implied anxiety/panic attack
"shit" i mumbled to myself. the voice sounded high pitched and sweet. bonnibel must be really trying to get me to like her.
"marceline? can i open this door?" i heard her say, muffled through the door.
i tried to say no or even make a simple noise, but it felt as though my vocal cords were in a knot, unable to produce any sound. bonnibel slowly opened the door and squatted in front of me. i flinched as she set her hand in my shoulder and she responded by pulling her hand back quickly.
"hey marceline. i have a place you might prefer to the closet if you let me lead you to it. i understand if you feel like you can't get up, but i can help you if you're okay with me touching you." i nodded as best as i could and she grabbed my hand and helped me stand. as much as i didn't want to be touched at the time, the strong smell of piss in that closet was only making it worse.
bonnibel put my arm around her shoulders and put one hand at the small of my back. we walked down the hallways quietly, which didn't help the mess that was my brain, but i assumed we didn't want people interrupting us. we quickly got to a door and pushed us into the corner. she put on her huge hood and pulled out a can of black spray paint. i couldn't believe this preppy goodie-twoshoes had this side to her. i looked over to see her standing on her tip toes and spraying the camera with paint. she then walked back to the door, pulled out her credit card, and slid it into the crack between the door and the wall. it was a good thing our school was shit and never updated it's locks i guess, because the door opened very easily.
"hey marceline? do you think that you're able to run right now?"
i nodded and bonnibel grabbed my hand. she began sprinting to the woods nearby and i followed as best as i could. once we were in the thick of the trees we slowed and she lead me to a tree with random pieces of wood nailed to the truck. bonnibel began to climb them and once she seemed to have disappeared, i followed her.
in the tree there was a sturdy treehouse that had been completely concealed by leaves. there were pillows and blankets tossed about and a few books and notebooks stacked up in the corner. papers with drawings and blueprints were nailed to the walls, making the place look like a woodland workshop of sorts.
"this is personally where i go when things get too much. anxiety is a bitch, but this is my little corner to relax. that school is hectic and far too much for me to deal with all alone for eight hours. i know it probably doesn't mean much to you, but you are important to me and have made me feel much better about being stuck in that building. i love learning, don't get me wrong, but that school just stifles creativity and sucks out any ounce of energy i have. sorry for rambling, i just uh, i guess i uh needed to vent." bonnibel said awkwardly. she fiddled with her hands in her lap, looking down and her quickly moving fingers.
"it's okay bonnibel. that actually does mean a lot. you've been helping too, as much as i don't show it. emotions are weird, man."
"can we be friends? officially?"
"sure i guess. why not?"
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