"Don't go."
Without thinking, I wrap my arms around him and hold him close. After pausing for a moment, stunned, Tam sinks into me and cries into my shoulder.
Eventually I hear his breathing slow and I know he's asleep. I carefully pull my arms from around him and pull the blanket up to his chin. That's when I see it, a brown stuffed cow sitting on his bedside table. I grab it and tuck it under the covers next to Tam, I have to admit it's a cute sight.
I sink into an armchair across from his and can't help but look at his peaceful face. All his features have relaxed and he has the faintest bit of a smile, he looks adorable. I know it's selfish but I can't help thinking that I love this boy.
I wake with a start. Oh no. I fell asleep in Biana's arms, crying. I try to resist the urge to look around the room, wondering if she's still here. It's almost as though my heart skips a beat when I see her, asleep in one of my armchairs. I notice she moved Moody the cow beside me and feel my face heat up. I grab her and give her a huge hug, of course, that happens to be the moment when Biana wakes up.
"Aw, Tam!" She squeals.
I let out a sigh and she stops with a smile.
"What, what time is it?" She asks, stumbling over her words.
The brave Biana Vacker, stumbling over her words? I hope nothing's upsetting her.
"It's around noon." I say, looking over at my clock.
"Oh. OH. Fitz is gonna kill me."
"Your parents won't mind?" I ask, confused why Fitz was her first thought.
"No, I told them I might end up spending the night here, though I and they assumed that would be with Linh." She shrugs.
"Thank you Biana, it really means a lot." I say.
Blushing, she says something along the lines of "no problem."
I think she says something else too but I can't decipher it. I know what I have to do.
"Biana, can you take me to Mr. Forkle?"
After light leaping to Foxfire I pull up my hood and run up to Magnate Leto's office. I can't let anyone know I'm here.
"Magnate Leto! It's Tam I need to come in."
The door opens so quickly I almost can't see it.
"Mr. Tam," he says, "welcome back."
"Yeah yeah skip the happy stuff. What did I miss?" I didn't mean to sound so snappy.
As he's explaining the things the Black Swan has done while I've been sulking, I listen and think about what he needs me to get done. And Biana, I think a little bit about Biana too.
"Mr. Tam?"
"Hm, yeah what?"
"I asked if you would be willing to work on an assignment with Miss Vacker."
With Biana?
"Oh- uh sure."
"Well you better get to Everglen, otherwise Miss Vacker will be working with Mr. Dizznee, and tell, him to come to me. I have an urgent assignment for him."
Dex? Oh no way is that happening.
Reason one, I try to think of a professional reason I don't want him on that assignment, reason two, he'd be working with Biana alone.
I'm totally fine- ish if Biana chooses Dex over me that's her choice and I don't get to choose for her, but I am not going down without a silent fight.
A/N I hope you enjoyed, I really liked editing this one, I hope it's okay? Thanks for reading!
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