Chapter Nine: Secrets and Friends
Fair warning, this is Unedited and its honestly terrible. But you guys deserve something considering I just disappeared. Here it is...
Peter is buzzing with either excitement or nerves, possibly both, as the final bell of the day rings. He rushes to his locker, where he meets his best friend every day after school. Soon enough Peter spots Ned coming toward him, an excited smile on his face.
“Hey Ned!” Peter says excitedly. “You ready to go?”
“Yeah sure.” The two walk toward the parking lot, and soon enough Peter can see the same silver Honda Civic from this morning in the distance. He stops as he feels his phone buzzing in his pocket, signaling he got a text.
“Just a second.” The teen mumbles before pulling out the device.
Mr. Stark: Hey kid. Happy called in sick, so Pep and I are picking you up today.
Peter doesn’t answer the text, instead he slides his phone back in his pocket and motions for Ned to follow him.
“Can you do me a favor?” Peter asks his best friend once they reach the car.
“Yeah sure.”
“Don’t freak out.” before Ned can give an answer, the drivers side window comes down to reveal Tony Stark himself with Pepper Potts in the passenger side.
“Hey guys. Climb in back and we’ll be off.” Tony says with a smirk, taking in the kid’s shocked expression, a complete contrast to Peter’s exhausted look. Peter silently ushers Ned into the back of the car before climbing in after him. Once they’re all on their way to the tower, someone finally breaks the silence.
“You’re Tony Stark. Like, the Tony Stark.” Ned says. He then looks to Peter.
“That I am.” Tony replies, keeping his eyes on the road. “So Pete, how much does your friend know?”
“I...uh… nothing really. I was planning on explaining it all when we got home…”
“I’m okay with that, like I said it’s your decision kid.” Tony says with a smile. To the others in the car, it’s just another smile. But Tony’s mind is elsewhere, thinking about how the kid said it again. Home.
“Okay, I am now sitting in the penthouse of Stark tower, with my best friend, while Tony Stark and Pepper Potts cook dinner in the next room. Peter I know I’m in fanboy mode, but an explanation would be nice.” Ned says once he and Peter are sitting in the common room, a lego set on the table between them.
“Remember Ned, you can’t tell anyone. And I mean anyone. Understood?”
“Yeah, understood. Now please tell me what is going on.” Peter then proceeded to tell Ned everything that had happened over the past six months; from his mom's death to Tony being his father. Ned remained silent for the majority of Peter's rant, just sitting there in shock as he heard the story.
When it’s all over and said, Ned wants nothing more than to go into supreme fanboy mode. But one look at Peter and he can tell that’s the exact opposite of what his best friend needs right now. So all he says is; “Okay, cool.”
“That’s it? That’s all you’re gonna say?” Peter asks nervously.
“I mean it’s insanely cool that you know Tony Stark, but we have a Lego Death Star to build. That’s a lot of pieces and not a lot of time.” Peter can’t help but laugh and the two get to work.
Things were going great, and all Peter hoped for was that it stayed that way. Tony could hear the two boys from the kitchen, and despite knowing they were okay, repeatedly went to check on them. More specifically, Peter.
He was incredibly protective of the kid, and for some reason he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong. After about his third or fourth time checking in, Pepper dragged him back into the kitchen, a playful smile on her lips.
“Tony, I promise, everything is going to be okay. Peter’s fine, he’s happy. Stop worrying.”
“I can’t help it, Pep. Something is going to go wrong. Nothing in my life ever goes this well. Nothing. I give it thirty seconds before-” Tony’s mini-rant ended when the elevator sounded from the other room, followed by two voices speaking at the same time.
“Mr. Stark…”
The man stumbles into the living room, Pepper following behind him. He can’t help but release a sigh of relief when he sees it’s only Rhodey.
“Don’t scare me like that.” Tony says, putting a hand to his chest.
“Sorry Tones, I just came to check up on you. You seemed a little off today at the meeting. But now l I’m more interested in the fact that you have two teenagers playing with Legos and watching Star Wars in your living room.”
Tony looks at Peter to see he and Ned have both gone silent, their geeky chattering silenced. He expects Peter to stay silent, maybe panic. But instead, he stands in shock as Peter slowly walks up to Rhodey, hand extended.
“I’m Peter Parker, sir. It’s nice to meet you.” Peter says, flashing his adorable country boy smile.
“James Rhodes. I’m a friend of Tony’s.” Rhodey pauses for a minute, shaking the kid’s hand. “I hope I don’t sound rude, but what are you doing here?”
“That’s a rather long story Mr. Rhodes sir, one that I think Mr. Stark might have an easier time explainin´. But I’m his son.”
Rhodey laughs for a moment, before realizing that he’s the only one laughing.
“Tones, can I speak to you for a moment?” Rhodes says, and without waiting for an answer he walks toward the kitchen. Tony follows silently behind him.
“Rhodey, I can explain-”
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Rhodey, calm down and let me explain!” Tony nearly shouts, and Rhodes complies. And Tony does exactly what he said he would; he explains.
This chapter didn't exactly go as planned but you guys deserved an update. I'll make the next chapter longer.
I love you all my amazing arachnids!!
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