Chapter Four: School
Hey guys! I'm so sorry for long wait. I've been busy with school and a lot of personal stuffs and just haven't had the chance to write anything good. But I'm here now if that's worth anything. Once again I am REALLY sorry. I'll try to update more often if I can. Well anyway, on with the story...
He walks into the kitchen, his mom putting breakfast on the table. Today was Peter's first day of school, and he was terrified. It's just then that his mother turns around to see the little boy standing in the doorway.
"Come and sit down. You need to hurry up and eat before you're late for school." Peter does as he's asked, the little 6 year old climbing into the kitchen chair. His mother sits across from him, and its unusually quiet. Typically the child would be talking about the dream he had the night before, or whatever else he wanted to talk about. But today he's quiet.
"What's wrong bug? Cat got your tongue?" She asks with a light laugh, trying to brighten the mood.
"I don't wanna go to school mommy. I wanna stay home. With you." He replies.
"Well why would you wanna do that when there's so much you can learn?"
"You can teach me. Can't you? You know everything."
"Not everything. I don't know much about science. But when you go to school, you get to learn all things sciency."
"Really?" Peter asks, a little more excited but still afraid.
All too soon breakfast is over and they're standing outside the school, Peter clinging to his mother's side. She crouches down so she's eye level with him.
"Can't you come with me?" The boy asks.
"I'm afraid not bug. But I'll be right here when it's over. You'll be fine Peter. I promise." She gives him a gentle kiss on the forehead before handing him his backpack. "Now go have fun."
Peter follows all the other children into the school, the fear gone knowing that his mom would always be there when he came home...
Peter smiles at the distant memory. The same fear that filled him then seems to be taking over now. It had been a month or so after that day in the lab, and they had all decided it was time Peter went back to school. Mr. Stark had offered to home school him, but Ms. Potts had thought it a good idea to send him to a public school, so he could meet some people his age and maybe make new friends.
Peter slings his old backpack over his shoulder before leaving his room. Stark had offered to buy him all new... everything. New backpack, new clothes, new shoes, and anything else you could think of. But Peter said no, choosing his worn out sneakers and plain backpack. When Stark asked why, Peter had said that he didn't need new things and that it was no big deal. But that wasn't the only reason.
Having his old things with him reminded him of home.
He meets up with Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts in the kitchen, where Pepper is now putting breakfast on the table. Peter takes his seat at the table, and so it begins.
"Hey Pete. You ready for school?" Peter just shrugs in response, using his fork to move his food around the plate. Honestly, he has no appetite at the moment.
"I think someone is nervous." Pepper replies. "You're going to be fine Peter. I promise."
"You'll be fine Peter. I promise" His mother's voice echoes in his mind. He feels as if his emotions might get the better of him, so he slides his chair back and stands to his feet.
"I think I better go. I don't wanna be late."
"I can take you-"
"It's fine Mr. Stark sir. I think I'll just ride the bus. If that's okay with you."
"That's fine, I guess." There's disappointment in the man's eyes, but Peter stands by his decision. He's having a tough day as it is, and right now he just needs a little space.
With that said and done, Peter makes his way to the elevator and out the front doors. He walks the few minutes to the bus stop, just as the bus pulls in. Across the side it reads,
Apparently that's the school Tony and Pepper thought would be best, with Peter's intelligence and love of science. The kid hesitantly boards the bus, walking down the aisle as he looks for an empty seat. Each time he moves to sit, it's the same thing.
"Seats taken"
"Definitely not"
"I don't think so"
Peter's just about to give up when he sees a girl sitting by herself, staring out the window. Peter, being the introvert he is, shyly attempts to get her attention.
"Pardon me, do you mind if I sit here" he says, his accent as thick as it was the day he moved here. She says nothing and she moves her backpack out of the way so Peter could sit next to her. They sit in silence, her reading a book and him simply sitting in silence. That is, until he showed up.
A taller boy with dark hair and an arrogant look on his face moved from his seat to the seat behind Peter. Only, the boy ignored Peter completely and moved his attention to the girl.
"Hey Michelle..." He says, smiling. "So I was wondering if maybe"
"Go away Flash." The girl -Michelle- says in a monotonous voice.
"Oh come on MJ don't be like that." The boy -Flash- begins playing with MJ's long dark hair and MJ snaps.
"Flash I've told you a thousand times. Back. Off." The boy's ego is obviously bruised, so he does what he can think of.
"Oh sure MJ like you don't want me. Every girl does. But of course you would be the freak-"
"Hey buddy why don't you back off?" Peter asks, getting more than a little annoyed. "The girl asked ya to leave her alone, so leave her alone."
Flash just looks at Peter for a moment, taking in the teens small stature, faded baseball cap, and thick accent.
"Just who do you think you are? You may not be from around here, but nobody talks to me that way. Got that?"
"Well all I'm saying is you need to leave the girl alone." Peter replies, standing his ground. Flash just shakes his head before mumbling something under his breath and moving back to his own seat. There's an awkward silence before the girl speaks up.
"Thanks..." she trails off and Peter realizes she has no idea who he is.
"Oh I'm Peter. Peter Parker."
"Michelle Jones."
"Pleasure to meet you Michelle Jones." Peter nods. Michelle takes in his accent, just as Flash had.
"You're not from around here are you?"
"Uh no, I'm afraid not. I'm from Texas." The girl just nods.
"Well thanks again." She says before going back to her book, and the rest of the bus ride is spent in silence.
Peter walks through the front doors before finding the front office and walking inside. The school secretary sits behind her desk, looking bored as she stares at her computer screen.
"Excuse me ma'am..." Peter says quietly at first, but the woman doesn't look up. The teen clears his throat before raising his voice just a little, trying to gain her attention. "Excuse me ma'am. I'm Peter Parker."
The woman looks up from whatever she was doing on her computer to look at the kid.
"Can I help you?" She asks, rather rudely.
"Yes ma'am, I'm the new student. I was told to come here to get my schedule." The woman gives him a strange look as she silently grabs some papers from her desk and hands them over.
"There's your schedule along with your locker number and combination. There's also a map of the school. Will that be all Mr. Parker?" Peter nods.
"Yes ma'am. Thank you." Peter turns to leave when she stops him.
"Mr. Parker?"
"Yes ma'am?"
"Please take off your hat. Its against school policy." Peter had forgotten about the faded blue baseball cap seeing as he always wore it, and was just used to it by now. He nods and takes off his hat, which for some odd reason leaves him feeling vulnerable.
After that he leaves the office and through the hall as he tries find his locker. The halls are buzzing with life as students gather in their cliques, talking as much as they can before class starts.
From the occasional glances and the odd looks from the other students, Peter can tell that this day isn't going to be easy...
Another chapter coming tomorrow! Sorry this ended on a small cliff hanger, but that's part of the fun isn't it? *cue maniacal laugh*
Stay tuned and add this book to your library so you can see when I update (which should be around the same time tomorrow)
I larb you all 3000 my amazing arachnids,
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