The cemetery wasn't exactly as you had expected. Antique iron gates guarded the place, dead weeds threaded throughout. Dean drove the Impala straight through, the classic car groaning at the dirt road pitted with potholes.
Dean's hands were tight on the steering wheel, his jaw clenched tight. "I've driven through this arch before. I was nervous, knowing I was no doubt entering the final moments before the apocalypse. I had classic rock blaring on the radio, trying to act tougher than I felt. But I knew that it had to be done. I had to see my brother even though Lucifer was wearing him as a meat suit," Dean told me, his eyes full of sadness.
You reached over, grasping his hand, giving him a gentle squeeze to comfort him, grateful when he didn't pull away from your touch.
The cemetery was old, the headstones were a mixture of marble and wooden crosses. The grass was overgrown, covering many markers. In the center, at least ten people stood, with Sam laying on the ground, his hands bound behind him. As the Impala rumbled closer, you could see how beaten and bloody he was, and you couldn't wait to go after Ebony. To make her pay for what she had done.
Dean stopped the Impala, looking at you silently for a moment before slowly climbing out. His eyes had been so full of remorse, of pain for his brother that your heart bled for him. You followed him to the front of the car, your hands on your hips as you waited.
A voluptuous woman walked to the front of the group, her dark hair swinging sinfully to her waist, her skin dark honey. "I was beginning to wonder if you would make it," she purred, her voice sensual and smooth, like honey.
"Ebony, please. Just let Sam go." You pleaded, even though you knew she had no mercy. You had seen that from the beginning, but you had to try.
She just laughed, throwing her head back, her white teeth bright against her golden skin. Her eyes were dark, full of malicious intent, with no hint of remorse. One of her henchmen pulled Sam to his feet, holding him up even though he was unconscious. "You expect me to let go of Lucifer's perfect vessel? Y/N I always knew you were naive and stupid, but this is a new low. Even for you," she chuckled, brushing her hair back.
"How do you even plan on bringing him back? Last time 66 seals had to be broken, and I haven't noticed any of that going around." Dean argued.
Ebony rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "Dean I always thought you were smarter than anyone let on. But now I'm beginning to wonder. Why would I have this all set up, all the way out here if I did not have a plan! Lilith, that weak, pathetic, follower, had no idea what she was doing. She wasn't Lucifer's true follower. I was. And I've always known that there was a different way."
You had often heard whispers about this other way. It had become a legend, a myth that no Demon had dared believe to be true. During the apocalypse many had brought it up, wondering if it would have been easier than breaking the seals. If things would have gone smoother. But nobody had known if it was real, or what needed to be done.
"That was just a myth," you retorted. But Ebony just shook her head. "Sweetie, are you really that naive? You must now that every myth always has some truth to it. And this, it might have been a myth, but it's real. And it's happening now," she insisted. You wanted to argue, but your attention was pulled away to Sam, who was slowly waking up.
Dean took that moment to pull the special Demon-killing knife out of his back pocket, holding it out in front of him. "Then we'll need to make sure that it stays a myth," he spoke up, just as Cas stepped out of the shadows.
Ebony nodded her head, signaling her henchmen, and just like that the battle had begun. The two henchmen holding Sam let him fall to the ground. You had your own knife, holding it out in front of you as the Demons started to move.
You quickly lost track of Sam and Cas, two Demons taking you on at once. It took all of your strength to keep up. The bracelet had zapped your powers, making you rely on strength and skill, which weren't much. Finally getting the upper hand, you stabbed one, just as the second overtook you, wrenching your arms behind your back. The knife fell to the ground, leaving you defenseless.
Being held hostage, all you could do was watch the battle unfold in front of you. Dean was busy battling two Demons, swiping the blade around with accuracy. Cas was using his powers, smiting as many Demons as he could, already taking care of three. Sam had risen to his feet, furiously using a knife to cut himself free of the ropes binding him.
You leaned forward, and with all of your might you snapped it backward, right into the Demon's nose, and you could feel it break under the pressure. "Son of a bitch!" He yelled, releasing you. Scrambling forward, you reached Sam, your blade long forgotten on the ground. Taking his knife from his hands, you finished the job of breaking him free. Rubbing his hands, Sam looked around him at the fight unfolding.
"Sam, I'm so sorry," you muttered, feeling guilty that he had been captured. Sam just shook his head, letting you know without words that he didn't blame you. Instead, the two of you peered out at the battle. Cas was still fighting two Demons but was quickly getting the upper hand. Dean had just finished off the last Demon he was fighting, and was currently glaring at Ebony who only stood five feet away.
"I will go get more Demons to follow me. This is far from over!" She yelled, no doubt getting ready to leave the battle that had gone so wrong for her. But Dean was quick, and ready for her, pulling a gun from his belt, shooting her in the chest.
She glanced down at the small wound, laughing as she glanced back at Dean. "You puny human, bullets won't harm me."
It was Dean's turn to laugh. "True, but that's not just any bullet. I personally carved a Devil's Trap into that bullet. Which means you're going nowhere."
Ebony's eyes flashed black as she screamed. Nothing had gone her way, and she was furious. Looking down, she picked up a knife that was laying on the ground next to her. Your forgotten Demon killing knife. "This will do quite nicely," she growled, throwing it straight at Dean.
"No!" You screamed, running for Dean as fast as you could. Everything moved in slow motion. You ran as fast as you could towards Dean. Your powers were muted, but you were still faster than a normal human, diving in front of Dean just as a terrible pain bloomed through your chest, knocking you back into Dean.
Dean broke your fall, cradling you in his arms, his gaze searching your face while you stared down in shock at the knife embedded in your chest. Dean hadn't noticed yet, holding you tight against him as he chastised you for jumping in front of him.
It wasn't until your body started flashing orange that he glanced down in surprise, noticing the knife deep inside you. "Oh shit Y/N! Hold still," he told you, pulling the knife out. But it was too late. There was no way you could come back from this. But you were okay with dying. You had saved Sam and stopped Ebony. You had protected the people you loved, and that was all that mattered to you.
"It's okay." You assured him weakly. "We saved Sam. Stopped Ebony. At least this way I'm going out doing something good. Something worthwhile.
Dean stared down at you, tears falling from his eyes. "You are good, you always have been. I just wish I hadn't been so stubborn to see how much of an amazing person you are, Demon or not."
You smiled up at Dean, your body numb, as the flashing orange faded, and the last thing you hear was Dean crying, "I love you."
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