Chapter Thirty-One - Control
"Now, your friends are in trouble, you're all alone, your tech is missing. What're you gonna do about it?" Happy finished, Clara cracking the door open a little more to peek out, watching as Peter stood from his chair, a new sense of determination on his face.
"I'm gonna kick his ass." Peter said. A small grin threatening to break out across Clara's lips.
"I mean, right now. Specifically, what are we going to do because with been hovering over a tulip field for the last fifteen minutes."
"Right, um... I can't call my friends because he's tracking their phones. Give me your phone." Peter stepped closer to Happy, motioning for him to hand it over.
"My- My cell phone?" He asked.
"Yeah." Peter frowned, wondering what else Happy could've thought he meant. Happy handed it over. "What's your password?"
Clara took this moment to step out of the cockpit, Peter now in the right head-space for planning their next step. "Password."
"No, what is your password?" Peter reiterated.
"Password – spelled out." Happy repeated, earning questioning glances from the two teenagers.
Clara looked over to Peter. "Didn't you say he was Head of Security?"
"I don't feel good about it either." Happy stated defensively.
Clara got closer, Peter clicking on a livestream from 'SpideyNo1Fan'. When the image loaded, she could see it was Flash on the screen. "'Ello, guv'nor. Fancy a cup-o-tea? I'm going to be in London soon!" Flash said in an over-exaggerated English accent.
"Uh, that's border-line offensive..." Clara mumbled under her breath.
"They're in London." Peter told Happy, the man immediately getting up to begin the flight. "I need a suit!"
"A suit?" Happy repeated, pointing back to him with a knowing smile before raising a hand to push a button on the ceiling. Whirring sounded behind Clara and Peter and they both span to face it.
"Woah." Clara commented, rushing forward to get to the new area before Peter could. She reached out for a holographic screen, her hands burning a bright purple as it grew closer. Clara quickly pulled away as the blue cut out, then watched as it reappeared when she was far enough away. She looked between Peter and Happy with a sheepish smile. "Maybe it'd be best if I stood over here a bit..."
Peter grinned at her in amusement. "Okay, um..." He lifted his hand over the screen. "Bring up everything you have on Spider-Man."
"Oh! Can I have a suit?" Clara interjected, her face lighting up at the prospect. Peter slowly turned her way with a raised eyebrow. "No, you're right, you should go first."
Peter faced the machine again, finding his place. He looked over the different suits from over the years; prototypes and final designs lined up in holograms. "Okay, open that... No, no, no..." He scrolled through the different aspects. He stopped on the web-shooters, slipping his hand in the hologram and wearing it like a glove.
Watching it flicker as Peter twisted to face the wall behind him, Clara dipped away, moving out of the area entirely and peering over from afar. Peter glanced in her direction, seeing Happy watching from the door. "What?"
"Nothing." Happy smiled. "You take care of the suit - I'll take care of the music."
Happy turned, pressing another button before taking his seat. "I love Led Zeppelin!" Peter called out as music started emanating from the speakers around the jet.
Clara raised her eyebrows, her mouth hanging open. "That's a joke, right?"
"What?" Peter asked, the smile on his face fading slightly.
"It's AC/DC..." She told him. "Back in Black...?" He frowned, no sign of recognition. Clara sighed. "Never mind."
She found a seat, the jet starting to move. Clara continued to watch Peter work, fascinated by the moving screens and three-dimensional holograms. She felt left out; Peter seeming as though that was the place he belonged, and all she could do was sit and wait. Clara looked down at her hands, glaring at them. "There must be a way to stop this." She grumbled, clenching and releasing her fists.
She focused on them, wondering if there was a way to draw back the energy rather than having it out in the open for all eyes to see. Clara have never bothered trying before, because up until this trip, it had never been so prominent. "What's up?" Peter asked, noticing the frustration on her expression.
Clara huffed dramatically. "It's annoying me. Don't worry, just carry on with that." She waved him off. Ignoring the motion, he came over, squatting next to her chair, resting his elbows on the arm rests and placing his chin on his hands. "Peter, the suit's more important."
