to see how gullible I am, can you please just tell me the truth."
"We are telling the truth. You were a Demon, and I'm the King of Hell." Crowley muttered, narrowing his eyes as he tried to figure you out. You shook your head, your laugh full of annoyance.
"Prove it." You challenged, wondering what sort of crazy you had gotten yourself into. You could see the wheels turning in each man's head, each thinking of the best way to handle this. Crowley faced you, his deep chocolate eyes staring into yours, before suddenly turning red. Gasping in shock, you jumped out of your chair, using Dean as a shield against whatever Crowley was.
"Parlor trick." You mumbled, trying to convince yourself that whatever you had just seen wasn't real, that somehow they were playing a really mean trick on you.
"Come on darling. You know you want to believe again." Crowley said in that deep accent of his, lifting one hand and flinging you towards thew all. He slowed you down before you slammed into it, coming to stand in front of you. He kept you there, bound to the marble by some sort of invisible force, your body frozen.
"Crowley!" Both men yelled, jumping to their feet. Dean ran over to help you, while Sam stood in the middle, unsure of what to do. Crowley shrugged his shoulders before waving his hand, and the pressure holding you still disappeared, and you were suddenly free, falling down, straight into Dean's arms.
Blushing, you looked up into his green eyes, his arms tightening around your waist. "Are you okay?" He asked, before gently lowering you the rest of the way to the ground before letting go. You nodded, unable to form the words to speak, the whisper of Dean's arms still around you, fleeting before you felt cold, and alone, once again.
"It was the best way to make her believe," Crowley explained simply, before sinking back down into the seat at the table, nodding his head toward the other chairs. The three of you complied, you staying close to Dean, not trusting Crowley as far as you could throw him.
"Now what?" Sam asked, settling back into his chair at the head of the table.
"Do you believe me now?" Crowley asked you.
"I guess. Unless you're a really good magician." You stated, still not sure what had just happened.
"Her believing you isn't the important thing right now," Dean told Crowley, and you could tell he was annoyed with the man. "What's important is getting her memories back."
Crowley faced you, his clasped hands against his chin as he thought. Everyone stayed silent, waiting for the answer. "Are you sure you want your memories back? A normal human brain might not be able to handle all of your memories. Maybe that's why you were brought back without them."
"I'm sure. It feels too weird, not even knowing who I am." You replied, knowing you would have to try.
"Speaking of that Crowley, why did you bring her back without her memories?" Sam asked, and you were surprised that question hadn't been brought up before. You must have some sort of history with this man in front of you for him to bring you back. And bring you back from what?
"I didn't bring her back," Crowley grumbled, his eyes searching your face for clues.
"Wait, brought me back from what?" You finally asked, and you felt Dean stiffen up next to you.
"Can we please concentrate on one thing at a time?" He pleaded with you.
"No, I really think I want to know." You told him, even though you could already tell you wouldn't like the answer. But just maybe, that answer would make you a step closer to figuring everything out.
Dean sighed, before leaning forward, his head in his hands. "You died." He told you, so quietly you weren't sure you heard him correctly.
You leaned forward, placing your hand on his shoulder, feeling the muscles underneath the flannel shirt tense up. "What did you say?"
He looked up, his eyes full of guilt and despair. "You died! You died saving my life!" He roared loudly, standing up and striding over to where the whiskey was held, pouring a generous amount into a crystal glass.
Your mouth suddenly dry, all you could do was sit there in disbelief. You had died, somehow, giving your life up for this man. A man you couldn't remember, but must have meant enough to you if you would die for him.
"I died." You said softly, a tear slipping down your cheek as you took in the information.
"I'm sorry," Sam muttered, his face full of compassion and understanding. "It's always hard. Hearing that you died, and somehow were brought back."
"Wait, you mean it's happened to you too?" You asked, confused.
Sam nodded. "It's happened to all of us. Dean more than others. It's never easy. But now we need to figure out who brought you back, and why they kept their memories from you."
"Well, it wasn't me, so maybe you should check with your angel friend," Crowley said. "And if you don't mind, I would like to stay and see how this all ends. After all, Y/N was my pet first."
"Why would the angels bring back a demon?" Dean asked, joining everyone back at the table.
"So it's true then. I was really a Demon?" You question, shivering at the thought that you could have once been evil, or still even was and didn't realize it.
Dean grasped your hand in his. "Yeah, you were. But you weren't like any other demons. You were good, kind."
Crowley coughed, the chick flick moments annoying him. "Dean, why don't you summon your friend."
Shaking his head at Crowley, Dean complied. "Hey Cas, buddy, wherever you are, we need your help. So get your feathery ass down here pronto."
You watched in amazement as Dean did a prayer, unlike anything you would have ever thought you would have heard. "And that will work?"
Dean shrugged. "It has before."
"Hello, Dean." A deep, gravelly voice behind you said, and you quickly swiveled your head, your gaze now on a tall man with dark hair, wearing a trench coat with a suit underneath.
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