A/N It's taken a while, but the chapter is finally complete!! It's been kind of like the opposite of writer's block, so I needed to figure out how exactly to sort everything into the chapter. Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! (Yes, I do know I am cringe, no need to tell me.)
Biana's POV
"So basically, we use the system in the silver tower to light leap to DIFFERENT hideouts then find anything we need, come back and use it against the Neverseen at their main hideout, which isn't even on the lodestar map?" I say, summing up the plan we've been forming for three hours now in about 20 seconds.
"Yep!" Edaline and mom say simultaneously.
"Now we just need to decide who goes with who to which hideout," Maruca says.
Everyone agrees, Sophie shouldn't have to relive such trauma. Then was the big argument. Mom wants to go with me, and Edaline wants to go with Sophie, but just because they're our moms doesn't mean it's the right fit.
I clear my throat. "My mom and I shouldn't go together, we're both Vanishers, we should spread ourselves out. Luckily and unluckily, no one else here shares a talent with anyone else. I mean I am kind of expecting Sophie to manifest as a Hydrokinetic after what Keefe told me she did in Atlantis that one time. Anyway, I think that Edaline and Marella should go together, and yes Linh, I know you're going to argue but listen to the rest, mom should be with Maruca, so Maruca can distract the Neverseen and Della can slip by if there's a confrontation, but Maruca's distraction keeps herself safe. Linh and Sophie should go together so Sophie can enhance Linh if needed, and when Linh controls water, Sophie has a certain level of understanding of the water as well," I say.
"What about you?" Mom interrupts.
"I go alone?" I finish sheepishly.
There's a huge chorus of 'No, Nope, No way, As if, Ha, are you joking?'.
"You're going with Sophie and Linh," Edaline starts.
"Because that's the only group with no adult in it, so it will have more people." Mom finishes.
They smile at each other. NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO REMINISCE.
"I sure wish Juline was here to help," Edaline says.
"Yeah, me too, but we can't involve the Black Swan, even just Juline." Mom says.
"So... Della and Maruca, Edaline and Marella, Linh, Biana and me?" Sophie asks.
"Yep!" I say.
"Let's do this!" Marella pipes up, her confidence clear.
"In the morning, cloaks, no not Neverseen cloaks, just cloaks, non-flowy tunics, leggings, and boots that grip well will be dropped off at your doors. Be careful what you tell your bodyguards. Meet at my office at dawn," Edaline says.
"Okay," My mom says. Then everyone glimmers away.
"We can't ignore our grief forever, it might help that we're taking down his killers, but we need to talk about Fitz. Whether we like it or not." Mom says.
Oh no. Not this. I can't.
"Biana?" Mom asks.
"Yeah yeah, it's fine," I assure her.
"I know you and Fitz didn't always 100% get along, but I also know you loved him," she says.
"I did. I do," I reply.
"Don't push everyone away Biana," Mom tells me. "You're going to need those friends of yours soon, but they won't be there if you don't let them be there."
"I know, mom, I do, I'll try. I promise."
"Come on, let's go get some rest."
"Okay," I say, not even trying to deny that I'm tired.
Woltzer, who'd been waiting in the hallway, checks my room. I quickly change into a teal tank top night gown and slip under the covers and the room fades into a dream of me and Fitz playing when we were kids.
(The dream is in italic)
"Fitz! Wait up! I already called first Alvar hug!" I shouted.
"Slow poke!" He shouted back.
I sped up, swerving through trees to make it to the gate first.
"Alvar!" I shouted and tackle hugged him. "Bi!" He laughed, hugging me.
"Haha. Who's the slow poke now?" I asked Fitz when he got to the gate fifteen seconds later.
"I had P.E yesterday! I'm sore!" He put up his hands defensively.
"Yeah, level one P.E is so hard. All that lecture for how it'll work this year must've made you exhausted." Alvar teased.
"How are the ogres son?" Dad asked, scaring me.
I hadn't realized he was there. Alvar launched into this big explanation of this new enzyme the ogres discovered and whatnot so Fitz and I went back to climbing trees. Playing, eating this purple potato, talking with Alvar, having Alvar read me a story and tucking me in.
The dream went on and on filled with good things and I was thankful for it. I got a good night's sleep. I wake up around three am, thankful that I went to sleep early. Sure enough, Edaline had dropped off a fitted black cloak, a purple tunic with ruffles disguising throwing stars. The tunic looks familiar, then I remember it's the tunic I designed with Calla. Calla. I was never as attached to her as Sophie was, but late in the night she'd help me with my vanishing or designing clothes. I'm doing this for her too.
I look at the boots and leggings. I change quickly then rush to the bathroom to braid my hair. Once it's in a long waterfall braid, I quietly and quickly rush to the kitchen to eat. Mom's waiting with breakfast, and has a similar outfit, but her tunic is cobalt blue, like her eyes.
"Eat up. We have to leave before four," she tells me.
I hurry to eat my green porridge, everything keeps reminding me of Calla. I'm doing this for her, not only for me, like everyone assumed. I just didn't want them to know how much the gnome meant to me. She and Sophie were the close ones. So many people I loved have been killed because of the Neverseen.
"Let's go," I say, looking around the house. It's almost like a goodbye to everything that once was.
"Hurry," Mom calls.
We walk into the beam of light, arriving at Havenfield.
After Sophie and I have eaten breakfast and changed into our outfits, the only difference between them is Sophie's tunic is red and mine is turquoise, we rush to my office and hide there.
"Your father will wake up soon. He'll know something's up so I left him a note. We have to leave before he's gone," I say to Sophie, wrapping her in a tight hug.
"Mom, we'll be fine," She assures me.
I'm not so sure. Somehow I convinced Sandor to leave Sophie in my protection for the day. What he doesn't know is that I'll be with Marella. Sophie will be with Biana and Linh. They'll be safe though, who I'm worried about is Della. She just lost her son. But hopefully she'll be fine. She's doing this for him, she won't let herself get distracted. I'm also worried about Marella, she's a Pyrokinetic, and that makes her a target.
After swearing fealty to the Black Swan about a month ago, they gave me a monocle pendant, and they replaced Sophie's. I fidget with the pendant, but I stop immediately after I realize I'm doing this. I can't let Sophie know I'm worried. She's already carrying such a big burden, I won't let her worry about me. I tuck the pendant under my tunic, and advise Sophie to do the same. Then, out the window we see everyone arrive. Sophie darts out the door and brings them in.
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