Enragement (Nureyev pov)
Listen I wish this would have happened instead okay?
Peters pov////////
After everything I did for that goddess! He just gets up and leaves? I looked for a note for hours. Maybe a comms message? A piece of clothing? Something anything- but no.... He just left. After I saved her life and after I waited in the hospital for so long and- last night I said I-
No. No it's not happening like this. He's not just gonna walk out after everything.
I shrug on my clothes. Fix my hair and makeup. Put in earrings. And lace up my corset. Slip knives into their tucked away spot in my jacket. Put on my glasses and head out. Walking the streets it taking a while before I remember where the address was the first time I visited. Though I feel scrambled and desheveled. I probably look it too. But even before I get to the building tears are pouring down my face. I try and keep it as clean as I can but with the anger boiling hotter with each step I don't care anymore.
Before I notice I was even there my balled up fist bangs on the door. I hear a friendly woman obviously frightened respond. "We're not taking customers right now!"
I search my brain for her name for a moment before I spit out coldly "Rita open the damn door! I need to have an argument loudly with your boss!" I had hissed it out. Venom coating my throat. Unable to cover up a crack in my voice. I was pitiful but this goddess makes me absolutely feverish! Infuriating smile and dim dark eyes so captivating.
At this point the secretary opened the door peaking out. Scared. And then she sees my face. Drenched in my own salty tears and ruined makeup. Hands slighting shaking.
"Mista Glass?" She asks sheepishly.
I push open the door. It wasn't enough to hurt her or anything and it just makes her stumble back a bit as I storm up to junos office door. Trying the knob.
"H-hey listen you can't just barge in here like that!" Though her words were loud. Not one of them were intimidating.
I open the unlocked door. Taking a huge breath to start yelling at the man supposed to be in the room but, the room was empty. Messy but without the detective. Only thing left is the smell of whiskey and a glass with a bit left in it. I have no idea why but all of the anger in that breath I was about to yell just leaves. The exhale shakey. My body feels heavy.
I just stand there for a moment... Like I was waiting to blink and he would be there.
I don't know how long it was until the silence is broken by Rita. "Sorry, Mista Steel isn't here."
"I can see that" I snap back at her. She didn't deserve the way I was treating her. I recoil and sigh an apology.
"Do you wanna talk about it? I'm not Mista Steel but I'm pretty helpful." She offers politely. She was sweet.
"No no it's alright." I shrugged on my persona like an old jacket. I lean to a mirror in the room with us. Wiping ruined makeup from my face. "Is he at home?"
"I had to lock him in his house so he could sleep. I had to trick him into staying there he looked awful like he hadn't slept when he came in this morning so I told him that he had to go home to get new blaster cartridges and I know he keeps them there so when he got home I locked him in with those fancy new locks. I locked him up just like that earth from knowwhere movie when the secretary was evil but I'm not evil I just want him to sleep-" She rambles slightly at a very past pace. I interrupt her lightly.
"Then I'll just go there to talk to him. Thank you Rita. You're a charm." I head to leave. But she grabs my wrist very lightly.
"I am sure that I can listen if you need it. I wouldn't want you waking him.-" I draw a deep breath into my lungs. "Whatever he did I can assure you. That you both can work it out."
"I don't talk to people Rita sorry to burst your bubble-"
"You're talking right now!" She exclaimed with a giggle. I roll my eyes.
"That's not what i-"
"I know but I figure the more I keep you company it's less of a chance of you going and breaking his door down. Maybe I can talk you down from punching his daylights out-" She smiles up to her eyelids.
"I wasn't going to punch him."
"You sure punched that door."
"That's a door."
She waits expecting me to start pouring my whole life to her. Or at least that's what she looks like she was waiting for.
"Do you wanna watch a stream with me?" ... That was not what I was expecting her to say. "We can wait for boss here if you would like. I can order us some food?"
Why do I wanna say yes? She has such a soft smile. I don't wanna disappoint her-.
///Time skip brought to you by ruby 7///
Okay so I might have stayed for way to long- it was dark and we were sitting wrapped up in a heavy blanket on some pillows half hazardly placed on the floor. We had lunch. Rita had awful smelling snacks and at this point I had ice cream. As the broadcast ends.
"Just I don't understand." I say very quietly.
"Well it's simple the dog was experimented on so he turned green but they didn't want anyone to know so they dyed it brown like all the oth-" I stop her.
"No not about the dog-" I sigh. Why was I even about to talk about it to her? To be honest I don't even think I was thinking. "About Juno..."
She turns to me. Waiting to listen.
God what was I thinking talking to her.
"He just left. With no explanation. No note. No kiss goodbye. Nothing." I curl into my self a bit.
She makes a grumbled angry noise muttering how she was gonna have a stern talk to him later.
"I guess he just didn't want me the way I thought he did... " I trail off.
Rita clears her throat. "I'm sorry Mista Glass that's just not true. When he had messaged me before you tos went whereva you went he... He was talking about you I can only assume. And ... He'll kill me if he finds out I told ya. But he talked about how he was a fool for trusting someone even if he deeply cares about them even if he doesn't know the real person. If anything it means he's trusting you. But with him he's just so scared of that trust that he runs away from it at every turn. Hell that's even how we started out. He tried to constantly fire me but he kept calling me back because for some reason he trusted me." I sit there and think about her words for a little too long.
