Chapter Twenty-Four:
Helloooo!! I'm glad to be updating this book again, and I apologize if the quality of my work isn't as good, and that it's a little short. It's been a while since I've worked on this story. I hope you all enjoy the update!!
When Peter saw Tony and Pepper the next morning, he felt bad for staying out so late and not being more reassuring of the fact that he was okay. Neither of them looked like they'd gotten more than a few hours of sleep. And despite their exhaustion, Peter could still see worry in their eyes. They'd sat silently breakfast, and now they're all gathered in the livingroom watching the news as the reporter discussed last nights fight. He doesn't miss the way both Tony and Pepper tense up while watching the footage- sick with worry.
"I promise, I'm okay. And I will always be okay." He tells them, leaning back in his seat.
"You can't promise that." Pepper answers, so quiet that if it weren't for his enhanced hearing, Peter would've missed it. She looks up, looking from Tony to Peter and back. "Neither of you can."
"I thought you supported me in this..." Peter says.
"I did. I do." She sighs in aggrivation, dropping her head in her hands. It then occurs to Peter how much emotional stress this is putting her through. She may not be his mother, but Peter's grown to love her like one. And as far as Peter knows, she loves him just as much. So it must kill her to see both him and Tony go out on a daily basis, with the very high possibility that one or both of them won't be coming back. Tony gives her a reassuring side hug, as he seems to be thinking the same thing Peter is.
"I told you I'd keep him safe, Pep." Tony promises.
"You keep him safe, but who keeps you safe Tony? I feel like I'm dangerously close to losing you both. I mean, Peter just fought... whatever that is." She says, motioning to the screen where the footage from the fight on the bridge is replaying. "Where was Steve? He was supposed to be with you."
"I told him to hang back..." Peter lies. "I wanted to know if I could handle it myself."
Why is he lying for Steve? Blackmail. Simple as that. He doesn't know for what, but he's sure this information will come in handy later.
"Well from now on if you fight something like that, whoever is supervising has to help you." Pepper tells him.
"Why?? I was fine-"
"If you're fighting something other than an average person, you're to get help from the team!" She snaps. "Have I made myself clear?"
In the entire time he's been here, that's the first time she's raised her voice at him. Usually Tony is the one scolding him, while Pepper remains calm and level headed. But for Tony to sit there quietly while Pepper scolds him as a mother would makes Peter angry. He doesn't know why, but it infuriates him.
"You're not my mother!" Peter regrets it as soon as it's said. But it's too late, and the damage is done. The hurt in Pepper's eyes is something Peter won't soon forget, even thought she tries to hide it. She slowly stands and wipes her hands on her skirt. She says nothing, instead she calmly leaves the room. Peter tries to apologize- but he can't seem to get the words out. Tony immediately jumps from his seat. "Tony-"
"We'll talk about this later." Tony says, before following Pepper. Tony didn't sound angry, which should've been a relief. Instead he sounded exhausted and disappointed, which was even worse. Peter drops his head in his hands, the guilt eating away at him. She's done nothing but love him like he were her own son, and he had to snap and say something that hurtful. What made it worse was that it wasn't true. While no one could replace his Mom, he'd begun to see Pepper as a mother as well.
He stands with a sigh and paces for a minute or so. He wants to apologize, but now probably isn't the best time. He's not even sure what he would say. Besides, he was supposed to meet MJ at the coffee shop ten minutes ago. He could apologize when he came home, but now he leaves the building without a word.
Peter decides to swing to the cafe, stopping on a rooftop to throw a hoodie and jeans on over his suit. He shoves his mask into his hoodie pocket and takes the stairs from the roof to the street, before walking the short distance that was left. When he arrives, MJ was already seated and waiting for him.
"Sorry I'm late." He says, sliding into the seat opposite of her. "I was dealing with family stuff."
"I know the feeling." MJ answers with a nod. "Now if I remember correctly, I owe you a coffee and a thank you."
"That's really not necessary."
"A deal is a deal, now shut up and accept it." She orders two coffees. "So, what family drama made you late?"
"I just said a few things I shouldn't have." Peter answers, sipping his coffee. "My family is kind of... complicated."
"Mine too."
"Is that what Flash was messing with you about that day? On the field trip?" She nods, but doesn't say much more about it.
"Your accent is almost gone."
"Everyone keeps pointing that out." Peter answers, adjusting his cap on his head. "Like it's a bad thing."
"I don't think it's a bad thing, as long as it's fading and you're not purposely hiding it."
"Why would I do that?"
"I hear what Flash says about it. You shouldn't change something about yourself just to avoid being made fun of." Peter hadn't really thought of it that way before, but she may be right. For each time Flash had called him a name or bullied him for being different, Peter changed something about himself; all for the sake of fitting in. It was definitely something to think about. "Besides I kind of miss the accent. It was cute."
The teen nearly spits out his drink, caught off guard by her comment. He's about to say 'thank you' and nervously offer a compliment in return. But then it hits. That odd tingle, the warning, that something is about to happen. Something bad. He sits up a little straighter, looking around for whatever danger is coming. At first the sense is quiet, almost non-existant; he doesn't see anything wrong. MJ is saying something, but it's muffled as Peter's mind focuses in on whatever it is. Then all at once-
"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" Peter shouts, pulling MJ from her seat and to the floor. He shields her with his body, covering his head as the large wall to wall window shatters behind him, shards of broken glass flying everywhere. A car door sails right over him, hitting the back wall of the cafe. He looks down at MJ, who looks equally confused and terrified. "Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah. I'm good." He stands up, and after checking to make sure it's safe he helps MJ to her feet. "What was that?"
As if answering her question, A roar sounds that sends chills down his spine. He turns around to see the lizard monster from the night before, reaching inside a taxi that was missing a door (likely the door that flew threw the window). The lizard monster drags a man from the vehicle, and begins scaling the building across the street. Peter doesn't hesitate.
He can hear MJ calling after him as he runs from the cafe, jumping through where the window used to be and running to a nearby alleyway. He makes sure no one is watching and swiftly removes the hoodie and jeans, leaving him in his suit.
You're to get help from the team
While Peter wishes he could follow her orders, there's no one from the team here. He'll call them from comms later, but for now he pulls on his mask and goes after the beast, praying for strength as he goes to fight another battle.
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