Peter shook his head. "It's okay, it's starting on the base layer; I've got time."
"Peter..." Clara gave him a stern look. Peter looked back up at her, his own face showing earnestness.
"Really, you're fine." He reassured her. "You're just as important."
Blushing, she averted her eyes, trying to shrug off the nervous feeling she got in her stomach when his attention was on her. "It's never happened this much before. I don't know if it's because of the Stark Industries technology or whether I'm getting more sensitive to it, or what." She started. "Maybe there's something in this technology that's different to other's?"
"Hmm... Maybe." Peter considered that thought. "You don't react to my suit though, do you? But then you didn't react in the plane on the way to Italy either... So, maybe it is something in Stark technology."
Clara shook her head, the two becoming off track. "The point is, I want to find a way to make it stop."
"Like get rid of your abilities?" Peter scrunched his eyebrows, knowing it was very unlike Clara to say such a thing. She had never come across as someone that'd see her gifts as a burden.
"No!" Clara replied quickly, shaking her head furiously. "I would never do that. I just meant control them, I guess."
Peter puffed his cheeks, blowing out a blast of air as he pondered the idea. After a few moments of deliberation, he spoke again. "When I first got my powers, I stuck to everything. Like, clothes, hair, toilet paper – though you probably didn't need to know about that last one... Anyway, what I'm trying to get at is to get it to stop, I had to focus on stopping it. Once I figured out how to, it was like second nature."
"So just focus?" Clara frowned dubiously. "I've been doing that and-"
"No, really focus." Peter interrupted. "Block out everything else around you."
Clara gave Peter a look of uncertainty. "I don't think-"
"Just try it." Peter stood up again. "Close your eyes, and just focus."
Clara did as she was asked and closed her eyes. She tried to focus on the warmth surrounding her hands, the wave of energy circling them. The whirr of the jet engines and the music still playing in the background, and the change in lighting as the sun poured through the clouds unevenly drowned out that focus though. Clara peeked one eye open to see Peter folding his arms over his chest. "I can't." She groaned. "It's too loud and the sun keeps hitting my eyes."
"Try again." Peter ordered. Begrudgingly, she did. Clara frowned; when you're thinking about blocking something out, it was hard to not hear what it is that you're blocking out. She heard footsteps move behind her and assumed Peter was going to talk to Happy while she was giving another attempt.
Peter watched Clara close her eyes again, seeing a small frown wrinkle her brow as she struggled to focus. He watched the sunlight dance over her face a few times too, Clara's frown deepening each time it did. He looked down at her hands, her fingers twitching every so often as she urged a change to happen. He moved towards her, trying to take gentle steps until he was behind her.
Clara felt hands rest over her eyes, sitting softly against her face. Peter's fingers brushed her skin and she felt her heart jump in her chest. As her heart pounded that little bit faster, the plane dropped, and she instantly gripped onto the arms rest of her chair. It had only been a second, but she imagined the distance had been great. "Happy, was that you?" Peter asked while knowing what the cause had most likely been.
"Err... No." Happy sounded concerned, the man peering back at the two teenagers through the still-open door. "The engine kind of," he paused, clearing his throat, "it kind of cut out."
Clara's eye's widened, still facing the other end of the plane. "Clara?" Peter asked. "Do you think...?" She nodded slowly, eyeing the still bright purple hands in her lap. "Okay, so that was a bad idea on my part. Let's not do that again."
"What did you say? I can't hear you up here!" Happy called back, thinking Peter had said something to him.
"The plane's fine!" Peter called back. "I scared Clara and she almost killed us!"
Clara turned to face him, trying to bat him on the arm. Peter grinned cheekily, jumping out of her reach just in time. Of course, Peter hadn't scared Clara; she had felt his presence before his hands were within an inch of her and saw the light fading from her vision as he blocked it. She had felt a flutter in her stomach as she waited for Peter to cover her eyes, and only after he had been there for a few seconds, the plane began to drop, her racing heart stopping the wrong kind of energy.
She swallowed nervously. "Okay, so I just have to do the opposite to that."
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