He was just scared? That's why he left?
"That doesn't make up for no note."
"Anythin he would have wrote would have still hurt. He's not good with words." She puts blankly.
I laugh. I actually laugh. Fully. I start talking through the laughs. "Oh god why am I even here?" Tears prick but don't leave my eyelids and she... She hugs me. I don't know why I don't push away but... I let her.
I don't know how long we sit there. But we sit there for a long time. A new movie starts. And we just sit there and watch the next cast.
//Time skip brought to you by a fake ballroom gun//
When I wake the next morning I'm on junos office couch. A hazy memory of Rita leading me with my eyes half closed to the couch. Hearing the door open and junos voice and Rita's voice talking back and fourth. I get up quickly trying to slide out the window and fate has a funny way of repeating itself.
As I was almost out of the window with my tiredness dazing me slightly. I hear the door open though. And he stutters. "N-... Rose? Are you climbing out my window?"
"I'd say I was doing a pretty good job.-" I can't help but retort back.
Why am I running away?
"Rose come back inside." He sighs.
"No I quite like it out here." I say pulling my leg farther out the window. Fully. "I think I'll leave without saying goodbye too-"
"Hey- hey hey-" he grabs my hand. I flick it back pulling it way. He takes it more firmly. Pulling me farther inside.
"Juno let my hand go." I insist.
Rita joins in now. "Mista Steel Mista Gplass? Can you please not fight while you both are hanging out the window??" She says worriedly. I huff. Pushing Juno inside and climbing back in.
"Fine you caught me anyway I'll go out the front door. You gonna put me in handcuffs again or can I just walk out.?" I say more anger burning in my throat.
"What Juno! Are you fearful I might run off? At least I left a note and a warning!. I offered to take you with me. I offered you everything! And you don't turn me down. You say you want that and just leave! You don't even decline!" I must have yelled too loud. Rita left. Juno looking a bit scared. I basically had talked him up against the wall. "An explanation would have been nice" I say huffing pulling away.
"I'm sorry I sh-"
"If you were sorry you wouldn't have left. You obviously don't feel the same. And that's why I'm leaving. I'll get off this rock and we won't have to see eachother again. Just like I said last night-" I head to the door. "Goodbye Juno." I walk to Rita's desk and gives her a hand kiss. Then heads to the main door.
I can feel Juno following me. He again grabs my wrist. I turn this time to him and I'm fuming. "Don't go-" he says and he looks so pitiful.
"You made your previous points so clear so why should I bend over backwards everytime you change you dammed mind?" I say this calmly which I now feel like this was even worse than me yelling.
I don't need to be mean. What's the point. There's no reason for me to even stay anymore.
I turn back away as his expression stays at a loss for words. "N-no- it's not like that N- ...rose... Please we can sit down and talk about this like adults... We're both adults."
"You ran away like a scared child." I comment to coldly. I had my walls back up even though Everytime I hear that pity filled voice and apologetic manner I want to fold in on my self like a old paper envelope. But I can't back down now. I've put this demeanour on and I can't just take it back now.
"I was a scared child. I .. I was scared of leaving. Scared of staying with you. Because basically every relationship I have turns toxic or starts that way and gets worse. And I'm so scared of you loving me that I couldn't stand the thought of you ending up hating me just like-... Just like her- I... I couldn't handle it. I know none of that's an excuse and I shouldn't even be talking right now and I should let you go out that door so you aren't stuck with a lovesick drunk that's just like his mother and is as beaten and bruised as any street ca-" I don't know what came over me but I just take his hand and slip from his hold on my wrist.
"Why didn't you just wake me and... Talk?" I say quietly. I'm now aware of the fact Rita had left. I don't even remember when it happened but the door is closed and locked.
"You looked so... Sound and I didn't want you to know. ... A lot of good that did me." I can't help but slightly laugh.
"Oh Juno-" I close my eyes and sigh.
"I'm so sorry." He says after the room had stood still and quite for a bit to long. I look at his hands fumbling around in mine.
"Its-.. fine just... Don't even think about doing that shit again steel-" I say quickly back to my other demeanour.
"I won't. I promise. I promise you Nureyev." His lips softly twitch into a smile. "I wanna learn about you and I want you to learn about me. I wanna know everything and I wanna still fail at things and learn how to pick eachother up. I wanna fall so deep I love I'm scared the only way I'll get out is death and Peter. You scare the living shit out of me and I trust you with every fiber in my soul and so I'm confused."
"I wanna get in a spaceship and steal the best jewels from the awful rich and give to the poor and I wanna collect items and sell it to the right people."
"I wanna spend forever with yo-"
"Juno-" My voice shakes this time. He looks up. "You don't wanna do that- you barely know me."
"I know your name- and it means the world. You mean the world." He cups my face. "You mean everything."
I didn't know that tears were pouring down my face until he feels them hit his own hand. I lean down and collapse into a hug with Juno. For the first time... I wanna stay.
(((Well that's all folks, leave me some comments tell your friends and sincerely tell me how I did.- bandersnatch)))
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